Friday, March 2, 2018

Shadow World Trilogy Tour and Giveaway

Shadow World Trilogy Boxed Set
by Brandy Nacole
Genre: Urban Fantasy
801 pages

I must dare to be different in a world where I’m unwelcome in order to save the one person left in my life, my half-sister Addie. 

This deluxe boxed set contains the complete Bestselling Shadow World Trilogy (Uniquely Unwelcome, Blood Burdens, and Sacrifice: A New Dawn). 
Enjoy the thrill as power is pushed to its limit, hearts are broken, and some pay the ultimate price as Racquel fights an ancient evil that is determined to make the Earth bleed, and Racquel with it.

The box set includes:

Uniquely Unwelcome
The Shadow World Volume 1

Racquel is unique. The bloodlines of four of the most powerful beings in the Shadow World are intertwined within her DNA. She has never craved attention. She just wants to be able to live as normal life as she can. But she's about to find that even though she's uniquely unwelcome wherever she goes, her abilities also make her the best chance the Shadow World has to stop a threat to all the Shadow races. Once arriving home, Racquel finds that greater evils exist and that the person she cares for most in this world, her half-sister Addie, has been kidnapped along with other Shadow World beings. Racquel finds herself facing horrible odds with those who would rather see her dead than alive. As her journey continues, Racquel learns more about herself, what she is capable of, and that not every being looks at her as an abomination. Coy, a human captive that Racquel saves from the Vampires, starts showing kindness toward her. Racquel tries putting distance between her and the human boy but as they spend more time together it becomes harder and harder for Racquel to fight the affection she wants and needs. But will Coy's friendship and her new found discoveries be enough to help Racquel unravel the strangest mystery that has ever plagued the Shadow World?

Blood Burdens
The Shadow World Trilogy Volume 2

As someone with four Shadow bloodlines, Racquel is uniquely unwelcome even among her fellow werewolves, shape-shifters, vampires, and witches. Growing up, she was bullied and tormented for being a “hybrid,” a condition frowned upon by Shadow society. After saving her sister and a number of other kidnapped Shadows from a diabolical plot to create a Shadow army, many have found a new respect for Racquel, but she is far from accepted in Shadow society, and the evil is far from over. To complicate matters, Racquel now finds herself torn between two brothers. Coy is caring and has helped Racquel through her struggles, and Micah, who Racquel has only met once but who is somehow, having dream conversations with him. Racquel becomes torn between following her heart while breaking it at the same time. In the second installment of the Shadow World series, Racquel and her sister Addie face off with the Shadow leaders against a threat that could bring the world to its knees. Power will be pushed to its limit, hearts will be broken, and some will pay the ultimate price as Racquel and her group of Shadows fight against an ancient evil that is determined to make the earth bleed and Racquel with it.

Sacrifice: A New Dawn
The Shadow World Trilogy Book 3

Racquel was once uniquely unwelcome, an outcast in both the human and Shadow worlds. In desperation, the Shadows—the loose alliance of Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Shape Shifters and Faeries—turned to Racquel for help against the sorceress Cerelia, who threatened all Shadows. Now that Racquel has protected the Shadows by defeating Cerelia, it seems like things are picking up. Racquel is ready to challenge the Shadows’ Ruling Council on the injustice of the laws that made her and her family outcasts among the Shadows, and which is causing suffering among her friends. Racquel has little time to enjoy her victory. Micah, an innocent subjected to experiments by Cerelia and now the only other person in the world like Racquel, is summoned to appear before the Ruling Council to be examined. The Council has already warned that if Micah is deemed to be “unclean” and a threat to the Shadows, he will be executed. And there are agendas hidden in agendas, as well. A secret faction wants to challenge Racquel, who they still see as being an unclean creature due to her mixed-Shadow heritage. Worse still, the mysterious prophecy made by Kaya, queen of the Fay, is about to become true, and Racquel is about to be faced with her deepest fear: that she is still unwelcome in the world. Betrayed trust and a new danger to the Shadow world are waiting for Racquel, and in the end, she may have to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to save the world and her friends from destruction.

Chapter One:

