My name is Robyn Echols. Zina Abbott is the pen name I use for my American historical romance novels. I’m a member of Women Writing the West, Western Writers of America, and American Night Writers Association. I currently live with my husband in California’s central valley near the “Gateway to Yosemite.”
I love to read, quilt, work with digital images on my photo editing program, and work on my own family history.
I am a blogger. In addition to my own blog, I blog for several group blogs including the Sweet Americana Sweethearts blog, which I started and administer.
I love to read, quilt, work with digital images on my photo editing program, and work on my own family history.
I am a blogger. In addition to my own blog, I blog for several group blogs including the Sweet Americana Sweethearts blog, which I started and administer.
Annie Flanagan happily moves to Jubilee Springs to work as a maid for Delly Nighy, the daughter of her former New York City employer. For one thing, very few know that her next younger sister, Kate, has signed up with the Colorado Bridal Agency and started writing to an Irish miner, Michael O’Hare, in the same town. Both Annie and her mother back in New York grow concerned when the second man the bridal agency puts Kate in contact with is a miner in Central City. He’s not Irish—and he’s not Catholic. What is worse, she seems to prefer him over Michael.

Kate Flanagan, working as a scullery maid to help support her family, desperately desires to escape the dead-end poverty allotted to Irish women living in the lower east side of Manhattan in New York. Anxious to find a husband out west, she signs up with the bridal agency suggested by her sister. After living with her alcoholic father, she is leery of choosing Irishman Michael O’Hare for a husband. As much as she wants to live near her sister, dare she take the chance Michael O’Hare will not turn out like her da?
Annie and Michael grow closer as they work together in order to persuade Kate to come to Jubilee Springs. She needs to come soon—before winter sets in and disrupts the railroad service that will bring her to the high mountain mining community. Kate agrees to travel to Jubilee Springs before Christmas, but several factors, including the train, threaten to derail this romance.
Michael knows what he promised. He knows what he wants. In the end, will he marry the bride who has captured his heart?
“Your last name is Flanagan?”
Annie spun on the balls of her feet to face a man who appeared to be about her same age and a few inches taller than she was. His sturdy, indigo work pants and a heavy, brown wool jacket over a white muslin shirt that did not hide his well-developed physique advertised him as one of the miners in town. His reddish-brown hair, round face, and freckles—a pleasant-enough face to look upon—marked him as Irish.
A movement against the far wall caught Annie’s eye. She glanced that direction long enough to observe another man standing next to a shelf of books.
That one wore a black wool suit, a maroon vest over a dress shirt, and a string tie. Wind-blown locks of medium brown hair stuck out from beneath a black bowler. He held an open book in his hand. His blue eyes, set in a thin face with angular features, stared at her until he realized she had spotted him.
He turned his back to her and focused once again on his book.
Annie returned her attention to the Irishman who had asked about her name. Suspecting he spoke to her in an attempt to flirt with her, Annie’s eyes narrowed with suspicion. “That it is. And who would be wanting to know?”
The man yanked the dusty brown slouch hat off his head. “My apologies, miss. My name is Michael O’Hare. I’ve been writing to a Miss Flanagan in New York City.”

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Official Event page Part 2
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