Friday, April 13, 2018

Cover Reveal for Falling Through Darkness by Kira Berger

Title: Falling Through Darkness
Author: Kira Berger
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Cover Design: Kellie Dennis, Book Cover by Design
Photo: Dave Kelley
Models: Alanna Rae Cañez & Cory M Kuehn
Release Date: May 4, 2018


One bad decision changed my life irrevocably.
One night shattered it completely.

Moving to another country was supposed to be a fresh start for me, an escape from my past. A way to heal and live my life. I promised them to find happiness. What I wasn’t supposed to find was him. Dark, handsome, and irresistible.

He wasn’t supposed to break through the walls around my heart. But I wasn’t strong enough to resist.

For a minute, I was happy. But the clutches of my past will never let me go. The evil shrouding my past in darkness has finally found me.

I need to fight it—for him and them. Even if that means letting go of the light.




Words keep flitting through my mind on an endless loop, trying to pull me into the darkness hovering on the fringes of my mind. It would be easy, so easy to let go. To give in, give up…
Stop the endless fighting.
What’s the point anyway?
This time I won’t get out alive. Last time was messy. This time is meticulously planned. The intention clear, I was not to make it out of here alive.
I have always known this would happen and yet, I’ve given in to hope, to love, to the idea of a new beginning for someone like me… Boy, was I wrong.
One name among thousands, but the only thing keeping me sane right now. I should have never given in; I should have been stronger.
But he wore me down. It wasn’t just his looks—even though his resemblance to a Viking god sure helped. Tall and muscular with blue eyes reminiscent of the Australian ocean, or a mountain lake, with his clear and honest stare. The one thing that made me fall hard and fast was his smile. The prefect reflection of who he is—charming, strong, honest, and wickedly funny.
He was the first person who was able to make me genuinely smile with true joy after months of going through the motions.
He made me feel alive again. And now I’ve lost it all… and he doesn’t even know how much he means to me. My last words to him being the cruelest I ever uttered. It’s a good thing I won’t have to live long with myself after what I’ve done.
I picture his face in all its glorious detail. I want the last thoughts I have be of the best thing that’s ever happened to me. The one who healed me, taught me to love, gave me strength to fight, and always believed in me.
The one who taught me how to fly.
While I picture the love of my life holding me in his arms, the door opens slowly and in walks my worst nightmare. I don’t try to fight my restraints. I already did, and there is no way to get out of these handcuffs.
Instead, I keep hold of my saving grace while my grim reaper walks toward me.
I concentrate on how Duncan’s lips felt against mine, how he worshiped my body, my scars.
I tune out the sound of the gun being cocked. I always hoped my ending, when it came, would be quick and painless—at least I will be given that.
I keep my eyes closed and my mind firmly in my fantasy, where I’m loved and happy, and not in this dark and empty prison.
Briefly, I wonder if anyone will ever find my body or if they will have to bury an empty coffin.
Suddenly, my chin is grabbed in a painful and unforgiving hold.
“Did you actually think you’d get away this easily? You fucking bitch, you ruined my life! I was going to have it all before you had to go and fucking leave!”
The pain in my jaw forces my eyes open. They collide with eyes, the deepest brown they look black, staring back at me. But none of the warmth I’ve seen before is present right now. All I see is an abyss of hatred, madness, and cold determination.
I guess it won’t be quick after all. I close my eyes again. Hoping against hope for peace.
“Ah no, darling. You don’t want to miss what comes next. I have plans for you. And I need you present to enjoy them.”
A menacing smile spreads across the face in front of me.
“Let’s have some fun…”

ãKira Berger

Author Bio

Kira Berger is a child of the world with a severe case of wanderlust. She’s lived in both North America and Europe. Currently, she’s living in London and enjoys everything the diverse city has to offer.

She’s always been a dreamer and closet romantic. And after obtaining her MA in English and Publishing, she finally decided to bring the stories floating around in her head and distracting her from real life onto paper.

If she’s not writing or working – which is pretty much most of the time – she can be found reading, traveling all over the world to visit friends, cuddle with her cat, or ride on the back of her horse through the countryside, preferably during the winter months.

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