
Friday, January 28, 2022

Man of the Month Club: Seasons Tour and Giveaway


Man of the Month Club Season 1:

January, February and March

by Ann Omasta and Callie Love

Genre: Contemporary Romance

The Man of the Month Club monthly meetings become the hottest ticket in Indianapolis as word of the new matchmaking application's surprising, wildly successful pairings begins to spread.

JANUARY: Maggie’s scars are visible to everyone. Jett’s are hidden deep inside. They are both too damaged to love… Or so they thought. Will these two be able to help each other heal or are some wounds beyond repair?

FEBRUARY: Chelle is a fun-loving, ambitious local news correspondent. Aidan is an uptight and serious state senator. The two are extreme opposites, yet they keep being thrown together. Will these two be able to spend time together and avoid catching feelings for each other?

MARCH: Beautiful Ruby Beckham has a stalker. Tough cop, Patrick McDonnell, is the perfect man to protect her. But what if the man charged with her safety is the person she needs to be saved from?

Meet the first three lucky couples the app chooses in this hot collection of opposites attract and enemies-to-lovers romances.

These three romance quickies are scorching novellas featuring sexy heroes, curvy heroines, seductive instalove, sizzling bedroom scenes, and satisfying happily-ever-after endings. Binge-read Man of the Month Club SEASON 1 now and enjoy three perfectly-portioned tastes of steamy romance to satisfy your craving.

**On Sale Now for Only .99 cents!!**

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Man of the Month Club: JANUARY

- Excerpt- 

Callie Love & Ann Omasta, USA Today Bestselling Author

Chapter 1  - Maggie

I am hideous. And, no, I don’t say that just to get attention or false compliments. I’m truly ugly. I hate looking in the mirror. Every time I catch a glimpse of my reflection, I want to shatter the glass with my fist.

It hasn’t always been this way for me. I mean, I was never going to be on the cover of Vogue magazine, but I used to be passably attractive. Children wouldn’t run screaming from the room when I entered, like they would now, if their parents didn’t hiss at them to behave.

Although I’m aware that it could be much worse, I can’t seem to stop wallowing. I know I sound ungrateful. I’m lucky to be alive after being trapped in a burning building, but I certainly didn’t escape unscathed.

I glare down at the scars that snake along the back of my right hand and up over my arm and shoulder. The raised skin is ugly and anyone who tries to tell me otherwise is a liar.

If the burns were only on my arm, I might be able to deal with it better. But, no, they stretch onto my chest, up my neck, and even onto a portion of my jawline and cheek. No amount of makeup or prim clothing can completely cover my scars––despite my best efforts.

I would be perfectly content to live out the rest of my life hiding in my apartment, ordering take-out, and binging Netflix. It would probably even be the considerate thing to do, so I don’t put anyone else in the awkward position of having to pretend like my scars aren’t that bad. 

Even though I understand why people lie or act like they don’t see the scars, it is infuriating. I probably would have done the same thing before the fire. After all, it’s not like you can gasp and ask, “What happened to your skin?!?” But I truly believe the avoidance and fake platitudes feel even worse than that kind of brutal honesty would.

My friend and former co-worker, Ciara, won’t let me turn into a hermit. I know her heart is in the right place, but I really just wish she would leave me alone. 

I hate myself for being jealous of Ciara, but the fire that left me a scarred monster brought her handsome and loving fireman fiancé into her life. I’m not sure what kind of horrid karma caused that stinking, steaming dump on my doorstep, but it sure doesn’t seem fair.

Ciara’s a great person. She deserves to be happy. But I do, too, right?

I’ve done everything I can think of to make myself presentable for tonight’s inaugural book club meeting, but nothing helps. My Granny used to say something about ‘putting lipstick on a pig.’ That perfectly describes my efforts. No matter what I do, all anyone will see is my scars.

As much as I’d love to text Ciara claiming a headache, I don’t want to disappoint her by not going tonight. My guess is that she’s pulling this entire event together to get me out of the house. Yes, she’s truly that kindhearted and thoughtful. I didn’t say that she doesn’t deserve her sexy fireman, but I’m not sure why I deserve to be so grotesque that no man will ever want me.

When Ciara texts to see if I need a ride, I respond that I’m on my way before grabbing the book we were assigned to read and heading out the door.

Evie’s Bar & Grill is a comfortable meeting place and the group of women Ciara has invited are all bubbly and friendly, but I still feel awkward. 

