Saturday, December 1, 2018

Release Blitz of Scar Me by India R. Adams

Scar Me by India R. Adams is available now!
"I have cried so much, I am not sure I have any tears left in me." - Goodreads Reviewer
FREE with #KindleUnlimited
Monsters in the night aren’t what I had to fear.
It was him…
Alone in his bedroom, we fought his demons from the past.
And I kept it all a secret.
I should’ve told.
I should’ve screamed…
But I didn’t. I loved him.
So down the haunted road I went.
Start the series NOW with Steal Me! ONLY 99 CENTS!
FREE with #KindleUnlimited
Am I one of the strong?
Damn. I hope so.
A drunk driver killed my dad.
Mom is sinking into a depression, and I’m left to care for my little sister.
And I may have made a huge mistake, moving us to another town, hoping to escape the pain of the loss.
But my biggest mistake of all may be falling for a girl who clearly hates my guts.

*Warning: This book is intended for mature audiences and may contain possible triggers with sexual abuse.*

About the Author:
India is either hiding away and writing in the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina, in a studio writing and recording songs for the Forever series, in yoga trying to find her Zen (that keeps escaping her), walking down an old dirt road (no joke), outdoors with her dogs and family (because to live without the sun is a crime), in a coffee shop talking books (Caf'n'chat), or floating in a lake (when the weather permits). She thinks reading books is the answer to all problems (and having a glass of red wine is a fabulous second solution). She loves to chat with readers because she says they are brilliant and most passionate.
Connect with India!

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