Thursday, March 1, 2018

EXCERPT REVEAL: Night of the Wild Stags by Golden Angel

Fantasy Landscape. Mysterious Old Forest

Need a taste of Night of the Wild Stags by Golden Angel? 
This reverse harem shifter romance is off-the-charts HOT... 
Go on, don't be shy!


Alec wouldn’t even let her help. He sat her down at the counter, got her a glass of water, and made her a sandwich, chattering to her about the cabin and his brother and cousins the entire time. Apparently Dorian had gone to check out the property, the way he always did when they first arrived, making sure there had been no intruders while they were away and everything looked normal. Gavin was also napping, although he had shifted form and gone outside to his favorite place to do so, and Riley was in the garage tinkering with ‘something.’ Alec didn’t seem very interested in exactly what his brother was doing, but Kiara felt her curiosity rising. If she had a besetting sin, it was surely her desire to always want to ‘know.’
Which was how she ended up asking Alec questions she hadn’t intended to ask as they ate their sandwiches. He had seated himself beside her after preparing their food and his elbow kept brushing hers as they ate. The light touch was distracting, but in a pleasant way. There were little tingles in her stomach that didn’t seem to have anything to do with her hunger, because they kept increasing rather than going away as she ate.
“So… Jesse told me some things about deer herds, like you and your brother and cousins…” she said, her voice trailing off. She blushed as Alec looked up to meet her gaze, his own expression open and friendly. Since Jesse hadn’t known for sure, Kiara figured her ignorance might not be too strange even though she was a deer too. Pudu deer and red deer were obviously different. “Um… she said… that you might mate… um…”
“As a herd?” Alec asked, prompting her. Kiara felt her face flush bright red but she couldn’t help it. She wanted to know the answer, so she nodded. Alec winked at her cheekily. “Yes, I’m pretty sure we will.”
The immediate feeling of jealousy rushing through her was startling, but Kiara pushed it away. Her doe made an odd growling noise in her head.
“How will you know when you’ve found her?” she asked. The tingles in her stomach had finally disappeared and had been replaced by an odd sinking feeling. Jesse had explained that some shifters found their ‘fated mate’ and their animals supposedly knew immediately when they’d found each other. Although Jesse hadn’t experienced it, one of her mate’s siblings had. Other shifters fell in love and claimed each other, usually using a bite… but Jesse hadn’t been sure what a deer herd mating would look like. She hadn’t known anything about them at all.
“Weeell…” Alec drawled out the word, setting down the quarter of a sandwich he hadn’t already devoured. He swiveled on his stool until he was facing her, leaning one elbow against the counter, placing the other on the back of her stool. Kiara felt breathless as he basically caged her in, but not with fear… her pulse was starting to race, and her lungs were tightening, but in a good way somehow. She felt her eyes widening as he leaned in towards her, his voice lowering to a seductive murmur that had her leaning in closer as well, so she could hear him better. “For one, we’d all have to be attracted to her. Our stags would have to be attracted to her as well. We’d want to get to know her. To court her. Show her what life with us could be like. And then when the time came, we’d claim her the way deer shifters do.”
Kiara was beginning to feel dizzy she was so breathless. Leaning in closer to Alec, he leaned in towards her as well, and she thought he might kiss her at any moment. Some part of her was screaming out a warning, saying she should pull back now, insisting this was a terrible idea and not to fall for his lines, but the rest of her just wanted this moment. This one moment, even if it never happened again when she felt like the heroine in the books she loved so much, where she felt desirable, and hopeful, like anything could happen, and happily-ever-afters were possible.
“How do deer shifters claim their mates?” She whispered the question, because she couldn’t get enough air in her lungs to be any louder, and she didn’t need to be anyway with how close Alec was to her.
His gaze dropped to her lips. “Well, it would start with something like this.”
Then he leaned in and kissed her.


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Kiara Arrio is on the run and dying when four tall, dark, and gorgeous strangers find her in a crumpled heap along the road to the hospital she was desperately trying to reach.
The small herd of stag shifters are immediately drawn to the injured woman, taking over her care as she recovers from her illness. They're entranced by Kiara's strength, her sass, and her sweetness, and do their best to woo her, hoping to claim her for their own.
There's just one problem: Kiara already has a mate. And she certainly didn't run away from one only to find herself with four more.
Night of the Wild Stags is a steamy standalone shifter Reverse Harem Romance, HEA guaranteed, set in Golden Angel's Big Bad Bunnies world. It is not part of the BBB main story line and it is not necessary to read the BBB series in order to read this book.


About Angel
Angel is a self-described bibliophile with a "kinky" bent who loves to write stories for the characters in her head. If she didn't get them out, she's pretty sure she'd go just a little crazy.
She is happily married, old enough to know better but still too young to care, and a big fan of happily-ever-afters, strong heroes and heroines, and sizzling chemistry.
She believes the world is a better place when there's a little magic in it.

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