
Saturday, February 3, 2018

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ Deadly Lies by Chris Patchell

Deadly Lies
by Chris Patchell

As a teenager, Jill Shannon fell victim to her stepfather’s cruel abuse. Now, as an adult, Jill’s made it—she has a successful career and a solid, if not static, marriage to Detective Alex Shannon. Together they live out what seems to be a perfect life in Seattle.
The vow she made as a teenager to never again be a victim lies dormant—until one day a reporter lures her to his hotel room under the pretense of an interview—and suddenly it all comes rushing back.
Jill seeks revenge on the reporter, triggering a series of events that leads Jill down a wormhole of retribution, forcing her to spin an ever-widening web of lies.
Meanwhile, Alex is on the case of a series of murders that began as cyber relationships. There seems to be a familiar fingerprint on these crimes, but Alex refuses to believe that the murderer could be so close to him.
For those who couldn’t put down The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo comes a thrilling ride a la Mr. and Mrs. Smith, where husband and wife stand on opposite sides of a divide created by lies and rooted in a dark and deadly past.

Deadly Lies is available on Amazon and is listed in Kindle Unlimited

Momma Says: 3.5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This one is a bit of slow build and took me awhile to get into, but I have to say that the more I learned about the characters and their back story, the more my curiosity was piqued about where the story would go. From the beginning, Jill is not a likable character. She's cold and seems to have little regard for others. Of course, it doesn't take long to figure out that we aren't supposed to like her. I was left with a bit of a head scratch about Alex's jumps in logic in his investigation, but it certainly makes for some rising tension. The story is part vigilante/serial killer thriller and part crime drama, and the conclusion kept me turning pages and was certainly a jaw-dropping, I didn't expect that development. I'll be interested to see where it all goes from here. 


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