
Saturday, February 17, 2018

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ The Route by Debolina Mukherjee

The Route
by Debolina Mukherjee

We often pass by the greatest moments of our life without even looking at them twice. But what if you had the time to just stare at things and let things happen as they should?
The Route is a collection of short stories based on the life of a single and pensively independent 30 year old woman living in one of the most dynamic cities of the world. The only thing interesting in her otherwise mundane life is the 3 hours that she spends in a bus commuting from one end of the city to another, everyday. Those hours spent in the horn blaring traffic infested streets of the city, opens up a synchronous world which is as much similar to hers as it is different. 
This book contains the first story from this collection of short stories.

The Route is available on Amazon and is listed in Kindle Unlimited

Momma Says: 3 stars ⭐⭐⭐

How often do we look up from our various electronic devices and really see the people and scenery around us? The Route is a very quick read about one person's daily commute and the homeless family that lives along that route. The story has a bit of a melancholic feel to it, but at the same time it shows us the many ways our lives can be impacted by others when we take the time to notice. The author has a straight forward writing style that draws a reader in and the story is easily read in a few minutes, making it perfect for a quick afternoon break. If anything, it's a bit too short for my tastes, but it is worth the read.


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