Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Book Blitz: The Critical Offer by Yitzhak Nir

Political Thriller
Published: November 2019

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A car bomb explosion horrifies Jerusalem.

Head of the Mossad, a former Israeli Air Force fighter pilot Gershon Shalit, is enraged by the murder of his daughter, frustrated by his wife’s decision to leave and distrusts his prime minister - seeks revenge. But, his first priority is to eliminate the fundamental threats to destroy the State of Israel's existence.

His random encounter with a beautiful Chinese diplomat, leads to an impossible love affair, where he is exposed to a once in a lifetime offer that could diminish the threats to his country and save Zionism from collapse. Nothing will keep him from making this offer a reality, despite a heavy personal price.

The Critical Offer is not just a 'run of the mill' thriller. Its futuristic and believable plot is based on a wide spectrum of inside information and suggests bold and 'out of the box' solutions to the Jewish state's main dilemmas…

Can the Chinese megalomaniac initiative "Belt & Road" solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

If you care about Israel's destiny - The Critical Offer is a breathtaking book that will keep you awake for many nights...

About the Author

Yitzhak Nir is a former Israeli fighter pilot, trainer and operations planner in the IAF. He retired as an El Al captain and IAA supervisor. He took part in 86 combat missions, shot down 2 enemy planes and documented some 30,000 flight hours.

Yitzhak Nir is an author, painter and curator. He is also a former urban planning and road safety activist. His paintings can be found in art books, private collections and on book covers. He has published short stories and professional papers and holds a BA from New Haven University in Air Transport Management.

He is deeply involved in changing the Israeli public opinion about crucial security issues, towards a new "out of the box" vision and ideas.

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