Book Title: Waiting in the Wings (Upstaged #2)
Author: S. L. Danielson & Cheryl Headford
Publisher: Extasy Books
Cover Artist: Extasy
Genre/s: new adult, mmfiction, gay, contemporary
Length: 62,790 words/188 pages
The Von are on their way. With a recording contract under their belt and a tour opening for a popular band, the world is at their feet. For those left behind prospects are not so bright, especially with someone trying so hard to break them apart.
With the spotlight on The Von, no one sees the evil waiting in the wings until it’s too late.

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After a long moment of waiting for Asher to return, Vince heard the door open, albeit slowly. He put down his glass of orange juice and peered suspiciously at his friend. “Hey, what is it? Bad news in the mail, also known as bills?” he joked. Asher didn’t say anything, which worried him. He stood and walked over to him to look at what he had in his hands.
“I… It… I don’t know what to do.” Asher turned to Vince and grabbed his arms with bruising intensity. “Vince, I don’t know what to do.” He pleaded, begged, but there wasn’t anything Vince could say as his gaze flicked between the two photographs and Asher’s stricken eyes.
“Let me see them, please?” He wrested the slips of paper free from Asher’s grip long enough to see the photos and got the shock of his life. Glossy, set in some cool, trendy club surrounded by gorgeous people, Erik kissed a total stranger like he might inhale the guy and Billy was kissing a redheaded guy who looked very familiar.
What the… No. Not again. Wait. I know that guy… Holy shit, I know him!
Vince’s stomach twisted, and he covered his mouth, completely understanding why Asher looked ready to vomit. “We’ve been fucked over again? What the hell? There has to be an explanation. Drunk again…something… We have to… Shit. When they come online, I’m not gonna roll over for him again. What the fuck?” He tore from Asher’s grasp and tugged his hair, letting the angry tears come.
Vince grabbed the edge of the sofa and forced himself to sit down, his face buried in his hands. “What the fuck is going on over there? You know, I wish they’d never gone. I don’t care what it means to the band anymore; I want him home with me!” He kicked a textbook off the table, his anger evident. “Fuckers! I’m so sick of being lied to and being left behind. No one wants big, nice, sweet Vince! No one!” He leapt off the sofa, went to the kitchen, and hung his head over the sink. The tears wouldn’t stop.
He jumped when Asher’s hands slid around his waist and his head rested on the back of his neck. From the way his body shook, Vince was pretty certain he was crying, too.
“I wanted to believe him, Vince. I really wanted to believe him this time. I knew… I knew this was going to happen, it always does, but I-I worked so hard to convince myself it was different this time. That he was different.” Asher sniffed, rubbing his cheek against Vince’s back. “But he’s not different, Vince. None of them are.”
“I’d have sworn my Billy was different. I knew him before we even dated. Gawd, we couldn’t get enough of just hanging out together.” Vince turned and leaned his head against Asher’s. “I guess it didn’t mean very much to him, did it? If being away from us this short a time makes them do this…” He paused. His head and heart were in torment. He felt awful for Asher, too. He and Erik had a tumultuous relationship from the very beginning and although he’d thought it was fine, it sure wasn’t now. The computer beeped, and he glanced over. “Fuck. They’re gonna come online now. I don’t even know what to say.” He looked at Billy’s ring and wanted to toss it across the room.
“Well.” Asher drew his spine up straight. “I, for one, am going to get some answers. I don’t care what you do with Billy, but as far as me and Erik go, unless he has some pretty good reasons for what happened, this is it. We’re over.” The computer beeped again, and the call was live.
About the Authors
S. L. Danielson
S. L. (Stephanie) Danielson began writing at the tender age of five. She knew it was her calling from the moment she put pen to paper. In her teens she began writing alternative works and the genre stuck. She created ever more elaborate tales and finally in her early 20’s years began to create works with her new love; male/male romance. She has since written more than 30 works (both solo and collaborations).
Stephanie is classically trained in business, accounting, and HR/training, possessing both an undergrad and graduate degree. She also owned and operated Romance First Publishing where the ultimate goal was to help other unknown, as well as known authors get their start in the publishing world.
Beyond writing, her other hobbies include: painting, gaming, and spending time with her husband and two cherished cats.
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Cheryl Headford
Born into a poor but loving mining family in the United Kingdom, Cheryl grew up in the beautiful and history rich South Wales Valleys, becoming the first in her family to attend university. Practicing law, as a family lawyer for over twenty years allowed Cheryl to learn more about human nature at its worst and best moments, and develop empathy and a view of life not limited by social standing or background.
Tapping into the heritage of her people that throughout Earth's ages welcomed the wandering bard into the hearts of their villages as keepers of lore, Cheryl trained as a Druid and brings the richness of her Celtic past and spiritual training to elevate her writing. Since a child, Cheryl has been fascinated with other worlds, which exist within and alongside her own and has reveled in creating worlds and characters for others to enjoy.
Despite lack of family support, Cheryl continued writing privately and eventually found the Gay Authors website. With the positive response and a warm welcome received, she found the confidence to pursue her passion to a greater degree. Feeling gay fiction was a woefully neglected corner of the market where readers were all too often presented as limited to erotica, Cheryl strives to write quality gay fiction where sex and sexuality is not the central premise. Instead, concentration is given to character and narrative development through storytelling that goes beyond the physical.
Cheryl still resides in Wales, UK, and enjoys writing, reading, art, and taking part in medieval reenactments.
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