Whisk’er Away, a standalone Paranormal shifter Romance by Gwen Knight is NOW LIVE!

Kendra Daye once had everything she desired: a pack she cherished and a mate she adored. But when a new up-and-coming alpha challenges her husband—and wins—her perfect world shatters. One year later, Kendra is still haunted by the memory of her dead husband and their life together. So, when her sister suggests a vacation, she agrees. A shifter cruise sounds like the perfect escape from her grief...until she meets Leo, a sexy lion shifter who makes her heart beat again. But Kendra can't outrun her past—no matter how desperate she is to find a new future. Leo "don't-call-me-Leopold-cuz-I'll-punch-you-in-the-face" Clapak is determined to enjoy his last vacation before taking over the pride. A week of booze, women, and sun sounds like the perfect way to ring in his new life of paperwork, responsibility, and—oh, right—fending off unwanted arranged marriages. But when he meets Kendra, his priorities shift. Someone needs to remind this sassy werewolf that life is worth living. He just needs to show her that he's the right man for the job, because Kendra's wolf sure makes him want to learn to howl.

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Momma Says: 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐
Whisk'er Away held a few surprises for me. It is very much a shifter romance, but the idea of finding a true mate was handled a bit differently here. Kendra and Leo are instantly attracted to each other, but it's not the 'You're my one true mate' surety that so often happens in these stories. The timeline for the book is about a two-week span and looking at it that way, it seems like things happen incredibly fast.Yet the author somehow manages to make it feel like a slow-burn romance as this pair gets to know each other. The characters and story are engaging and the dialogue is witty and sharp. In fact, I was blown away at how quickly I was drawn in by these characters. Leo is what every alpha male should be, he's intelligent, sexy, and funny. He's certainly got an alpha's temper, but he knows how to control it, and it's rounded out perfectly with a gentle and loving nature. Kendra has been nearly destroyed by grief, but she shows her true strength as she starts to pull herself up and gain some control over her life. The biggest surprise came at the end with a huge twist in the story. It is a whopper, but it had a bit of a two-fold affect on me. I liked the twist, it was totally unexpected and added a bit of danger and treachery to the story. However, Kendra's reaction felt off to me. Not her decision, I was completely on board with that, but how fast she came to that decision. She's just been thrown a major curve-ball and without any time to process, decisions are made and things happen in rapid-fire succession. It just all felt a bit rushed at that point, which is the only reason this wasn't a five-star read for me. I didn't dislike the ending, but with the care given to these wonderful characters, it felt like they were shortchanged a bit at that point of the story. Other than that, I did thoroughly enjoy the book and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the genre.

About Gwen Knight
USA Today Bestselling author, Gwen Knight, started writing at a young age when the monsters became more interesting than scary. From werewolves and vampires to elves and magical realms, she enjoys writing in all genres, so long as a little love can be sprinkled in. Gwen lives in Alberta with her husband, cat, and collie who loves to play in the snow. A hybrid author, Gwen publishes both traditionally and independently. If books centered on alpha werewolves, vampires, and necromancers (oh, my) bring you hours of pleasure, check out her books page, and sign up for her newsletter to receive exclusive releases, updates, and giveaways.
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Great book!