Monday, May 28, 2018

Blog Tour: Girls of the Great War by Freda Lightfoot

Girls of the Great War
bu Freda Lightfoot

Cecily Hanson longs to live life on her own terms—to leave the shadow of her overbearing mother and marry her childhood sweetheart once he returns from the Great War. But when her fiancĂ© is lost at sea, this future is shattered. Looking for meaning again, she decides to perform for the troops in France.

Life on the front line is both rewarding and terrifying, and Cecily soon finds herself more involved—and more in danger—than she ever thought possible. And her family has followed her to France. Her sister, Merryn, has fallen for a young drummer whose charm hides a dark side, while their mother, Queenie—a faded star of the stage tormented by her own secret heartache—seems set on a path of self-destruction.

As the war draws to a close and their hopes turn once again to the future, Cecily and Merryn are more determined than ever to unravel the truth about their mother’s past: what has she been hiding from them—and why?

Please tell us a little about yourself.
Born in Lancashire I was an only child who never lost my imagination, and scribbled stories in little red notebooks. Writing was considered an exotic ambition so I qualified and worked as a teacher before getting married and moving to the Lake District. I opened a book shop thinking I could mind my children, augment our income and in between customers write a novel. Such was my dream. I loved having access to books, but supplying libraries and schools, I had less time to read let alone write. In the wee small hours, I would scribble away, although rarely did I send anything out, until I sold the shop and started writing short stories and articles for women’s magazines. Then successfully sold my first novels.

What are your hobbies/interests?
I enjoy reading, walking, gardening, attending shows at a theatre, and have enjoyed conferences in the UK and the US over many years.

Books or movies – which do you prefer? Do you have a favorite?
I love historical fiction. As a young girl I read everything published by Anya Seton, Jean Plaidy and Norah Loft. Now I enjoy Judith Lennox, Lucinda Riley, Leah Fleming, Amanda Prowse, Janet Macleod Trotter and many other authors we discuss on my Readers group on Facebook.

If you could meet one famous person, past or present, who would it be and why?
I’d certainly like to have met the characters from my books, plus the many famous performers such as Harry Lauder, Miss Vesta Tilley, Gertie Gitana who worked in the Great War.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
I’m hopeless at maths, but have thankfully always been good at reading and writing.

What inspired you to write Girls of the Great War?
Having been involved in amateur dramatics in my younger days, which is where I met my beloved husband, gave me the inspiration to write about performers in the Great War. Having lost the love of her life, Cecily made the decision to support the soldiers by performing for them.

What is your favorite part of the writing/publishing process?
Writing historical fiction, romance and sagas, plus working with a good editor such as Victoria Pepe.

What is your least favorite part of the writing/publishing process?
Writing too quickly. It takes me more time now because of my age, but have no intention to retire.

If you could thank one person who has inspired/helped you along this path, who would it be?
My wonderful agent, Amanda Preston of the LBA Agency for her faith in me.

Any advice for aspiring authors?

Always have faith in yourself, keep writing, and edit, edit, edit.

I was born in a small mill town in Lancashire. My mother comes from generations of weavers, and my father was a shoe-repairer. I still remember the first pair of clogs he made for me. After several years of teaching, I opened a bookshop in Kendal, Cumbria. And while living in the rural Lakeland Fells, rearing sheep and hens, I turned to writing. I wrote over fifty articles and short stories for magazines such as My Weekly and Woman’s Realm, before finding my vocation as a novelist and became a Sunday Times Bestselling author. I’ve now written over forty-eight novels, mostly sagas and historical fiction, my three latest books, including Girls of the Great War, out in May are published by Amazon Lake Union. I spend warm winters living in Spain, and the rainy summers in Britain.

Twitter: @fredalightfoot
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Make sure to follow the whole tour—the more posts you visit throughout, the more chances you’ll get to enter the giveaway. The tour dates are here:

Blog tour organized by Writer Marketing Services.

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