Thursday, May 17, 2018

Sweet Desire Wicked Fate Tour and Giveaway

Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate
Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate Book 1
by Wray Ardan
Genre: YA Romantic Fantasy Thriller

Discovering long lost relatives can be a real nightmare. Do you know who or what you're related to?

Jaden Lisette never imagined she might not live through the month to see her sixteenth birthday, or that befriending reclusive triplets and a mentally challenged man could be her only chance of survival. Days after coming to Louisiana, Jaden falls for the irresistible Briz Nolan. Then she falls into a living nightmare when she discovers a side of her family that she never knew existed. Once she uncovers her family's deadly secret, Jaden is forced into a world she could only imagine in horror movies. There's nowhere to run. To survive, she must kill.

Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate is the first book in a YA romance, fantasy, thriller trilogy that is filled with danger, humor, and the intoxicating passion of first love.

Family. Until now Jaden had done her best to hold onto the comforting idea that family meant something. That you supported one another and cared about each other.
“Get over it, Jaden. Stop acting all broken-hearted.”
Crossing her arms over her chest, Jaden glanced at her sister. Ava was punching buttons on the car radio with one hand and steering with the other. Music blasted as they swerved off the pavement skirting a section of the bayou onto a dirt road. Jaden watched it stretching in front of them like an open wound, slicing through the remains of a sugar cane field and ending at Guyon Manor, the old plantation house they’d inherited.
Tears welled in her eyes. She knew she cried too easily. She’d never seen Ava cry. Ever.
Jaden considered Ava’s words. “Broken-hearted.” Her sister was seventeen but still clueless. What Jaden felt was not a broken heart. It was the broken bond between siblings. But then, how could a sisterly bond be broken when it had never even existed?
Ava started in on her again. “Don’t be all pissed off at Briz. No guy’s ever going to be interested in you,” she smirked. “You’re a joke. An immature goodie good. Or is it all an act?”
Jaden knew that Ava wielded sexuality like a sword. It was her weapon of choice to successfully maneuver through life, to gain power over men and the rest of the world. Why would today be any different?
“Oh yeah,” Jaden replied, “I’m really just like you, an evil back-stabbing baboon-faced princess!”
Baboon-faced princess; Jaden hadn’t called her sister that in years. She was fifteen. Couldn’t she have come up with something better? Anyway, it set Ava off.
“Get out of the car!” Ava’s hollering drowned out the screeching brakes.
“No way,” Jaden snapped, but she didn’t shout. She knew she’d already sent her sister into Ava mode.
“Don’t say no to me.” Ava punched Jaden’s arm.
“Is that what you said to Briz before you had sex with him?”
“He wanted it. He was practically begging me.” She shoved Jaden toward the door. “Now get out!
“Stop it!” Jaden looked at the approaching storm clouds, then glared at Ava. “I’m not walking anywhere.”
“Get out now! I don’t want to see your ugly face anymore.” She gave Jaden another shove. “Why don’t you make us all happy and disappear? Or better yet, drop dead!”
Jaden climbed out of the car to escape her sister’s malice. She slammed the door and jumped back as Ava sped off, tires throwing bits of dirt at her—tiny stones stinging of hurt and rejection. Drawing her hands over her face, Jaden wiped away the summer heat along with her tears and searched her mind for reasons why Ava hated her so much. She answered her own question.
I was born.

Imagine Jade Gone
Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate Book 2

The bayou holds terrors that can devour her alive.

All sixteen-year-old Jaden Lisette wants to do is spend time with the sweet and sexy Briz Nolan. But falling in love may not be their fate.  When a new, deadlier species of creatures is set loose, Jaden and Briz's chance of survival quickly becomes as murky as the bayou water surrounding them. As Jaden battles her new living nightmares, an old adversary returns, intent on revenge. This time, every last ounce of her strength and courage may not be enough to save the ones she loves...or herself.

Imagine Jade Gone is the second book in the YA romance thriller series Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate. If you like original fantasy creatures, dark suspense, and simmering chemistry, then you'll love Wray Ardan's captivating tale.

ESERE felt a dense pressure pushing against his eyelids, forcing them to stay closed. Engulfed in darkness, gasping for air, he swallowed hunks of dirt. More filled his mouth as he attempted to spit it out. His heart pounded as he realized he’d been buried alive. He forced his fingers to move through the weight surrounding him and continued to dig. His hands finally broke free from the earth, and the damp air soaked into his leathery skin as he clawed his way out.
Crawling out of his shallow grave, he sat upon the fresh mound of dirt. His skin rippled over his bones as he shivered and stared into space.
“Where am I?” His throat was thick with particles of dirt. “How’d I get here?”
Had he upset Datura, and this was her way of punishing him?
“No. No…” He paused and spit out pieces of mud. “I remember bein’ with the others and torturin’ some man in a truck.”
He looked at the dirt on his hands and the remnants of roots that were sprouting from under his claws. He reached up and felt sprouts on the tips of his ears and on the horn on the top of his head. A smile filled his ashen-colored face as he considered what a truly unusual creature he was—that all the Mal Rous were. How clever the Professor had been, creating him with DNA from scorpion, Calabar bean, vulture and newt.
Esere and each of his four siblings had a unique blend of rodent, insect and poisonous plant DNA—and most importantly a tad of the Professor’s own DNA. The Professor had always believed the combination made the Mal Rous virtually indestructible.
Esere lay back in the hole and stared up at the sky, watching the clouds. Feeling the rain wash the dirt from his skin, he had the sensation of seed pods germinating in the core of his cells, pushing runners through his veins and the entire length of his twelve inch body—filling him with life.
When the sensation of movement in his veins diminished, he sat back up.
A secretion oozed from the tip of his chin horn. Slowly sliding his long tongue over his dry lips and extending it down toward his chin, he lapped up bitter drops of
his scorpion venom.
When the precious nourishment dwindled, Esere’s tongue slithered back into his mouth like an eel into its den.
Esere looked out over the bayou as he removed hunks of dirt from his ears.
“I has been here before.” He coughed, clearing his throat. “I recall lookin’ out at this view with the Professor.” Swiveling his head from side to side, Esere took in his surroundings. “I must be near the Professor’s cave.” Esere called out with his weak voice, “Datura, Tig…Ivan, Anders…”
He waited for an answer. All he heard were insects chirring and buzzing.
His eyes moistened.
“I gotta find my family.”

Wray Ardan lives on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with an artist, four cats, and a parrot. She is the winner of the Readers' Favorite 2015 Gold Medal for YA Horror for her novel Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate, and the 2017 Readers' Favorite Silver Medal for the second book in the series, Imagine Jade Gone. The stories were inspired by sculptures her partner in life and business, artist Steven Lee Smeltzer created. Currently she is working on book 3. With a desire to promote teens that are PONO, Hawaiian for "doing the right thing," she set up Dakine Teens+ at

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!

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