Monday, March 19, 2018

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ RELEASE BLITZ for Breaking the Rules by C.J. LYNNE


Book Title: Breaking the Rules (Infinity series #3)

Author: C. J. Lynne

Publisher: Self-published

Cover Artist: C. J. Lynne

Genre/s: LGBTQ, Romance, Erotic. 

Length: 101 000 words/234 print pages.

It can be read as a standalone story.


Two self-assured men are about to find out what happens when they come face-to-face with what neither realizes they’re searching for…each other.

Ben Jameson is a very successful club owner who likes things the way he likes them.  He tried the serious relationship routine a few years ago, and that ended badly. Since then, he’s put in place carefully-constructed rules that he steadfastly lives by:  Work hard, treat people fairly and absolutely no fooling around with his employees—ever.  However, when his new head bartender waltzes into his life, Ben finds it nearly impossible to deny his attraction to the carefree, handsome man who makes him want to shatter his own rules, take a walk on the wild side, and live a little…if he dares.

Jared Jensen has moved to California from Chicago seeking a brand new start.   In Chicago, he left behind an unsettling situation that caused monumental upheaval in his life.  The very last thing on his mind is getting involved with anyone…but then he meets Ben Jameson, and all bets are off.  Not even the fact that Ben is his new boss can deter Jared from honing in on the gorgeously frustrating man who’s determined to keep their relationship on a strictly professional level.

As resolute as Ben is to keep Jared at arms’ length, Jared’s doubly focused on getting Ben to acknowledge—and surrender to–the palpable lust exploding between them.  All he wants is a chance to show Ben how good they can be together…and he won’t rest until Ben breaks his ridiculous rules and grabs the unexpected chance they’ve both been given to find a love unlike any other.

What Jared doesn’t count on, though, is his past coming back to savagely bite him, just as Ben decides to give their relationship a chance.   An impossible decision soon looms before Jared: Will he have to leave the one man who means everything to him in order to keep him safe?


Momma Says: 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

I've enjoyed all the characters in this series, but Ben and Jared are my favorite couple so far. Their banter and Jared's plan of action for convincing Ben to break his rules made for some chuckle worthy moments in the story. This one, like the others, is a bit longer than I felt necessary, but we get a bit of suspense and danger to keep things moving. There is a light bit of angst off and on, but issues are resolved quickly as they arise with the exception of the suspense that starts with Jared's reason for moving to California and progresses from there. Each book in the series can be read as a standalone, but we do get peeks at past couples and I can't imagine meeting them and not wanting to know more. The fantastic characters in this series are one of my favorite things about it. They're all witty and absolutely adorable. All in all, another entertaining and sexy read in the Infinity series.



  Ben’s eyes widened and he rushed to the desk to look at the perfectly balanced spreadsheets with awe.  “Fuck me, you did it.”
“Of course, I did,” I said with contrived offense. “I told you I would.”
“Yeah you fucking did.” He grinned and slapped me hard on the back as I stood.  “Thanks, Jared. Shit, you saved my sanity.”
“Welcome,” I responded returning his grin.  Stretching my hands over my head I asked, “Now how about our drink?”
“It’s on me,” Ben said, walking to the door and holding it open for me.
“That’s very generous of you considering you own the club,” I said and he laughed.
He winked at me and assured, “I’m a generous kind of a guy.”
I didn’t disagree with that assessment one little bit.  I’d seen how kind and compassionate he was since I’d started working here.   Granted that was only one night, but everyone I’d met tonight who worked at Infinity loved him. I hadn’t heard one bad word said about him, and in an establishment this large, that was saying something.
“Mmm, then you won’t object to my opening a bottle of Dom Perignon to celebrate?”
I expected him to tell me I was out of my mind suggesting popping the cork on such a ridiculously expensive bottle of champagne for just the two of us, but without missing a beat, he shrugged and said, “Sounds like a wonderful idea to me.”
When we reached the now-empty bar and club, I lifted the bar pass to retrieve the champagne.  Once I’d uncorked it and poured us both a flute, I returned to sit beside Ben. Lifting my glass in a toast I said, “To your books being balanced.”
“I’ll fucking drink to that,” he said, relief evident in his voice as he clinked his glass with mine before taking a long drink.  “Mmm, that’s good.”
“Yes, it is,” I agreed after sampling my drink.  
“Thank you again, Jared, for your help.”
“I was happy to do it,” I assured, refilling both of our glasses.
We sipped our champagne enjoying the quietness of the usually buzzing environment…and I dared to think, each other’s company.  I know I was relishing sitting here with Ben, sharing a drink, watching him unwind. As I lifted the bottle to refill our glasses, my eyes encountered his heated ones and I placed the champagne back onto the bar before I dropped it.  Damn, the look he’s giving me is…fucking potent.“Why are you staring at me like that?” I asked with a tilt of my head, barely able to contain myself while I waited for his answer.
“Your eyes are…” his voice trailed off as he searched for words.
“What?” I prompted raising my glass to my lips.  I nearly choked on the sip of champagne I’d taken when his eyes dropped to my mouth and he—shit—licked his lips like he was thinking of—
“So incredible,” he finished, reaching out a hand to lightly touch the side of my face as he stared at me with hungry eyes.  “You are—”
“Please, don’t stop…especially if you’re about to flatter me some more,” I joked with a crooked grin.
He shook his head, chuckled and gripped my chin between his thumb and forefinger.  “You are such a smartass.”
I leaned closer and agreed, “Guilty.”
“I want…”  His thumb caressed my chin, his light touch igniting a blaze of need in the pit of my stomach.
“Take whatever you want from me, Ben,” I seriously told him, waiting with baited breath to see if he would.  

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  About the Author  

C.J. is first and foremost an avid reader of romance.  Nothing is better than watching two strong-willed people meet, connect and work through personal challenges while fighting to overcome internal and external obstacles to be together.  

C.J. is a southerner who believes that love is love, and if you’re ever lucky enough to find it, you should hold onto it with both hands and feet.  

C.J. writes love stories filled with emotion and hopes you—the reader—will enjoy them as much as C.J. enjoys creating them. C.J. writes M/M romances with heart and heat.  She believes that love is love and if you’re ever lucky enough to find it, you should hold onto it with both hands and feet.  

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