Monday, October 23, 2017

✱✱ Book Reviews ✱✱ & ✱✱ Release Blitz ✱✱ for The 7 Series


7 deadly sins...7 romance authors...7 novellas.

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PRIDE by Scott Hildreth
Fisher Knox's pride has him staring down the barrel of a gun to defend a woman he doesn't even know. Little do the assailants know, this wouldn't be the first time Fisher has killed a man.
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Momma Says: 5 out of 5 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

There is a lot of story packed into this novella length read. Right from the start, it's obvious that Fisher is a proud man, but what truly endears him to the reader is the total package. He's respectful, almost to the point of being prudish at times, but when the situation warrants, he has no problem doing what needs done. I loved that he and Anna get to know each other on their journey, and when his oh, so sexy side comes out, there's nothing prudish about it. The banter between Fisher and Anna toward the end was also a fun bonus that added that little something extra to their intimate scene. Overall, the story has a good pace and is an entertaining read. 



GREED by Geri Glenn
He swoops in like a fantasy and steals my heart, but his insatiable greed will ruin us both.


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Momma Says: 4 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

Greed is very dark and certainly describes Reese. Alex thinks she's found the perfect guy - rich, good-looking, and all over her, but Reese is more obsessed with getting what he wants than anything else and he'll go to any length to get it. What he wants is Alex. There are scenes in this one that may be triggers for some and while I wouldn't call this a steamy read, it is sexually explicit and kept me turning pages to see if one horrible man would get his just desserts. 



SLOTH by Max Henry
One fateful night, one stolen kiss, and I’m determined to prove he does care about something … me.

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Momma Says: 5 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Sloth isn't romantic. It's not a hearts and flowers kind of tale. What it is, is dark, twisted, and disturbing. It's a riveting story of abuse, control, betrayal, and obsession. Dallas and April come together under some extreme circumstances and she soon finds out that her savior may very well be her undoing. Their story is a fast-paced, can't catch your breath whirlwind of darkness and lust. Max Henry has a writing style talent for story-telling that catches a reader up quickly and doesn't let go. 



WRATH by Gwyn McNamee
When love is ripped away, wrath invades my soul, blinding my vision and feeding my bloodlust—it feels like coming home.

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Momma Says: 5 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Wrath draws a reader in from the very first line. It's a non-stop, dark and gritty tale that keeps your heart racing to the very end. Konstandin's love for Jade is all-consuming and when she's taken from him, his rage and determination is equally consuming. A story that pits brother against brother in a world where disputes are handled with bloody consequences and you don't dare look away for fear that you'll miss something.
This is my first read by McNamee, but it certainly won't be my last. 



ENVY by Kerri Ann
Seeing it firsthand, feeling their wants, and dealing with the confessions of the fake repentant souls that cross my threshold, it leaves me wanton—envious of their absolution.

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Momma Says: 4 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Envy is gritty and reaches into the depths of darkness inside a man trying to escape his past. The subject matter of Kyden's story is disturbing and twisted and may be objectionable to some. It's a story of a man conflicted by faith and family and searching for redemption, but is there redemption for the darkest parts of the soul? And if not, how far will that darkness push to be released? The answer to that would give spoilers and this one needs to be read spoiler-free. 



LUST by FG Adams
Lust controls every action between us when we meet, a hunger so powerful it consumes us both--until the unthinkable happens and she disappears.
FREE with #KindleUnlimited!


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Momma Says: 4 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This one was a slow starter for me, but once it picked up, it surprised me with its grit. When Savannah and Styx meet, their story is all about lust and the heat level is off the charts. The story takes a heart-wrenching turn for this pair and it's about a different kind of lust - one that doesn't involve romance of any kind. Savannah's journey is a roller coaster ride of emotion and I found myself liking her hero more and more as he steps up to the plate and shows that he's there for her, no matter what. So, while most of this tale is dark, it does give the reader something we could all use more of - hope.



My damnable past follows me everywhere, so I live with one set rule:
Only one thing matters, even if that one thing cost me everything.

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Momma Says: 4 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Another dark and gripping story in the 7 series, Gluttony touches on what happens when we always want more. In Colt's case, he almost has it all until things catch up with him. What follows is a journey to redemption and even love as he finds his way back to the one person who means more than anything else. As disturbing as it is touching, MC Webb has done a fabulous job with this deadly sin, showing that gluttony can be dangerous in any of its forms.


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