
Friday, January 21, 2022


The Mistletoe Contract

by Jennifer Chastain


GENRE:   Contemporary Christian Romance



He needs a wife. She needs money. Is their modern-day marriage an answer to their prayers or a disaster waiting to happen?

Confirmed bachelor, Nathan Rutledge shut his heart to romance when he was forced to break the heart of the only woman he ever truly loved. Now, with his father’s retirement from the family conglomerate, the torch has been passed to him. But there are two problems—first, he needs a wife in order to take over the family business. Second, someone has been embezzling company funds. With the pressure mounting, and time expiring to find both a wife he can trust and the thief, Nate needs a Christmas miracle.

Forensic Accountant, Meredith Mitchell’s life is in a shambles. Her mother needs a lifesaving transplant, Mom’s medical bills have bankrupted Meredith’s meager savings, and she’s sold everything of value, but it’s still not enough. To make matters worse, she’s now tasked with discovering accounting errors for a new client—none other than Nathan Rutledge—the same man who gave her a broken heart for Christmas eight years ago.  

Meredith wants to run. Nate wants the chance to right his wrongs. So, naturally, when he proposes a modern-day marriage of convenience, she balks at the idea. But he desperately needs a wife, and she really needs the money he offers. Is this the answer to her prayers? Or will this mutually beneficial arrangement re-open old wounds that can’t be healed? 



“Penny for your thoughts?” 

Meredith’s eyes popped open. “Nate! You scared me!” Facing off with her fiancé, she straightened her spine. “What’re you doing here?” 

His back against the wall, he crossed his ankles. Even after working all day, Nate still appeared fresh. When she glanced at her gray dress pants, the red sauce stain from her rushed dinner glared at her. She was wrinkly… and frumpy. 

Nate frowned, his gaze roving over her. 

Meredith moved her purse from her shoulder and held it in front of the stain. “I’m sorry. That was unkind.” 

“I didn’t mean to intrude.” 

She pulled herself up to her full height. “You didn’t. It’s… I didn’t expect to see you.” At least, not until their wedding day, giving her a couple of days to steel her emotions against his all-American boy-next-door charm. Why did he have to ruin her well-thought-out plan? His nearness sent her pulse into overdrive. 

Nate turned toward her and rested one hand on the wall above her head. He was so close she saw the golden flecks ringing his pupils. “Can’t a guy see his fiancée before the wedding?” The low timbre of Nate’s voice raised goose bumps on her arms, and her heart rate kicked up another notch. 

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, and she licked her dry lips before her gaze settled on his mouth. “Yeah, sure.” 

Nate’s free hand came up and traced a line down her cheek. Meredith closed her eyes. 


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Jennifer Chastain is a member of ACFW, ACFW-NC, and My Book Therapy/Novel Academy. Several of her other stories were finalists in the Blue Ridge Mountains Foundations contest and she was a finalist in the Touched by Love contest, sponsored by the Faith, Hope, and Love Christian Writers. Her contemporary romance stories contain the themes of redemption, grace, and forgiveness.   


A hopeful romantic, Jennifer loves dark chocolate, Diet Coke, old movies and a good romantic movie. She loves to experiment with new recipes in the kitchen and when not cooking, she’s reading or conducting more research for her stories. Growing up in the snowy North, Christmas has always been her favorite holiday, with the scents of cinnamon, vanilla, and pine scenting the air.  


She and her husband have been married for over 25 years and they are permitted to co-exist with their black rescue cat. 

Author Links:

Newsletter Sign-up with Free Short Story: Jennifer Chastain Newsletter

The Mistletoe Contract – Amazon link







Jennifer Chastain will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


  1. Looks like an interesting book.
    Thanks for the contest. 

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Good luck in the giveaway!

  2. Do you listen to music when you write?

    1. Sometimes - I do receive inspiration from country music. I like to read lyrics and see the word pictures the songs create

  3. Do you set an alarm so you don't write for too long at a stretch?

    1. Wow - another great question. Sometimes. I allot myself about 1.5 hours at night, 3 times a week and then I write for about 3-4 hours on Saturdays. I block out chunks of time in my schedule to just write.

  4. What do you do when you're stuck?

    1. When I’m stuck and the words aren’t flowing, I have to step away from my laptop. I’ll either surf the web, watch a favorite movie or read. If that doesn’t work, then I talk to one of my writer friends who help me brainstorm.

  5. Are you looking forward to Spring? I know I am.

    1. I love Christmas but am definitely looking forward to warmer days, along with more sunshine.

  6. What's your drink of choice when you're writing?
