Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Excerpt Tour: Matching the Marquess by Darcy Burke


Matching the Marquess

by Darcy Burke


Historical Romance (Regency)


Benjamin Nash, Marquess of Creslow, must marry, for he is the last of the family line. Desirous of a business arrangement instead of a love match, he hires a matchmaker, but on the way to the May Day festival where he will meet her, as well as his matches, he encounters an alluring lady who may suit him perfectly...

After her husband's death left her a pauper, Rebecca Sweet relied on family for help and in return guided two of them to successful marriages. Engaged with her first real client, she plans to present him a gaggle of young ladies eager to wed. But when she realizes the marquess is the same dashing gentleman she met on the way to the festival, the task becomes far more complicated. Attraction simmers between them, however Nash wants a loveless marriage and Rebecca would only wed again for love. She must find him a bride before she loses her heart forever.


EXCERPTS (Exclusive Excerpt):

“I should go up to bed,” she murmured, perhaps putting more emphasis on the word should than necessary.

“What about your book?” he asked

“Given the lateness of the hour and the fact that we’re leaving tomorrow, I ought to try to sleep.”

“Try? Were you having trouble? Is that why you came down here?”

“Yes. I often have difficulty sleeping.” Why was she sharing so much with this stranger?

“That’s a shame.” His focus dropped to her mouth. “I imagine you’ve tried any number of remedies.”

She had, in fact, but wouldn’t bore him with the list. “Yes, but I’m always eager for a new suggestion. If you have one.”

“I find sexual intercourse is the best way for me to fall right to sleep.” His lips curled into a seductive smile. “The deep satisfaction just settles into my bones, and my body relaxes until I’m delivered into Morpheus’s arms.”

Had he just said sexual intercourse? She’d barely heard anything after that.

“Have I shocked you?” he whispered. Had he moved closer? “My apologies. But since you’re a widow, I thought a more provocative flirtation appropriate. Was I wrong?”

He was flirting with her. Of course he was, just as she had been with him. However, she’d never imagined it would lead to a conversation such as this. Or a proximity that certainly seemed to be leading toward a kiss.

Rebecca swallowed, her heart thudding frantically. “No, you aren’t wrong.” Even if he was, she didn’t care. Nothing had ever felt so right to her.


USA Today Bestselling Author Darcy Burke loves history, her family, and cats (not in that in that order). She’s published over fifty captivating, compelling historical and contemporary romance novels and novellas. It all started with The Magic Swan when she was 11 years old, a happily ever after about a swan addicted to magic and the female swan who loved him—with exceedingly poor illustrations. She still has plenty of ideas and writes (it seems) constantly in between hanging with her family, playing games, listening to the Dave Matthews Band, bingeing period TV shows, and chilling with her seven rescue cats. Join her Reader Club at

Facebook: Darcyburkefans

Facebook group: DarcysDuchesses








Darcy Burke will be awarding the first two books in the Wicked Dukes Club series (One Night for Seduction and One Night of Surrender) - US winner's choice of ebook or print, and international winner ebook only, to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


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