Beauty shines through on the other ladies’ faces. They are very welcoming as I sit in the only vacant chair at the tall table, but I know they are thinking how grateful they are that they don’t look like me.

When I retrieve the book from my purse and set it on the table, Ciara makes an uncomfortable face before asking, “You actually read the book, didn’t you?”

“Of course, this is a book club, right?” I answer.

“Technically, yes,” Ciara nods. “But it’s really more of an excuse to get together for a cocktail or two and gossip.”

I angle a narrow-eyed, fake glare at her before asking, “You mean I read that awful book for nothing?”

She lets out a throaty laugh, which is contagious. Soon, the other women begin fessing up that they didn’t bother reading the book.

The bar’s proprietor, Evie, delivers an enormous, fruity, frozen drink to me. “If you ladies are looking for good books to read, you should ask Adam for recommendations.”

Her gaze darts over to the hunky librarian before she quietly reveals, “He reads sexy passages to me every night before bed.”

“Yum!” one of the other women purrs. “Even I could get into reading under those conditions.”

“Mm-hmm,” Evie murmurs before heading back behind the bar. I try to keep my rampant jealousy in check.

“Let’s get to the real reason for our little get-together,” Ciara leans in conspiratorially before turning her gaze to her friend, Phoebe.

Phoebe says in an excited tone, “As you all know, I had you fill out a questionnaire to help me beta test my new matchmaking application.”

I suddenly feel like a lost puppy. This is the first I’ve heard of the app. I’m hurt that Ciara didn’t tell me about this. She probably knew I wouldn’t come because I have no desire to be matched. I’m never dating again, but I still hate being left completely out of the loop.

Phoebe continues on, obviously having no idea of the turmoil raging inside me. “I selected the first bachelor for our January meeting, since we wanted to start right away. My cousin, Jett, is a total catch. I would date him myself, if we didn’t fall from the same family tree.”

I’m trying to figure out a way to slip out of here without being noticed. The last thing I want is to pretend to be happy for these lovely ladies as they each find their one true love, while I remain all alone.

I take a giant slurp from my drink, intending to down it and hightail it out of here. Brain freeze hits and has me palming my forehead as Phoebe says, “The woman who is scientifically the best match for Jett is… drumroll please…”

She pauses dramatically, and I feel like rolling my eyes. I truly don’t care which of these beauties matches with her sexy cousin.

“Maggie!” she shouts.

My eyes nearly pop out of my head as all eyes at the table turn to look at me. The women are squealing with delight, but my face morphs into a frown. I shake my head. “But I didn’t fill out anything.”

Ciara’s gaze turns sheepish, and I immediately know what has happened. I glare at my friend, who obviously filled out the survey for me, and say, “Please tell me you didn’t…”

Man of the Month Club Season 2:

April, May and June

The Man of the Month Club monthly meetings are the hottest ticket in Indianapolis as word of the matchmaking application's surprising, wildly successful pairings spreads.

APRIL: April arrives and the highly regarded Man of the Month Club matchmaking application makes its first mismatch. Or does it? When an April Fools’ prank goes too far, hearts are at stake in this devilishly fun game of scandals and schemes. Will Ben Bridgerton be the right man to make Daphne swoon with desire?

MAY: Poppy is the most annoying woman Cooper has ever met, so why can’t he stop thinking about her? Will Poppy and Cooper be able to shift their contentious relationship from enemies to lovers? Either way, sparks are sure to fly!

JUNE: Peaceful, free-spirited Summer is the last person anyone expected to be paired with angry, tough-guy Killian, but the Man of the Month Club matchmaking application is full of surprises. Will these two extreme opposites be able to meet in the middle?

Meet three lucky couples the app chooses in this hot collection of opposites attract and enemies-to-lovers romances.

These three romance quickies are scorching short stories featuring sexy heroes, curvy heroines, seductive instalove, sizzling bedroom scenes, and satisfying happily-ever-after endings. Binge-read Man of the Month Club SEASON 2 now and enjoy three perfectly-portioned tastes of steamy romance to satisfy your craving.

Man of the Month Club Season 3:

July, August and September

The Man of the Month Club monthly meetings are the hottest ticket in Indianapolis as word of the matchmaking application's surprising, wildly successful pairings spreads.

JULY: Charity and Garrett have been drawn to each other since they met in elementary school, but life keeps tearing them apart. They are each nursing a severely broken heart caused by the other. Will they have the strength to try one more time?

