
Monday, July 31, 2023

Dead Among Stars Release Blitz and Giveaway


Space tourism isn’t dangerous. It’s the passengers.

Dead Among Stars

A Maddie Swallows Mystery Book 4

by Kat Bellemore

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Space tourism isn’t dangerous. It’s the passengers.

Psychologist Maddie Swallows had always thought of space tourism as science fiction. That was before the phone call that turned her world upside down and she was hired to work with celebrity passengers as they prepared for their once-in-a-lifetime flight.

It was her dream job. Until six passengers went up into space, and two hours later, only five returned.

If you don’t count the dead body.

Investigating a murder hadn’t been in the job description, but Maddie now needs to use her psychological training to discover who of the remaining five passengers is a murderer.

Before they strike again.

Dead Among Stars is the fourth book of the Maddie Swallows mystery series. If you like confined suspects, humor, and impossible whodunits, you’ll love this cozy mystery.

Dead Among Stars and be swept up in this intriguing mystery today!

**New Release! Get it Today!**

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Dr. Randall walked over to the astronauts and looked over the suits, checking that everything was how it should be. The suits had one pocket meant for a phone so the astronauts could take pictures. Charlotte had tried sneaking a box of cigarettes and a lighter in hers, and it was immediately confiscated.

“Mom, you could have gotten us all killed,” Emma said, her lips pulled into a frown.

Once the seven astronauts boarded, the medical officer, Lori, followed. She would be the eighth passenger. Just in case.

And then, while the rest of us cheered and waved, the spacecraft started down the runway, no different than the way any other plane takes off for a flight.

Other than a final counseling session to unravel their space experience, my job was complete.

“We have two hours until they return,” Jeffrey said, walking up to me as the employees returned inside. “Want to hit up the cafeteria? It just opened.”

I glanced at my phone, not that I doubted him. Just wanted to see if we had time for both a first and second lunch before it closed again until dinner. Had to take advantage of all the amazing food, since it would all go away the next day. We’d been spoiled.

“Absolutely. I just need to run to the dorm to change into my stretchy pants.” I was mostly kidding. As we reentered the building, I asked him, “What’s it been like? Following the ‘astronauts’ around for the past few days?” I did air quotes around “astronauts.” I knew it was marketed that way, but I didn’t like that those bickering celebrities were now placed in a category with intelligent, brave men and women who had done so much good up there on the International Space Station, as well as those who had traveled farther.

I threw a backward glance toward the staff dorms when Jeffrey turned in the opposite direction down the hallway. I’d be okay without the stretchy pants. Probably.

“It was okay,” he said with a small shrug. “I really like Ace Hutchins. He always seemed like a cool guy on TV, but he is that way in real life too. I was glad to not be disappointed. I like Rachel Sinclair too. Don’t love her music—it’s nothing special. But she wasn’t in everybody’s business, like the rest of them. Julie hoped the team-building exercises would help with cohesion, but it only seemed to make it worse.”

I had missed a lot while stuck in my little office. There had been times I’d been able to sneak out and peek through windows, but most of the training exercises had been done behind closed doors, and I wasn’t supposed to interrupt.

I thought of Rachel, who was used to stepping aside so she wasn’t bowled over by the rest. After she’d left our one and only session, I’d wished she’d have returned so we could talk about some skills she could use to increase her self-confidence. Even famous singers had problems standing up for themselves, just like the rest of us.

“I take it that Charlotte was the center of the drama?”

Jeffrey opened the cafeteria door and motioned for me to enter.

“Forever and always,” a man’s voice said.

Dr. Randall appeared behind me, his gaze scanning the endless food choices. “That woman thrives on chaos, and she doesn’t care what casualties are left in her wake. The problem is that the rest of the astronauts have a love/hate relationship with her. They need her, or at least they believe they do, but they despise her for it.”

“Is it bad that I wish I hadn’t missed all of it?” I asked, feeling sheepish. “It’s like those daytime soap operas. You know they are ridiculous, but you also can’t tear yourself away. And it was all happening in real time.”