I often wonder if my great grandparents could see the torture I am enduring now, would they still have married? I would like to think not. Who would want to put their own flesh and blood through such humiliation and pain? I wouldn’t.
The ropes around my wrists cut and pinch my skin, causing blood to drip down the frayed rope and onto the ground. I try again to pull against their hold, hoping to break them so I can run, but it does no good. The pain is bearable, but not by much.
Let’s see how she likes this.”
Irving, the vampire dick who captured me scavenging through the woods for food, unravels a whip. I want to scream, beg, and plead for them to show some mercy, but it wouldn’t do any good. These bastards are in this for the thrill and giving them what they want, to see me weak, isn’t going to happen when I know it will do me no good.
Ravyn runs her black manicured nails up Irving’s arms and across his shoulders, her eyes dancing with delight as she looks at me.
You know I could do so much more,” she pouts in Irving’s ear.
I narrow my eyes, seeing as it’s the only thing I can do, and bite my tongue. I want to tell the witch to go to Hell, but she’d enjoy that too much. From the moment I was dragged through the gates of their little village, her blue eyes have shown with hatred and maliciousness. They hate me, and although the law keeps them from killing me, it doesn’t keep them from having a little fun. What they consider fun anyway.
You had your fun earlier,” Irving hisses. “Now it’s my turn.”
Oh yes, the air being shoved against my chest until I couldn’t breathe had been a blast. Let’s do it again.
Irving steps forward, his grip tight on the black leather whip, and his black eyes trained on me. The crowd cheers him on as he unravels the whip from his grip and lets it fall to his side, preparing it for use. I do my best to mask my fear, it will spur them on if I don’t, but I know it’s there. I can’t help it.
Irving brings the whip up and I close my eyes, bracing for the impact. The sound of whip cracks, and I jerk, waiting for the sting. But instead of the sting from his leather whip, I feel the bite of the leather seat in front of me as I dig my fingers out from it. God, I hate reliving those horrid memories. First time around was enough.
Taking a deep breath and setting back against my seat, I cringe at the torn leather in front of me and hope I can get off the bus before anyone notices. At least I didn’t scream this time. 
I glance out the window to see where we are and am surprised to see we’ve already arrived in Cloverville, Va. My hometown. As it turns out, you can always return home, true, but it doesn’t mean you will be welcomed. Sorry gramps and grams, there was no such luck like you had hoped here in Cloverville.
The bus comes to a staggering, brake squealing stop right in downtown. No one makes a move to get off the bus and I begin to wonder why the driver stopped, when he rises from his seat and starts my way. His uniform is snug, the buttons almost popping over his pudgy belly. Sweat beads on his balding head and I can hear his heart racing faster with every step he takes toward me.
I know he is coming to talk to me. I’m the only one sitting near the back. Funny that I was the last one on the bus, but when I first sat down I had neighboring passengers all around me. Now, they all are sitting toward the front. It’s no real surprise. The witches who had been sitting in the seat next to me had no problem showing their disgust once I took my seat. They were quick to get up and move to the front. It was the humans that slowly started easing toward the front during the long drive from Nashville.
When the driver is a few feet from me, he stops and raises his hands as if I’m a hostile passenger. “Excuse me ma’am, I believe this is your stop.”
Glancing out the window again and seeing the hustle and bustle of civilians and Shadows going about their day, I look back to the driver and shake my head. “I’m getting off at Red Tree Street.”
He wipes the sweat from his forehead. “I’m sorry Miss, but this is the only stop in town. We had to cut back on stops due to economic reasons. There is no stop near Red Tree anymore.” His voice shakes from his nervousness, a reaction Shadows often get from humans – especially me. It’s as if their sixth sense is kicking in just a bit to let them know something isn’t right. It’s not that our appearances are different. We each look human, our supernatural abilities well maintained and hidden.
What gives me away, are my eyes. Most Shadows have a natural shade of eye color, which helps them blend in with the humans. Not me. Mine are pearly silver, outlined by darker silver, with dark purple pupils that sets the silver off. My long black hair gives it that final pop that screams she isn’t normal. 
Mumbling my thanks, I reach down to gather my stuff. By the time I get to my feet, the driver has already scurried back to the front, buckled his seat belt, and is anxiously waiting for my departure.
Each step toward the door is agony. Was it ever my plan to come back to this godforsaken town? Never. I know what’s going to happen the moment I step off this bus. Foot traffic will stop, eyes will turn, and accusations will begin. Welcome home, Racquel. 
As I pass the other passengers, most turn to look out the window and ignore me all together. However, there are a few who give me the stank eye as I pass, and what sounds like a good farewell back to Hell. How classy.
It’s funny. I’ve prepared myself for the last two weeks. Kept telling myself this is the best thing for me and that it would all work out somehow. I was fine. But the moment my feet hit the asphalt and the bus doors squeak shut behind me, unease hits hard. It could be due to the glares and gasps of shock. But I expected that.
The truth. I’m a failure. When I left home last year, I had every intention never to set foot in this town again. But after a few beatings and almost starving to death, I realized my journey was pointless and had no choice but to return here. It’s all I’ve ever known, even if all I’ve ever known is hatred.
Whispers reign all around me as I make my way past group after group of Shadows now gathering to gossip.
Screw them and their pure blood. 

Gemini Brandy Nacole is a writer of urban fantasy and paranormal books published by Ponahakeola Press. A reader from a young age, Brandy has always loved folklore and stories of beings that go bump in the night.

Whenever she’s not reading or writing, Brandy is spending time with her family and friends, throwing around crazy ideas, teaching, and singing like a rock star at a concert for no one else but herself. She loves plants, but unfortunately is a killer of anything that requires water but can’t voice (scream) their needs.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!

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