AUGUST: Divorced single mom, Jillian, no longer believes in love. That’s less than ideal for a wedding planner. But one wild night with a boy-toy firefighter is about to turn her world upside down. When Jillian and Riggins are matched, their chemistry is explosive. Their romance burns hot and fast, but can they fan the flames into lasting love?

SEPTEMBER: Single mom, Marietta, has plenty of reasons not to trust men. A virtual romantic relationship is as far as she’s willing to go. Can this month’s bachelor, Chance, convince her that real-life love is worth the risk?

Meet three lucky couples the app chooses in this hot collection of second chance, single parent, and opposites attract romances.

These three romance quickies are scorching short stories featuring sexy heroes, curvy heroines, seductive instalove, sizzling bedroom scenes, and satisfying happily-ever-after endings. Binge-read Man of the Month Club SEASON 3 now and enjoy three perfectly-portioned tastes of steamy romance to satisfy your craving.

Goodreads * Amazon

Man of the Month Club Season 4:

October, November and December

The Man of the Month Club monthly meetings are the hottest ticket in Indianapolis as word of the matchmaking application's surprising, wildly successful pairings spreads.

OCTOBER: Single father, Parker, has been best friends with the identical twin Ford sisters since childhood. Revealing his secret crush on one of the sisters would tip the delicate balance of their lifelong friendship. When Parker is paired with one of the Ford twins at October’s meeting, will the trio’s friendship implode?

NOVEMBER: Sloane Ford and Logan Fox were the hottest, most popular couple in high school, but Logan shattered Sloane’s heart. No one is surprised when these two are matched at November’s meeting, but will Logan be able to convince Sloane that she can entrust her fragile heart with him one more time?

DECEMBER: Phoebe is the mastermind behind the wildly successful Man of the Month Club matchmaking application. She has spent an entire year pairing other couples and helping them find true love. When it’s finally her turn, her match is based on a lie. Will she have the strength to tell the truth?

Meet three lucky couples the app chooses in this hot collection of friends-to-lover, second chance, single parent, and opposites attract romances.

These three romance quickies are scorching novallas featuring sexy heroes, curvy heroines, seductive instalove, sizzling bedroom scenes, and satisfying happily-ever-after endings. Binge-read Man of the Month Club SEASON 4 now and enjoy three perfectly-portioned tastes of steamy romance to satisfy your craving.

Goodreads * Amazon

Ann Omasta is a USA Today Bestselling author.

Ann’s Top Ten list of likes, dislikes, and oddities:

    1.I despise whipped cream. There, I admitted it in writing. Let the ridiculing begin.

    2. Even though I have lived as far south as Key Largo, Florida, and as far north as Maine, I landed in the middle.

3. If I don't make a conscious effort not to, I will drink nothing but tea morning, noon, and night. Hot tea, sweet tea, green tea––I love it all.

4. There doesn't seem to be much in life that is better than coming home to a couple of big dogs who are overjoyed to see me. My other family members usually show significantly less enthusiasm about my return.

5. Singing in my bestest, loudest voice does not make my family put on their happy faces. This includes the big, loving dogs referenced above.

6. Yes, I am aware that bestest is not a word.

7. Dorothy was right. There's no place like home.

8. All of the numerous bottles in my shower must be lined up with their labels facing out. It makes me feel a little like Julia Roberts' mean husband from the movie Sleeping with the Enemy, but I can't seem to control this particular quirk.

9. I love, love, love finding a great bargain!

10. Did I mention that I hate whipped cream? It makes my stomach churn to look at it, touch it, smell it, or even think about it. Great––now I'm thinking about it. Ick!

Stay up-to-date on new releases and insider info by liking / following / friending Ann's Bookbub, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and Amazon author pages.

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Callie Love writes contemporary romance that is sexy, short, and SO addictive. Her Hot Shots of Romance Quickies are scorching short stories featuring sexy heroes, curvy heroines, seductive insta-love, sizzling bedroom scenes, and satisfying happily-ever-after endings.

Start anywhere. Binge-read them all. Grab one now and enjoy a perfectly-portioned taste of steamy romance to satisfy your craving.

Website * Facebook * TikTok * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads

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  1. The Man of the Month Club sounds like must reads for me and the covers are very nice! Thanks for sharing them with me and have a sunshiny day!