I decided on pizza for my first lunch, promising myself huevos rancheros for my second round.

“Count yourself lucky,” Dr. Randall said. “I saw zero growth in any of them. I know they paid good money to be here, but honestly, I feel like this trip has been wasted on those seven.”

“Even Serena?” I asked. “She came in to talk with me a couple of times, and even though I don’t believe in all that psychic stuff, she seemed sweet.”

“Sure. Until you tell her something she doesn’t like. I saw the claws come out a few times with her. Never directed at me, but she wasn’t about to let the others walk all over her. She placed herself in a dominant position and made sure the others respected that. I even saw her stand up to Charlotte a couple of times. Only one who did that.”

Huh. And you think you know someone from a few therapy sessions.

Jeffrey had been right. Everything had been a show.

That was a bit disappointing, and it must have shown, because Dr. Randall nudged me with his shoulder. “Don’t let it get you down. For what it’s worth, I did think she was one of the more decent guests here. She was in survival mode, that’s all.”

I nodded. That made sense.

“That Noah guy, though,” Jeffrey said, sliding onto the seat across from me at the table. “Didn’t say a word the entire three days. Only watched and didn’t participate

unless he was forced to. The others were rude, but at least they were making an effort. It was like he was too good for everyone there. I don’t know why he even came.”

Dr. Randall quietly ate his food, his gaze firmly focused on the enchilada in front of him.

He knew something. And I had a feeling it was more than just Noah’s dyslexia.

“What do you think, Dr. Randall?” I asked.

He chewed his food far slower than necessary, then swallowed. “You’re right. He doesn’t want to be here.” And then Dr. Randall stood. “You know, I think the launch took my appetite with it. I’ll see you at the landing in…” He checked his watch. “Ninety minutes.”  And then he dumped his tray and disappeared through a side door.

“That was weird, right?” Jeffrey asked, his gaze still on the door Dr. Randall had left through.

I agreed. “Very weird.”

But that was nothing compared to when the spacecraft glided onto the runway ninety minutes later, the employees cheering. A small band played to the right of us, welcoming the astronauts home. Not sure where they came from.

That wasn’t the weird part.

It was when six astronauts disembarked, instead of seven.

And then there was the scream.

**Don't miss the rest of the series!**

**Start the series for FREE!**

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Kat Bellemore is a small-town romance and cozy mystery author. Deciding to have New Mexico as the setting for two of her series was an easy choice, considering its amazing sunsets, blue skies and tasty green chile. That, and she currently lives there with her husband and two cute kids. They hope to one day add a dog to the family, but for now, the native animals of the desert will have to do. Though, Kat wouldn't mind ridding the world of scorpions and centipedes. They're just mean.

You can visit Kat at

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Limp Forward Virtual Book Tour

A Memoir of Disability, Perseverance, and Success



Date Published: June 27, 2023


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From being a little girl in a village in China with polio to a tech executive at Apple, Libo Cao Meyers (曹力波) has had quite a journey in life—a journey steeped in rich family legacy and powered by determination, growth, and love. Over the years and the miles, she’s embraced her differences and has allowed no one—including herself—to set limitations on what she’s able to accomplish.

But just because she’s been successful doesn’t mean it’s been easy. Not by a long shot.

Along the way, Libo has overcome challenges as an immigrant in a new country, a person with a disability, a mother, and a woman in the male-dominated world of technology.

In Limp Forward, Libo boldly shares her story—both the hard and the beautiful—so that you may feel seen, be reminded of your inherent value, and find the strength you need to face your own challenges in life.

Every journey is unique, but Libo’s experiences contain insight that connects us all. Limp Forward is a captivating, unbridled exploration of the truths that guide us and shows what is possible when we pursue our full potential.

