
Monday, June 5, 2017

Chance: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance by Rachel Rise

It's been a long day here in Mommaland with lots of crazy going on, so a glass of wine and some light reading was in order. This evening's choice was Chance, a debut novel by Rachel Rise. I'm always interested in checking out new authors. You never know when you'll find that diamond in the rough, that one that rises to fame and you can say, "Hey, I read their very first book!" I will certainly be interested to see where this promising new author goes from here.

My Rating: 3 out of 5 stars 
The book is well-written in first person, dual POV with chapters alternating between main characters, Nolan and Charity. I would consider this low on steam level. There is some sexy, but it's not overly graphic in detail. By title, it's a bad boy romance, but I wouldn't consider our main character to be a bad boy (explanation to come). It is a second chance romance, but it's a bit of a different take on that angle, which I found interesting. It's a quick read, only about 2 hours read time, and check out that cover! Yummy, right? If he doesn't make you want to take a look at what's inside, I don't know what will!😁

I found myself a bit torn on my feeling for this story. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the book, but there were some elements that bothered me. I did say that I would explain the whole bad boy angle, or lack of, so I'll start there. I often find myself irritated when I see the words bad boy in a book title and then don't find said bad boy in the book. It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine. Typically, when there's a bad boy, I find myself wanting to smack him at least once during the story. I didn't find that at all with Nolan. In fact, I quite liked him. He's rich, sexy, single, and I found him to be an all around good guy. He does play the field, but let's be honest, if he looks anything like the hottie on the cover, there would be no shortage of women available. That, in my opinion, doesn't make him a bad boy, an opportunist maybe, but not a bad boy. He also goes out of his way to not deliberately hurt anyone. He doesn't even come across as ruthless in business. I would've liked to have seen him man-up a bit and go after what he wanted with Charity, but overall, I really liked the character. 

I did have a hard time warming up to Charity. On the one hand, she's a smart, independent woman, but on the other, she hangs on to Thomas for far too long. At one point, it comes across like she's just keeping him around to keep her options open until she decides what she wants. I did start to warm up to her more as the story progressed. By the last quarter of the story Charity started to show some real growth and I found myself rooting for this couple. 

That being said, the author couldn't have picked a better title than Chance. It is a second chance romance, kind of. The pair do meet, seemingly by chance, on more than one occasion and the tension builds a bit more with each meeting. So, it is a bit of a different take on the second chance romance, which I found quite interesting. I love when an author thinks outside the box!

Overall, I did enjoy the story and it is well worth the read. It's a solid start for Rachel Rise and I will be watching for her next release. 

Chance is available in ebook and paperback formats on Amazon and paperback at Barnes & Noble. I'm including the links here for you. 

Thanks for joining me!


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