Undying Witch
A Dysfunctional Family of Witches Prequel
by B. Austin
Genre: Dark Fantasy
"I will live forever. If I could make you, my daughter, live longer than a human, I would. I do not want to be alone again."
DIMA seems doomed to live a life of poverty until she steals the Starostavne Books of Magical Spells and Enchantments. Monks wrote the wizardry books centuries ago. In the Tree of Life Magic and Time Spells book, Dima learns the secret of never aging.
Years later, Dima's teenage daughter resents a mother who is 112 years old but shifts into a woman young enough to be her sister. MEDEA loathes a mother who loves her 17 cats more than she does her daughter. Medea despises a mother who claims all witchcraft as her magic and treats her daughter like a slave. In secret, Medea develops her own sorcery.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a standalone book in this series and does not have to be read first or in any other particular order.
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Dima walked to an alley next to the police station. She pulled out Pompeii from her pocket and spun.
It was a pregnant man with a beard and strong muscles who walked from the alley. The door to the police station was light in Dima’s manly hand.
“Where’s the birth control woman, Margaret Sanger?” Dima bellowed in a deep voice.
There were three policemen in the station. Their jaws dropped at the pregnant man.
Dima shoved the policemen out of the way and grabbed Margaret Sanger by the elbow. She punched the cop that was guarding the activist.
The sight of a pregnant man so startled the cops that they simply let Dima walk out of the police station with Margaret Sanger.
Dima stole a paddy wagon and the midwife and birth control advocate bounced on the seat beside Dima. It was all over the news that the American Automobile Association proclaimed women drivers as skilled as men, but they had not ridden with Dima behind the wheel.
Margaret Sanger seemed to be in shock from her jailbreak. It seemed she had noticed that the driver of her getaway vehicle was a pregnant man.
Dima was driving while having contractions. Luckily, no one followed the women. Trolley tracks ran down the street middle, the rubber tires of the paddy wagon squealing against the iron rails.
Dima had only driven a few miles and would have preferred to drive further but the baby was demanding to be born and of in all places, Little Tokyo. The police would never look for them in a garage belonging to the firecracker factory.
Dima turned to Margaret Sanger. She looked afraid even though Dima had rescued her. “I can trust you, Mrs. Sanger?” she asked.
Margaret. Sanger gave her a leery look.
Dima got down from behind the steering wheel. She walked around the front of the vehicle, and opened the passenger door so Margaret Sanger would not lock herself in. “What I am about to show you is a secret,” Dima said.
She clutched Pompeii in her fist and spun slowly until she turned into the young pregnant Dima. “Do you remember me?”
She stared at Dima with wide eyes. “It’s hard to forget someone as perfect-looking as you are.”
“Yes, the shape-shifting improves my looks. What would you say if I told you that I am really a 98-year-old woman who is about to give birth?”
Before she could answer, Dima spun slowly. She stood there an ancient hag with a belly sticking out with a baby, a belly that had dropped since the baby was getting ready to be born. “I need your help, Margaret Sanger,” Dima whined. “I am afraid to have this baby since I am so old.” She doubled over.
Coming Soon!
The Witch With Nine Lives
A Dysfunctional Family of Witches Book 1
MEDEA TURNS INTO A CAT AT NIGHT, due to her mother's curse. In Undying Witch, DIMA found a shapeshifting stone. She is 130-years-old but appears to be 18, the same age as her two daughters. Medea works in the family witchcraft business of fortune-telling, seances, and other witchery-for-hire. NIKKI works as a maid. Medea is tortured by a secret that can destroy the sisterly tie between her and Nikki. Her sister was born a Marilyn-Monroe lookalike. Despite her beauty, jealousy eats away at Nikki because her mother and sister have magic. Nor is Nikki allowed near the books of spells, enchantments, and potions Dima stole from Russian monks. Unknown to her family, Nikki, is developing a magical gift which she cannot control, a sorcery that will threaten Medea and pit two powerful sisters against each other.
(Please note: This is a standalone series. The books can be read in any order.)
B. Austin writes Science Fiction and Fantasy, spellbinding tales filled with suspense, mystery, and unique magic. She loves creating future worlds with cool technology.
B writes under two other names. BELINDA AUSTIN writes Psychological Thrillers, Suspense, and Hysterical Fiction. BELINDA V. GARCIA has written award-winning Historical Fiction and middle-grade fantasy.
Before writing fiction full time, B. Austin was a Computer Programmer, Web Developer, and Software Engineer. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics. If you are still curious about Belinda, she has written a series of memoirs entitled: MEMOIRS OF A BIGAMIST'S DAUGHTER. She thanks you humbly for your interest.
In her own words: "I would like to have a dinner party on Halloween with all my fans, and Edgar Allan Poe as guest of honor. I fell in love with his writing when I was a kid. We will have chocolate cake, chocolate-covered strawberries, and fudge for dessert. With bated breath, we will ask Eddie the real story of how he died. Everyone loves a good horror tale."
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