Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Release Blitz for Coming Altered (Welcome to Carson, Book Four) by Renee Harless

Title: Coming Altered
Author: Renee Harless
Series: Standalone, Welcome to Carson, Book Four
Genre: Contemporary/Romantic Suspense
Cover Designer: Porcelain Paper Designs

Life can be altered one stitch at a time.

Cassidy Connelly knew from a young age what she wanted to do with her life – play dress up. As the up-and-coming princess of the design world Cassidy takes pride in her creations and wants to make a stamp on the fashion industry. A one night stand that refuses to eject itself from her memory isn’t going to stand in her way. So when she has the chance to design costumes for the hottest band in the world and join them on a six week tour she jumps at the chance. Until her memory becomes reality.
Harlan Jax is living the life of everyone’s dreams. He is the lead guitar player for the worldwide sensation Exoneration and he lives up to his rock god status even though he’d much rather be alone writing songs. Until a bit of writer’s block, a new tour, and a publicity overhaul has Harlan reconsidering his path. That is until a remarkable woman hidden in the corner of a bar inadvertently becomes his new muse when they spend a reckless night together.

What happens when their private life becomes public, threatening the secrets they both hold close to their chests? Can Harlan convince Cassidy that they’re worth the fight? Or will Cassidy lose herself in the alterations of her life.

Order Links:
Amazon US: http://a.co/7USKGuI
Amazon UK: http://amzn.eu/alYRSYw
Amazon CA: http://a.co/27RMVKN
Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B076KTBS7Z
Goodreads: www.tinyurl.com/comingaltered



Excerpt :
THE SHOW IN ATLANTA jump starting their tour is like no other. Besides the fact that the crowd is going crazy for them, having Cassidy watching him from the side of the stage has him performing at top notch.
Sure, he has always been thrilled to perform on stage, it’s like a second home to him, but knowing someone he cares about is watching his performance, he can’t help but want to please them and surpass their expectations.
The lights dim a bit on their second to last song, a ballad type written to have the girls swooning and giving the guys a reason to pull the person they’re with close. Of course, Harlan wrote the song as a teenager for his girlfriend when he wanted to get laid. But the crowd didn’t need to know that.
As the song begins and Ryker’s deep voice sifts out into the arena, Harlan gazes over to where Cassidy stands beside his stand of guitars, watching him with a heated expression as her eyes follow the movements of his fingers. Finally, she looks up to his eyes and they lock onto one another. And in a move even Harlan is unsure about, he begins mouthing the words of the song to her - for her.
But as the song ends the spell is broken by a pair of hot pink, sheer panties that land on Harlan’s arm before sliding down to the ground. He jolts his head angrily towards the crowd looking for the panty culprit, except the stage lights are too bright and he can barely see passed the first row.
Afraid to look back at Cassidy and witness her expression, he slowly cuts his eyes towards her and almost misses the beat in their last song. His beauty, the woman that has him wrapped around her finger, is doubled over in laughter. He smirks as he watches her laugh so hard that she clutches at her stomach and heaves for breaths.
As the final song ends, Harlan’s adrenaline is pumping through his veins, and his blood pounds in his ears. Instead of following the band to the right side of the stage, he heads towards the left, where Cassidy stands. Her eyes widen in surprise as he stalks towards her, glancing around nervously as he gets closer.
But Harlan’s need for her taste is overwhelming, overpowering. With the guitar neck resting in one hand he uses his other hand to cup her jawline, almost forcing her chin to tilt upwards, as he fastens his lips with hers. His tongue presses for entrance into her mouth and she complies. He devours her mouth. Her flavor spiking his adrenaline further.
Before she has the chance to truly react, he turns around and heads back towards the stage for the bands typical encore. He only gazes over at her once and smiles smugly as he finds the dazed expression still residing on her face.
Unfortunately, as the band exits after the encore and instead of heading towards Cassidy, he is swarmed with reporters, security, and fans. His head twists and turns aimlessly seeking her out, but he doesn’t see her anywhere amidst the crowd.
“Anthony! Anthony!” Harlan shouts towards their personal security agent.
The large man parts the crowd like the Red Sea and comes to stand before him.
“Yes, sir?”
“Where is she? Is she ok?”
“I saw Ms. Cassidy to her bus. I didn’t want her to get lost in the group.”
A flood of relief surges over Harlan and his shoulders slouch in respite.
“Good. That’s good. Did she say anything?”
“Not much. Just asked that you all report how the clothes worked for tonight and if someone wanted to bring them to her she could have them stored.”
“Someone?” Harlan asks with a smirk which Anthony returns.
“Yes, sir. Someone.”
“Well, we better get this meet and greet over with so this someone can get Ms. Cassidy her costumes,” Harlan stipulates as he pushes against Anthony wanting to move the crowd along.

About the Author:
Renee Harless is a romance writer with an affinity for wine and a passion for telling a good story. She lives with her husband and children in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Renee studied Communication, specifically Public Relations, at Radford University.

Growing up, Renee always found a way to pursue her creativity. It began by watching endless runs of White Christmas- yes even in the summer – and learning every word and dance from the movie. She could still sing "Sister Sister" if requested. In high school, she joined the show choir and a community theatre group, The Troubadours. After marrying the man of her dreams and moving from her hometown she sought out a different artistic outlet – writing.

To say that Renee is a romance addict would be an understatement. When she isn’t chasing her toddler or preschooler around the house, working her day job, or writing, she jumps head first into a romance novel.

You can connect with Renee here:
Facebook: facebook.com/authorreneeharless
Facebook Reader Group: facebook.com/groups/reneeharlessrisquereaders

Instagram: @Renee_harless
Twitter: @Renee_harless
Snapchat: @Renee_harless
Amazon: www.amazon.com/Renee-Harless/e/B00VAHGAWE
Bookbub: www.bookbub.com/authors/renee-harless
Newsletter: www.reneeharless.com/newsletter

Check Out Renee’s Other Works Here:
The Stone Series:
Stone Shattered (Book One)
Stone Unhinged (Book Two)
Stone Mended (Book Three)

Welcome to Carson Series:
Coming Alive (Book One)
Coming Together (Book Two)
Coming Consumed (Book Three)
Coming Altered (Book Four)

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