Author: S.T. Hoover
Narrator: Chris Abell
Length: 5 hours and 54 minutes
Series: A DenCom Thriller, Volume 1
Publisher: Project 89 Media
Released: Apr. 2, 2018
Genre: Technothriller

In Southern California, three terrorists of unknown allegiances slaughter dozens of men at a shopping mall. In Denver, the eccentric CEO of Denver Communications, or DenCom, has a target on his head. In the wilds of Greenland, a long-forgotten enemy is reaching out for recognition and revenge. At the center of it all, a special investigator for the “communications” company is dragged into a diabolical plot he can’t begin to understand.

S.T. Hoover was born and raised in Southern California. He enjoys writing books packed with variety and genre-bending plots. His first book, Michael Ridding, is the first volume of a pentalogy meant to serve as the backbone of a shared literary universe. When not writing, he enjoys reading, traveling and researching the next book. He currently lives in Canton, Ohio with his wife Faryl.

- Michael Ridding
- Age: 36
- Height: 6’ 3
- Training: No formal military or advanced training.
- Personality: Dry-humored, occasionally ill tempered. Prefers the presence of close friends or solitude to crowded clubs or shows. Aside from his work for DenCom, he doesn’t get out much.
- Bio: Michael Ridding was born in Sacramento, CA. He attended college at the University of Akron with his long-time childhood friend and now roommate Aron Sanderson. After college, Michael managed an aquarium import facility in Dallas where fresh- and saltwater fish were quarantined and then distributed to various shops all over the country. Michael then moved to Palm Springs and opened his own aquarium shop, Modern Aquaria. Soon after, he was asked to join DenCom as an official investigator and has since partaken in and led several low-level investigations, except for a high-level trip to Antarctica six months ago.
- Favorite foods: Steak, shrimp, salads.
- Favorite drink: Lemonade or water.
- Professional Assessment: Ill fit for investigative work and expeditions. Would not recommend for current position.
- Status: Active Investigator.

- Number 173: Mr. Ridding, how do you feel your time at DenCom has been spent following your recent trip to Antarctica?
- Michael: To be perfectly honest, I’m not thrilled with how things have gone. Why did we leave Antarctica so suddenly? I still feel like the crew deserves an answer. What did Benedict find out? What was that other team doing there? Too many questions, not enough answers.
- Number 173: Interesting. In the future, you would prefer Benedict be more open and honest about your work?
- Michael: Who wouldn’t? Half the time, I don’t even know if I’ve done what he asks. I mean, I’m grateful for the opportunity, but I still feel like I need more to work with.
- Number 173: Do you feel like the work you do is fulfilling?
- Michael: I mean, didn’t you hear what I just said?
- Number 173: Correct. I’m just following protocol.
- Michael: Sometimes. To sum it up, sometimes.
- Number 173: If you could take a year off from DenCom, would you, and how would you spend your time?
- Michael: I don’t think I would. Can’t really say why. What I’d do, like, if I had to take a year off? I would probably just focus on my shop, maybe take a short vacation? I don’t really know what I’d do without DenCom.
- Number 173: Do you feel that DenCom is an intrusive part of your life?
- Michael: That’s the strange thing: yes, but no. It’s a welcome intrusion. Even given my problems with how Benedict runs the show, I really do enjoy my work, regardless of the pay.
- Number 173: Alright. Last question: Would you feel comfortable sharing your answers with Benedict?
- Michael: He wasn’t getting them already?
- Number 173: He has access, but these interviews are simply a formality. HR stuff, you understand. He’s not going to see these answers if you don’t want him to.
- Michael: … I do not wish to share these answers.
- Number 173: Any particular reason?
- Michael: *Mr. Ridding refused to answer the question, and the interview was terminated at his request*

Gradually Subverting Genre Expectations by S.T. Hoover
When I set out to write Michael Ridding, I knew people would hate it.
That’s a pretty grim outlook, I know. But it was the one I had going in. After years of refining the characters and the universe they inhabit, I knew this series would not be for everyone. While Michael Ridding is, on the surface, a thriller novel, there are bigger things at work that have been in motion since before DenCom was even on my radar.
Going in, I knew one thing: This was a thriller novel that would not follow the rules. It would lay the groundwork for bigger and stranger things than I’ve seen in the genre before, and I knew that, pass or fail, it would upset readers in one form or another.
There is a promise made between an author and a reader when the cover is cracked: I’ll tell you a story. A safe story. One you’ve probably heard before, but it will pass the time.
I knew I could never make that promise.
So, I’m not shy about saying this book isn’t for everyone. It wasn’t meant to be for everyone, and I doubt most of my books ever will be. If you enjoy the ride, great! Michael is straightforward enough that most readers will have found my warnings unnecessary. But this is just the start of the journey. We’ll be passing some odd attractions along the way and making more than a few unforeseen stops.
If you know that going in, then I welcome you aboard. Buckle up.

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