Thursday, October 12, 2017

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ & Blog Tour & Giveaway for Gone Daddy Gone

Gone Daddy Gone
Sloan Monroe Mysteries #7
by Cheryl Bradshaw
Genre: Crime Mystery, Thriller

From New York Times bestselling author Cheryl Bradshaw: 

A single moment is about to change Sloane Monroe's life forever ...

On an early winter morning, college student Shelby McCoy walks the quiet, snowy path back home. A tree branch snaps in the distance. Then another. A man is there with her, following close behind, whispering her name. She looks back, sees him gaining on her, and runs. Who is this man, and why is he carrying a gun?

*Can easily be read as a standalone!

Momma Says: 4 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Talk about starting out with a bang! The opening chapter of Gone Daddy Gone certainly grabs the attention of the reader and sets up the whodunit for this tale. This is my first read in this series and it is obvious that Sloane has a past, but I had no trouble following the story line. The book is well-written, the characters are interesting, and the pacing keeps the story moving quickly. We also get snippets from the bad guy that are a bit creepy and a nice addition to the story.
While it doesn't take long to figure out the direction of the tale, the details were a surprise - at least to me. I can't speak for those that are familiar with the series. Overall, this mystery pulled me in and held my interest throughout, and the characters are sufficiently interesting to have me looking up earlier books in the series. 


A sound like the cracking of ice startled Shelby. She slowed down and looked around, again seeing nothing and no one. It was early. The sun hadn’t fully risen, and aside from a few park lamps, visibility was poor. Perhaps what she’d heard had been a rabbit or a squirrel. It was possible. Wasn’t it? When the noise rang out a third time she froze, staring in the direction the sound had come from—a thicket of trees beside her.
Hello? Is someone there?”
All was still.
Deciding what she’d heard was nothing more than a tree shaking loose snow from its branches, she shrugged it off and again increased her pace.
The male voice was faint and low, her name spoken in a whisper.
Paul, is that you? What, you’re stalking me now? Where are you hiding? Come out. This isn’t funny.”
There was no reply.
I’m serious, Paul. There’s nothing left to say. Please. You have to stop this, okay? You need to leave me alone.”
            Her instincts kicked in, and she realized the man might have been someone other than Paul. Paul would have presented himself by now, springing out from behind a tree or chucking a snowball in her direction. She slid one of her gloves off and shoved a hand into her pocket, feeling around for the miniature can of mace attached to her keychain. The pepper spray had been a gift from Sloane, her father’s girlfriend. When she’d received it, she laughed, thinking Sloane needed to stop being so paranoid about everything. Besides, she was tough and spirited, capable of taking care of herself. She never thought she’d need it, until today.
Now, gripping it in her hand, she was amazed at how much comfort she felt holding the small canister. She pressed it against her chest, her finger on the trigger. If she needed to use it, she’d be ready.

A New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Bradshaw writes in the genres of mystery, thriller, romantic suspense, and supernatural suspense. To date, she has published almost two dozen novels and novellas, including her New York Times bestselling mystery series based on a sassy, OCD challenged private eye named Sloane Monroe. In 2013, Bradshaw’s fourth novel in the series, Stranger in Town, was a finalist for a Shamus Award, and that same year, book three in the series, I Have a Secret, won best thriller of the year from eFestival of Words. She was raised in California and currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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