Friday, November 30, 2018

✱✱Book Review✱✱ Review Tour - Stuck With You by Jay Northcote

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK - Exclusive to Amazon and Available to Borrow in Kindle Unlimited

Length: 53,000 words approx.

Cover Design: Garrett Leigh @ Black Jazz Design


Two clashing colleagues stuck together for Christmas—will opposites eventually attract?

Patrick has been single since he broke up with his cheating ex almost a year ago. With Christmas looming, he’s resigned to spending it alone with only memories of happier times for company. When a business trip with a co-worker leaves them stranded in the Lake District due to heavy snow, it seems Patrick will have company for Christmas after all. It’s a shame his companion is Kyle, who’s undeniably attractive, but annoying as hell.

Aware of Patrick’s reluctant admiration, Kyle basks in the attention even though Patrick isn’t the type of man he normally goes for. Averse to relationships after being hurt in the past, Kyle enjoys the occasional hook up, but has given up on seeking anything more meaningful.

Stuck together, their antagonism escalates along with a heavy dose of sexual tension until it finally ignites. What starts as a Christmas fling soon feels like something special; but will their tentative connection melt away as the snow thaws? If they’re going to take a chance on finding happiness together, they’ll have to put their differences aside and learn to trust one another.

Contains: enemies-to-lovers, snowball fights, bickering, spanking, a cute dog, a wise old lady, mistletoe, and a happy ending (of course).

Momma Says: 3 stars⭐⭐⭐

Stuck With You is a fast-paced enemies to lovers, opposites attract romance. Patrick and Kyle have both been burned by love in the past, but have very different reactions to that hurt. The more reserved Patrick completely pulls back from anything romance related while Kyle is all about the fun without the feels. Kyle's age combined with past heartbreak make it easier to understand him, but I'll admit that I had a hard time warming up to this character. I liked his sass and cocky self-assurance, but there were times that I just wanted to shake the juvenile attitude right out of him. Once they're forced into close proximity over the holiday, things heat up quickly. We get some disagreements and some denial of attraction, and then this pair seems to go from zero to sixty in a flash. I felt like the first spanking scene was meant to be a heat of the moment type of thing, but the way it happens just seemed forced to me. There were also some conversations during intimate moments that were a little out of place given the intensity of what was going on. That aside, once this pair figures it out, they are sweet together and the author gives us plenty of smiles with some amusing banter, a contrary elderly lady who, much like her dog, is more bark than bite, and lots of Christmas feels. In the end, there were things I liked and others, well, not as much, but it is certainly an entertaining read with some holiday fun.

November 23 - Gay Book Reviews, Diverse Reader, BFD Book Blog, Amy's MM Romance Reviews, My Fiction Nook, Lelyana's Reviews, November 26 - CupcakesAndBookshelves, The Day Before You Came, Mirrigold, Mainely Stories, Mikku-chan, November 28 - Megan's Media Melange, The Geekery Book Review, Wicked Faerie's Tales & Reviews, Two Chicks Obsessed, November 30 - Momma Says: To Read or Not To Read, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Xtreme Delusions, December 3 - Gay Fiction Addiction, December 5 - Book Corner Reviews, Boulevard des Passions, December 7 - Valerie Ullmer, Southern Babes Book Blog, Kimmers Erotic Book Banter, Lillian Francis, Book Lovers 4Ever, Open Skye Book Reviews, Jessie G, Bayou Book Junkie, Making It Happen

Jay lives just outside Bristol in the West of England. He comes from a family of writers, but always used to believe that the gene for fiction writing had passed him by. He spent years only ever writing emails, articles, or website content.

One day, Jay decided to try and write a short story—just to see if he could—and found it rather addictive. He hasn’t stopped writing since.

Jay writes contemporary romance about men who fall in love with other men. He has been published by Dreamspinner Press, and also self-publishes under the imprint Jaybird Press. Many of his books are also available as audiobooks.

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