A fan of quirky movies and indie books, Amber likes to be with her family, is socially inept, and fears strangers and small yippy dogs. She alternates between writing and being a mom. She tries to do both at the same time but her kids don't appreciate being served lunch and told, "This is the hot dog of your discontent." So mostly she writes when everyone else is in bed.
Audrey Scott might be a children’s librarian, but that isn’t all she can do. When her best friend, Gretchen Holden, stands accused of a murder, Audrey can’t handle doing nothing more than bailing Gretchen out of jail. She has to figure out who really killed Gretchen’s step-father, a universally hated federal judge.
With a not small list of potential people the judge has wronged, Audrey and her friends have a rough ride ahead of them trying to decide who had a motive, means, and opportunity to put the judge in an early grave. With the help of Derek Hennessy, erstwhile enemy turned very good friend, and her normal crew of cohorts, Audrey won’t stop until the threat no longer looms.
Snippet #2
I nodded. There were lots of things I wanted to say, but I was a mess, and I didn’t even know where to start. It was amazing to see him after all those nights spent talking, but it was also weird. When we’d seen each other last in person, I’d been holding a gun on him. And then he’d just disappeared. Things were different now. But I couldn’t deal with the intricacies of our strange relationship in the best of circumstances. This was not the best of circumstances.
“I’ll see you at noon.” He nodded and turned to walk away. He was down two steps before I called after him. “Derek.” He turned, but didn’t speak, not that it was particularly surprising that he didn’t. I smiled very slightly. Maybe one of his brand of smiles. “Thanks.”
Snippet #3
“You can be poisoned by touching cyanide?” Foster shuddered.
Nodding, Woody held up his phone for a second. “I told you, it’s easy to make, but also easy to poison yourself. It doesn’t take much of that liquid on the skin before you’re in real trouble. The problem is, we would expect to see burning on his skin wherever it touched him. The burning should be enough that it would be noticeable in an autopsy. But nothing like that was mentioned.”
Gretchen crossed her arms. “So he didn’t eat it, breathe it, or touch it?”
“Not that was indicated in his autopsy. That’s all I can say.”
“So I’m being accused of murdering a guy I didn’t murder, in some way the cops can’t even explain?”
Woody’s mouth twisted. “That’s about it. I don’t know how Ted was poisoned. But from reading the autopsy report, I can tell you that the police don’t know either.”
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