
Thursday, September 8, 2022

Meraki by Naomi Kelly BOOK TOUR


Welcome to the Magic Pen Book Tours' organized tour for Meraki: A Syren Story by Naomi Kelly taking place September 5-9, 2022!

Book Details


Title: Meraki: A Syren Story

Series: Syren Stories #1

Author: Naomi Kelly

Genres: Young Adult Fantasy / Enemies-to-Lovers Romance, Mythology

Release date: May 1, 2020

Publisher: Indie published

Pages: 237


Her song is a gift bestowed by the gods; so why does it feel like a curse?

Seventeen-year-old Wren thinks she has just swum away from the greatest threat in the sea. That's until she finds herself being hauled upon a warlord's boat. With her life at the mercy of a young, temperamental King, Wren must decide who is her ultimate enemy.

Can Fate be altered? What do gods have planned?

Syrens are bound to tell the truth, but that doesn’t mean their lives cannot be riddled with lies.


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Free with Kindle Unlimited

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“Flip it. I’ll choose either ‘Face’ or ‘Fin’, if I am wrong then I’ll drink, if I’m right, you drink. Simple.” I scrunch my nose and examine the coin closely. I don’t know how, but this game feels rigged in his favour. “Alright,” I say hesitantly, “But if I find out you’re cheating I’ll summon Cerberus to chew you up and spit you out.” “Can you summon Cerberus?” he asks with an arched brow. “I haven’t had to try…yet,” I say with a shrug. He chuckles. It’s a magnificent melody. There is something so wholly mortal about it, and although I wish otherwise, I find myself savouring the sound and remembering it for future use. It may not be a syren song, but it’s something I wish to practice more of. “I do not cheat; I just don’t lose,” he informs me. “You can’t always win.” I toss the coin high into the air. It gyrates in the candlelight between us, splashing dots of golden light across Kellan’s shadowed face. I catch the coin with both hands. “Watch me,” he says casually, “It’s fin.” I unclasp my palms slowly as if I were releasing a dragonfly. I feel his smugness before I even see the coin. He hands me the refilled cap with a grin, “Best of three?”
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Author Bio


Naomi Kelly is an indie YA Fantasy author living in Dublin, Ireland. Her descriptive writing style and love for all things magic and mythology make reading her stories the perfect escape from modern-day life. She began her writing journey in Sept. 2019 when she released her first book, 'Trial by Obsidian'. Her duology series of "Meraki: A Syren Story" and the sequel "Kairos: A Syren Story" follow sassy syren Wren, the sassy syren who has just swum away from home only to find herself at the mercy of the young warlord.


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Visit and follow @naomikellywriting and @magicpenbooktours on Instagram to enter a giveaway for a chance to win a paperback copy of Meraki: A Syren Story by Naomi Kelly. Check out #MerakiBookTour on Instagram for more entries.

Tour Schedule

September 5

Magic Pen Book Tours / @magicpenbooktours - Kick-off post

Journey in Bookland / @lady.of.bookland – Review + Excerpt/Teaser

Celticlady's Reviews – Excerpt

Sadie's Spotlight / @sadiesspotlight – Excerpt/Teaser

September 6

The Romance Book Fairy / – Review + Excerpt/Teaser

Jazzy Book Reviews / @jazzybookreviews – Excerpt/Teaser

Mrs_r_books – Spotlight

September 7

@starlight.pages – Review + Creative post

@jl_books – Spotlight

#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog / @bookreviewvirginialee – Excerpt/Teaser

September 8

@literarymegg – Review + Creative post

Momma Says to Read or not to Read / @mommasaystoread – Excerpt/Teaser

Books a Plenty Book Reviews – Excerpt

September 9

@itsabookthing2021 – Review

Valerie Ullmer | Romance Author – Excerpt

@natnavarro75 – Spotlight

Books Writing and Coffee / @bookswrittingandcoffee – Excerpt/Teaser

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Thank you for stopping by, remember to visit other tour stops and enter the Instagram giveaway!

Tour organized by: Magic Pen Book Tours logo

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