About the Author

Libo Cao Meyers is a veteran of Silicon Valley’s culture of innovation, a board member, and a high-tech executive at Apple, where she helps build products that enrich people’s lives. Libo grew up in a village in Northern China and was diagnosed with polio as an infant. She did not let her disability quiet her ambition, immigrating alone to the United States at twenty-four and simultaneously completing her MS and PhD at Ohio University in two different engineering fields. From there, she once again put limitations aside and became an athlete by completing a Century Ride—a 100-mile bike ride—despite lingering leg complications from polio. She is proud to be part of the Cao family, which for the last 500 years of its 3000-year history, has kept a family record, each generation striving for more and contributing to a deeply-rooted legacy. She lives in California with her husband, Curt, and their two sons. For more, visit


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Hel Blitz

Horror, Dark fantasy, psychological thriller, fiction, occult

Date Published: July 17, 2023


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After losing his job at a genomic research company, Joel worries about his ability to provide for his family, especially during the holiday season. Even more concerning is how his unemployment may affect his perfect image within the extremist community he has lived in since birth. Lured by the idea of a quick fix, he impulsively books a flight for himself and his family to Europe when the offer of a large inheritance arrives in his inbox. Confident that he knows best, Joel blindly trusts a stranger's invitation to return to the village of his ancestors to collect his birthright. But rather than wealth, they quickly discover that their lineage only possesses monstrous truths with deadly consequences.



 About the Author

Brigitte, "Gitte," Tamar was born in a small rural Oregon town. Growing up, she was enthralled by scary tales featuring poetic tones and consistently gravitated towards writing darkened narratives. In the different storylines, Brigitte explores the harsh realities of social issues faced by today's generations. This includes the dark outcomes brought on by peer pressure, addiction, homelessness, mental illness, childhood trauma, and abuse. She feels it is essential to share narratives that refrain from sugarcoating the topics society tends to shy away from.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Book Blast: Midnight Rapture by Anya Howard

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Anya Summers will award a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Rescued by a hot, kilt-wearing Scot…

Freya’s on the run from her abusive ex-boyfriend. She’s exhausted and terrified, but if she stops, she knows he’ll find her – and their infant daughter – and make her pay. Desperation drives her to do something she shouldn’t, that she knows is fundamentally wrong…

… and sure enough, she gets caught red-handed. All she can do is beg for mercy.

When Jasper catches the gorgeous new maid with her hand in his wallet, his first instinct is to call the police. But Freya’s tearful plea strikes a chord deep within him, and instead he finds himself offering her the protection of his name and family.

Their union is meant to be on paper only but Jasper soon finds himself enthralled by his new bride. He starts a campaign to seduce her into his bed, never expecting her to wiggle her way into his heart.

And when her past threatens her very existence, he will stop at nothing to keep her safe.

Fall headlong into this steamy, fake relationship, stand-alone romance between a fierce Scottish businessman and a single mother as they navigate the road of love with all its pitfalls

Read an Excerpt

Marry him? Was the guy clinically insane?

Who asked someone they’d just met to marry them? She’d tell you who did stuff like that—crazy people.

Holding Maddie close, Freya didn’t know what to think or how to feel about his offer. He was only a few years older than she, by her reckoning, maybe in his early thirties. He could be English, but with a name like Campbell would bet what cash she had left he was Scottish.

His voice was sex personified. His Scottish brogue in that sexy baritone made his words sound like a caress. And when he spoke, the potent vibrations shivered through her body down into her toes. A man like him was dangerous to her sensibilities. A hypothesis proven by that reckless kiss. And what a kiss! Her body still hummed with illicit desire.

But she had sworn long ago that she would never be taken in by a charming, handsome face again. She’d done that once.

Holding Maddie close in case she needed to make a break for it, she asked, “What’s your name?”

He cast an arched stare as he rounded the kitchen island and faced her. “Jasper Campbell, at your service. And who is this little lassie?” He nodded toward her daughter. Maddie stared at him in fascination. Like mother, like daughter. But it could just be she wasn’t used to being around men that much, and definitely not one this enormous.

“This is Maddie.” Freya said her name, and her daughter grinned like it was the funniest thing she’d ever heard.

