Tuesday, June 7, 2022

✱✱Book Review✱✱ Audrey J. Cole's THE FINAL HUNT Review Tour

The Final Hunt 

by Audrey J. Cole


GENRE:   Thriller



Alone in a hunting cabin, off-grid in an untamed wilderness. How does a marriage come to this?

After John disappeared while hunting—presumed dead from a bear attack—Cameron found the crime photos. His role in the recent Seattle serial murders was discovered. The media destroyed her reputation. She lost her dental practice, is on the brink of losing her home.

Everyone has a secret. But if her husband could hide the unimaginable from her, who’s to say he’s truly dead?

“What brings you so far from home?” the Alaska State Trooper had asked. The truth.


Momma Says: 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

What do you do when you find out you've been married to a serial killer? Then what do you do when you think he's still alive after you've mourned his loss? Cameron has to figure it out as she navigates the Alaskan wilderness. On top of all that, Cameron has a secret of her own. The story is a good combination of domestic suspense and romance - the romance surprised me, especially with the secret she's keeping, It's almost a cat and mouse game through the Alaskan wilderness as Cameron determinedly searches for John. This book is about so much more than just another romantic or domestic suspense. There was a lot of time spent on the edge of my seat as the tension builds, and I liked the author's way of comparing the here and now with events from the characters' pasts. The story is well-written, exciting, and intense. Cole pulls the reader in with her vivid descriptions, and she holds them with her characters and their lives. 



The detective stood in silence beside her with his arms folded, making her feel like a prisoner at her own house. She closed her eyes and pictured John’s victims. All eleven of them. She was married to a monster. She sipped her water, trying to ease the ache in her stomach. She wondered if the police would find evidence of more killings…under her own roof. It seemed unfathomable.

John could be distant at times, absorbed in his work. But she’d assumed it was his dedication to justice. She wondered how many nights she thought he was working late in the city when he was really strangling female high school teachers he’d been stalking for weeks.

Two investigators crossed the lawn and entered the over-sized garden shed Cameron and John had built to match the house. Cameron had always admired the quaint charm of the miniature white structure with blue trim. Until she watched an investigator emerge carrying evidence bags filled with rope and pruning shears. The second investigator followed, holding a shovel in her gloved hand.

Cameron’s breath caught at the sight of the evidence bags. Anxiety rose in her chest in a way she hadn’t felt in years. She took a gulp from her water, trying to flush the feeling away.

Her eyes followed the investigators until they were back inside the house. She stared at the garden shed again. It reminded her of the shed at her previous home, which lacked the magazine-cover charm of this one. Where she’d spent two miserable years of her life. Before she’d met John, and he’d made her feel alive again.

All these years being married to John, she thought she’d been the one with a secret.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Audrey J. Cole is a registered nurse and a USA Today bestselling author of thrillers set in Seattle. Audrey J. Cole is a USA TODAY bestselling thriller author. Before writing full time, she worked as a neonatal intensive care nurse for eleven years. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two children.

Connect with Audrey:




You can also visit her website:


Amazon buy link: https://www.amazon.com/Final-Hunt-Audrey-J-Cole-ebook/dp/B0976H2795/



Audrey J. Cole will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


  1. Thank you for sharing your review of The Final Hunt. I love the cover and the synopsis and excerpt have intrigued me, this sounds like a thrilling read and I am looking forward to it

  2. Fantastic excerpt, The Final Hunt sounds like a thrilling, nail biting read and I am looking forward to reading it! Thanks for sharing it with me! Thanks, Momma Says: To Read or Not To Read, for sharing your great review! Have an awesome day!

  3. Thanks for the great excerpt! The book sounds very interesting. Love the cover!


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