
Sunday, October 28, 2018

✱✱Book Review✱✱ Amanda's Payback by Marcia Carrington

Amanda's Payback
by Marcia Carrington
Short Story, Mystery, Thriller

Amanda Parkinson loves to shop at Johannsson's, her favorite department store, but the staff there, specifically Magda, an older service assistant, have taken a dislike to her. Magda enlists the help of her lover, security guard Bellamy, to shame Amanda into not shopping there anymore. Matters take an unexpected turn when Amanda kidnaps Bellamy, aided by her brother Thomas, for a night of revenge, and humiliation, Bellamy will never forget...


Momma Says: 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

Marcia Carrington is fast becoming a go-to for quick bedtime reads that are full of story but still easily finished in one sitting. This one fit that perfectly, coming in at just under fifty pages. What I didn't expect was the time I spent thinking about it after I finished. I won't go over the premise as that can be found in the blurb, but I will say Amanda's Payback got a bit twisted and I found myself torn over where empathy should be placed. I can understand Amanda's feelings about Magda and Bellamy - anyone who's ever been mistreated by a sales clerk can understand, but these two take it a lot further than just misplaced rudeness. Then Amanda and Thomas concoct a dark plan for revenge and wow, do they really go over the top with it. In the end, I found myself waffling on the lesson here. On the one hand, we get a reminder that actions do come back on us, sometimes in a very big way, and on the other, there's a great lesson about judging people because you might come across someone with less moral qualms about their actions than you have. Whichever way you want to take it, this one is certainly entertaining and even provides some food for thought. 

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