“I’ve got a highchair in the pantry. Let me grab it, and we can set it by the table. And don’t think of leaving until we’ve finished discussing this matter. You try to leave before we’ve finished our negotiations, and I will call the authorities.”

She sucked in a breath at the threat. Rich people really were different. Only a guy who had never interacted with cops would call them the authorities. But she had no plans to leave just yet. Because she wanted to see if he was serious about his offer.

Did he really want to marry her for a year to gain his inheritance? Would he really buy her a house and give her twenty million dollars if she agreed?

About the Author:
Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Anya grew up listening to Cardinals baseball and reading anything she could get her hands on. She remembers her mother saying if only she would read the right type of books instead of binging her way through the romance aisles at the bookstore, she’d have been a doctor. While Anya never did get that doctorate, she graduated cum laude from the University of Missouri-St. Louis with an M.A. in History.

Anya is a bestselling and award-winning author published in multiple fiction genres. She also writes urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and contemporary romance under the name Maggie Mae Gallagher. A total geek at her core, when she is not writing, she adores attending the latest comic con or spending time with her family. She currently lives in the Midwest with her two furry felines.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

✱✱Book Review✱✱ The Poison Garden Series by Jennifer Allis Provost


When bleeding hearts appear, what does it mean for seers?

Eli's doing her best to run Nine Lives Investigations, keep the local witch clans happy as the new Mistress of Seers, and navigate her newfound closeness with Dan. Although, she's not really leading anything, and truth be told she's fine with the supernatural community looking after itself. What's not fine is that she and Tessa have been tracking Nathaniel Beauclaire for months, only to hit one dead end after another.

When bleeding hearts start popping up all over town-out of season, mind you-Eli wonders what the universe is trying to tell her. Before she can figure out what the plants mean, someone threatens the clan elders, a group of (lame) ghost hunters begin dogging her every move, and she and Dan are attacked by a demon. Worst of all, each and every clue points toward Eli's ex, Amir, a power-mad seer she hasn't seen in years and never wants to see again, as the mastermind behind every piece of bad news.

Amir's ultimate goal becomes known, Eli hatches a mad plan to stop him for good-then a family secret comes out which could derail everything, including her newfound leadership of the seers. Will she fight for the title she never wanted, or will Amir take everything from her yet again?

Eli never wanted to lead the seers, but she's sure as hell not going down without a fight.

Momma Says: 3 stars⭐⭐⭐

After reading Oleander (book 1 in The Poison Garden series), I had some pretty big expectations for Bleeding Hearts. Now, don't get me wrong - the book is good. The writing is smooth, the story flows well, and the world-building is done organically throughout the story. We also get a more developed mystery this time around, which is great. Nevertheless, some things just fell a little short of the mark for me. I loved the banter between Dan and Eli in Oleander, and while it's nice to see their relationship grow, I really missed the wit and humor in their dialogue. The secondary characters didn't feel as vibrant either, which was disappointing. I realize that things need to progress, and characters need to continue to grow and develop, but I'd have liked to see some elements continue here while still allowing for character growth.
Those are things that I missed in this book, and it's likely that it's all me and not the book, so don't let my 2 cents worth deter you. It's still a solid story, and I'd say urban fantasy readers will really like this series. 

Eli was born to be the Mistress of Seers. Too bad everyone doesn't feel that way.

Eli's bid to be named the Mistress of Seers was a disaster. Those who are witchborn cannot lead the seers, and Eli's just learned that her mother was a witch. But that's not why the clan elders won't follow her—it's because of her newly discovered curse. Instead, they pick her rival and ex-lover, Amir, as their leader.

Since Amir blew up her apartment right before he claimed her rightful position, Eli's been staying at Dan's place. Things are moving fast between them—maybe too fast—then Eli's life goes from bad to worse and she doesn't have time to give in to her insecurities. Dan's job is on the line, Tessa searches for a way to save the witch elders from Amir's cruel plans, and Eli struggles to understand where her curse came from. All of the clues they uncover point toward Eli's mother.

