With Laci and Mitch anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new baby, they are surrounded by the turmoil of discovering Mama's illness while their two sons fight over the love of a woman.
A white Christmas brings a moment of joy, but Laci’s faith is tested again when their baby clings to life.
Together the Young family must lean on each other and the only One who can truly give them strength.
Will they find the faith they need…even through the snow?"

Sandy lives in her hometown of Mt. Vernon, IL enjoying life with her two youngest kids, and works full time for a local hospital as a health consultant. Most mornings she can be found at her local bookstore-coffee shop among friends, looking for inspiration and writing her next novel.

The fall season hadn’t fully made its way to North Carolina
yet, but Laci was already looking forward to the thought of
winter and the hope of falling snow. Her love of the rain, even
in frozen form, hadn’t wavered. She loved the snow; watching it
fall to the ground with grace and elegance and marveled at the
thick blanket of white; so quiet that it absorbed even the
smallest of sounds or the loudest of thoughts. After her breast
cancer, a miscarriage, and almost losing Hannah, her new
sister-in-law, Laci’s faith had been tested over, and over again.
Through it all, she and Mitch had weathered every storm
together. It made them stronger in many ways, and although
hard to imagine, even more in love than the day they married.
Laci couldn’t imagine her life without him by her side. He was
the love of her life and her best friend, the one that carried her
when she couldn’t carry herself. He reminded her, daily, that
God brought them together, and together they would face life
head-on, loving and laughing all the way; even through the blizzard
that was headed directly toward them.
yet, but Laci was already looking forward to the thought of
winter and the hope of falling snow. Her love of the rain, even
in frozen form, hadn’t wavered. She loved the snow; watching it
fall to the ground with grace and elegance and marveled at the
thick blanket of white; so quiet that it absorbed even the
smallest of sounds or the loudest of thoughts. After her breast
cancer, a miscarriage, and almost losing Hannah, her new
sister-in-law, Laci’s faith had been tested over, and over again.
Through it all, she and Mitch had weathered every storm
together. It made them stronger in many ways, and although
hard to imagine, even more in love than the day they married.
Laci couldn’t imagine her life without him by her side. He was
the love of her life and her best friend, the one that carried her
when she couldn’t carry herself. He reminded her, daily, that
God brought them together, and together they would face life
head-on, loving and laughing all the way; even through the blizzard
that was headed directly toward them.
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