Friday, July 8, 2022

Ghost Light Tour and Giveaway


Ghost Light

by Jane Tesh

Genre: Paranormal Mystery 

Theodosia "Teddy" Ballard knows nothing about community theater, but when the stage manager for “Little Shop of Horrors” takes a tragic header down the costume-loft stairs, she agrees to fill in for the sake of her actor friend, Will. Teddy takes the superstitions and swelled heads of The Stage in stride—till she meets George Clancy Everhart, the theater ghost, who informs her that the previous stage manager was murdered and demands that she find the killer. Both investigation and rehearsals are complicated when she makes a surprising discovery about her relationship with Will—and learns that George has his own dramatic agenda.

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There was no way I had left a door open, but I got up and checked again. Must be a draft from somewhere in this old building. I retrieved the scattered pages and made sure they were in the right order.

I heard a thud as if something had fallen over backstage. Looking in the wings, I found a hammer on the floor. I put it back where it belonged and returned to my papers.

An overhead light flickered, red, then green, then white.

“All right, that’s enough.” I got to my feet for the third time. “Good joke, Will. Ha, ha. Now show yourself.”

“I beg your pardon, dear lady,” said a deep voice.

I stared in disbelief as a man appeared before me. He was tall and elegantly dressed in a three piece suit and cravat. His features were blurry, but he had an aristocratic air, a distinctive nose, and a satisfied smile.

He removed his bowler hat and bowed. “George Clancy Everhart, at your service.”

I didn’t know how Will had managed to create this image. This must have been some bizarre rite of passage for people new to the theater. Well, it wasn’t going to rattle me.

“Theodosia Ballard,” I said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Theodosia! What a splendid name!”

“I prefer Teddy.”

“Teddy? That’s a boy’s name! You are a woman, and a very fine woman, at that. Such a magnificent presence! You should be on stage.”

“I am on stage right now, and I have a lot of work to do, so you can turn yourself off, disappear, whatever, just go away.”

He looked startled. “You don’t believe in me.”

“I believe you’re a really good special effect. Go on now, get lost.”

The image drew himself up. “My good woman, you are speaking to one of the premiere actors of the Twentieth Century. Why, I appeared in hundreds of plays during my lifetime. Thousands of performances! All to great acclaim!”

“I’m sure you did.”

“Excellent reviews! Encores by the score!”

“Then why are you haunting a little theater in Rossboro, North Carolina? Shouldn’t you be in New York? London?”

He paused and put a hand to his heart. “You wound me to the core, Theodosia. In my later years, my career took a sad tumble. Like your lover William, I was unable to continue my passion for Broadway. I ended up here, disillusioned but undefeated.”

“Whoa, hold on, buster. Will is not my lover. And how do you know about his New York experience?” I’d had enough. “Will, stop this right now. It isn’t funny.”

“I agree, Theodosia. It is tragic. The boy has such talent, such a love for theater.”

“Stop it.” I moved to push the man away, but my hands went right through him, and I almost fell into the orchestra pit. A strong force shoved me away from the edge.

“Dear me,” he said. “You must be more careful.”

I caught my breath. “I don’t believe in ghosts. Why are you here?”

“Because you need my help,” he said. 

“What do I need your help for?”

“Why, to solve the murder, of course! I liked Paula. She was efficient. I admired her work ethic. I do hope you have a strong work ethic, Theodosia.”

“Wait, wait. Go back to the first thing. Solve the murder? No one’s calling Paula’s death a murder!”

“But it was,” George Clancy Everhart said. “I saw it.”

Jane Tesh, a retired media specialist, lives in Mt. Airy, North Carolina, Andy Griffith’s home town, the real Mayberry. She is the author of the Madeline Maclin Mysteries, featuring former beauty queen, Madeline “Mac” Maclin and her reformed con man husband, Jerry Fairweather, and the Grace Street Mystery Series, featuring struggling PI David Randall, his psychic friend, Camden, and an array of tenants who move in and out of Cam’s boarding house at 302 Grace Street. Ghost Light is her first standalone mystery and the first to feature an asexual heroine.

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1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a really great mystery read-- I can't wait to get started! Thanks so much for sharing.


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