Sunday, May 6, 2018

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ Phillipe by Becca Fanning

Big Easy Bears Book 5
by Becca Fanning 

A few more months. That’s all Phillipe needs in order to save enough money and get out of town, start over in Montana with his best friend. But what Phillipe didn’t plan on was falling in love with his best friend’s younger sister. The more Phillipe gets closer to Brigid, the more complex his life becomes. And his life is already very complex. 

All Phillipe wants is a fresh start, a place where everything he does and sees doesn’t remind him of his horrible childhood, how his parents condemned him as being cursed instead of recognizing what he was. A werebear. And his best friend Patrick has always been there for him, as equally a black sheep in his family. But what makes their friendship even more interesting is that Patrick is a werewolf. For ten years they had made this plan to leave town together, but now Phillipe wonders if he can really leave Brigid behind. 

Both lovers have things they are hiding as they get closer to each other. But Phillipe wonders if Brigid has a drug problem as he finds needles in her trash can and overhears her on the phone with someone who needs more money from her. Since Phillipe knew the relationship wouldn’t last, he pushes Brigid away and soon she finds herself in danger. It takes Brigid being sent to the hospital for the two to finally discover their love for each other, and the truth behind all the secrets they’ve been hiding. 

Momma Says: 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

Reading this final book in the Big Easy Bears series was a little bittersweet for me. I've grown attached to these lovable bears and they've become more like friends that visit from time to time than characters in a story. Phillipe is just one more reason to love this series. There's just something about this big, brooding bear that makes a reader want to see him find his happy ever after. Secrets and trust issues give us the angst in this one, and both Phillipe and Brigid have some things to work through on the way to realizing that real love is worth it. The book has a steady pace and we get to catch up with some past favorites along the way. All in all, Phillipe is another great addition to the series and a sweet way to say goodbye to these wonderful bears. 

❃❃Start the Big Easy Bears series from the beginning❃❃

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