
Saturday, January 26, 2019

✱✱Book Review✱✱ See the Light by Kate McMurray

See the Light 
by Kate McMurray 

Kate McMurray brings friends-to-lovers to the Great White Way

Up-and-coming Broadway actor Jeremy was given two days to get up and get out. Dumped by his long-term boyfriend and suddenly homeless, he needs a sofa and a sympathetic ear, stat.

Enter Max, aspiring makeup artist and Jeremy’s BFF and former roommate. 

Max has been in love with his best friend forever. Now that Jeremy is back in his home, his old feelings are back, too. He’s happy to help his friend, but this time…it’s complicated.

When Jeremy gets his big break in a new show, the message of the play hits home. “Live life to the fullest” means recognizing how he really feels about Max, and that’s not complicated at all. Jeremy’s in love, and wants to move full steam ahead. 

But Max has waited too long for Jeremy to look at him this way, and he doesn’t want to risk his heart. If this is just a rebound fling, or if Jeremy is only interested in Max because he’s convenient, it will not only shatter him—it will ruin the best friendship he’s ever known.

Momma Says: 3 stars⭐⭐⭐

This friends to lovers romance starts off strong with likable characters and a good pace as Jeremy and Max slowly move out of the friend zone. However, the pacing slows down considerably once they cross that line and there are doubts about the future. From that point, the story becomes a lot more drawn out than I cared for, and while I appreciate that Jeremy lives and breathes all things Broadway, there are several lengthy passages about plays, movies, and trivia that pulled me out of the romance. I realize that some parts were relevant to the story with what Jeremy and Max do for a living, but the rest began to feel like so much filler after awhile. The story does get back to the romance after a lot of angst, and picks up in the last quarter or so, and I did like the ending. So, for me, this one was a mixed bag of some things I liked and others, not so much, leaving me somewhere in the middle.

❃❃ARC provided by NetGalley and Carina Press

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