Saturday, August 31, 2019

✱✱Book Review✱✱ Caelin (Heaven Hill Shorts Book 1) by Laramie Briscoe

Caelin (Heaven Hill Shorts #1)

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"This is a must-read that will capture you and leave you wanting more!" - Cajun Heat Blog

"A quick read that will pull at your heartstrings." - Goodreads Review

It is recommended that you read "Heaven Hill Generations" before starting this series, or you will be spoiled and lost! This and the nine following shorts deal with the events that happened in "Fury" of the Heaven Hill Generations series.

Caelin Blackfoot

I was forced to make an adult decision when Justice Walker was kidnapped by a traitor within our club. 

Now I'm dealing with the repercussions of my actions and the blanket of guilt that smothers me from within.

Or am I?


Momma Says: 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

Caelin picks up where Fury left off and gives us some of the aftermath of the emotion-filled chapter in the Heaven Hill series. Caelin was forced to make a choice that no one should ever have to make, much less a teenager. Now he's forced to deal with all the guilt and self-recrimination that comes with it. Considering the circumstances, we don't see much of the energetic, full of snark man-child that Caelin has been up to now. Instead, we get a peek inside of this young man as he deals with growing up whether he's ready or not. This one is a quick, one-sitting read giving us a look at the man Caelin is growing up to be and the wonderful support system he has once he gives voice to everything going on inside him. I've come to love the family that is the Heaven Hill MC and I can't wait to see what's next for them.  

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