I wasn't idle in that time,
though. I earned a degree in engineering, married the love of my life, worked
as a semi- truck driver crisscrossing the country, moved from Texas to
North Dakota and then came back home.
It's been a fun and interesting
journey. I really enjoy engineering, but writing was my first passion, and I'm
excited to share it with you.
I currently live in West Texas
with my wife and our two adorable (but weird) cats.
Connect with the Author here:

Twins Thomas and Ashley Ross have grown up knowing they would be used as Mirrors for the “good” of humanity. When their powers mature at age twelve, they are taken weekly to fulfill their role. By reliving the most heinous crimes from a perpetrators’ perspective, they alone can assure that no innocent people will be executed, and that the worst offenders are not set free due to lack of evidence.
Justice is not without cost, however. Taking on the memories of others is a destructive process, one that quickly consumes the children involved until most take their own lives. As despair threatens to drown Thomas and Ashley, a distant hope keeps them from succumbing: If they can make it to their eighteenth birthday, their contract with the government will be fulfilled. Changing views on the morality of their role threatens to tear them apart, but the twins struggle to cling to each other and try to construct a fragile life above the weekly flood of horrors.
As their work takes it toll, however, a new question emerges: does survival even matter when you’re already broken beyond repair?"

Top Ten
1) Movie: It’s a Wonderful Life--It's amazing how powerfully the
sentiment of "Your life has mattered" resonates.
2) Board Game: Twilight Imperium, 3rd Edition--I love playing board
games, and the more complex the better. Twilight Imperium is a whirlwind of
tactical combat, careful planning, and diplomacy. Definitely not for everyone,
but I absolutely love it.
3) Sports Team: Kansas City Chiefs--I didn't like any sports until I was
in college. My brother-in-law told me that this was because I had no team to
root for and therefore had no investment. Taking up his challenge, I picked one
at random: the Chiefs. It turns out he was right; emotional investment matters!
Now I'm a faithful fan.
4) Book: Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson--I love everything Sanderson
writes, but Way of Kings just blew me away the first time I heard it. My wife
and I were working as a trucking team at the time, and we picked it up as an
audiobook. I listened during my daily shift, and was so enamored with it after
the first time that I went through it again almost immediately. Phenomenal.
5) Season: Winter--I like cold weather, snow, and curling up under the
blankets on a cold evening. I think some of this is that I grew up in Texas
where these things tend to be pretty rare and blazing hot summers are the norm.
Spending two winters in North Dakota didn't cure this fascination with winter,
though, so I'm probably just a little strange.
6) Band: Queen--No logic here, I just love their music. Also, Freddy
Mercury could sing.
7) Vacation Spot: Ruidoso, NM--It's only a few hours away, the weather
is nice and cool, and it's where my wife and I went on our honeymoon. We try to
go once a year.
8) Restaurant: Babe’s Chicken Dinner House in DFW.--I love a good
chicken fried steak, and they make the best. Their fried chicken's fantastic
too. If we're driving to, through, or near Dallas/Fort Worth, we'll be stopping
at a Babe's.
9) Favorite TV Show: I Love Lucy--The first time I remember seeing
Lucille Ball's work was on a tribute show shortly after she had died. I watched
that with my step-mother, and we laughed together at each clip. It hooked me
instantly, and never let go.
10) Favorite Dessert: My wife’s chocolate cake--Seriously, it's
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