Eli tries not to think about her mother too often. After all, the woman had abandoned Eli as a child, and in a psychiatric ward at that. But Eli needs answers, so she probes her family's history. Along the way she learns that she's more closely entwined with the local witch cans than she ever realized. Then Amir begins killing witches—some with a slow descent into madness, others publicly and messily—and Eli realizes she's out of options. She reaches out to her first enemy, someone who tried to control Eli's destiny before she was ever born: Sarah Allwood, the witch who started it all.

But, what could Sarah have to do with Eli's mother? Eli hasn't seen her in twenty years… then Eli learns that the last time her mother visited her, she had a thornapple blossom in her hair.

Momma Says: 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

Jennifer Allis Provost really brings her A game with Thornapple. The story has great pacing and plenty of excitement. Dan and Eli are figuring things out as a couple, and we get a pretty thorough gander at Eli's past. The characters have a vibrancy about them, and it's easy to root for the good guys. On the flip side of that, the baddie is pretty darned unlikable, which is what I expect. World-building amps up a bit, and we get some exciting additions to this entertaining world. To be honest, I finished book 2 of The Poison Garden series with mixed feelings, but this one brings me back to what I was hoping for with this series. This is the kind of story you can lose yourself in, making for a nice little getaway without leaving your favorite reading spot. 

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Phoenix Rising Blitz


Action, Adventure, Techno-Thriller, Suspense, Sci-Fi, Military Thriller, Conspiracy

Date Published: May 2023


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Unveiling the latest sensation in the world of Short Form Novels: Phoenix Rising by Mark T. Wellington!


This high-octane, adrenaline-pumping thriller will transport you to the year 2035, where mind-controlled space-age drones reign supreme, and one man's quest to save the world takes an intensely personal turn.

Immerse yourself in the gripping story of Tony Simmons, a fearless Air Force major with the extraordinary ability to control three of the most powerful drones ever created - the Devastators. When his family is kidnapped, and he finds himself betrayed and hunted, Tony is forced to push his powers to the limit in a desperate race against time.

Phoenix Rising is the perfect embodiment of the Short Form Novel, delivering a relentless, fast-paced narrative that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Mark T. Wellington masterfully weaves a tale of suspense, intrigue, and heart-stopping action, combining futuristic technology and geopolitical complexities with raw, human emotions.

In this compact literary masterpiece, every page is packed with tension, danger, and unexpected twists, as Tony navigates the treacherous world of betrayal, espionage, and simmering romantic tension with his colleague, Adrianne. As the line between reality and fabrication blurs, Tony must unravel the shocking truth behind the conspiracy that threatens his life and the safety of his family.

Don't miss out on this exhilarating new addition to the Short Form Novel revolution! Grab your copy of Phoenix Rising today and join Tony Simmons as he battles insurmountable odds to save his family and uncover the sinister truth that lies beneath the surface. Are you ready for the ride of your life?


About the Author

Mark T. Wellington is a US Air Force Veteran with the Electronic Security Command who held an SCI/SBI Top Secret clearance—his experience in the military has given him the tools to tell exciting stories. His expertise in cyber and electronic warfare, as well as his practices in Krav Maga and kickboxing, inspired his turbulent and exciting novel, Phoenix Rising.

A citizen of the world, Mark's passport is a mosaic of global experiences. He has journeyed from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the steep inclines of Mount Everest, and from the historic heart of Berlin to the vibrant culture of Barcelona. Having resided in six different countries, he has absorbed diverse cultures, engaged with intricate art forms, and navigated awe-inspiring landscapes.

Despite his technological acumen and AI engineering expertise, he is never one to be confined within the digital realm. His creativity spills over into his passion for scuba diving, rock climbing, and racing, each providing unique inspirations for his storytelling. Moreover, his interests in cooking, gardening, and painting reveal an individual who fully embraces the blend of art and science, making his work as varied and colorful as his life.

With his extensive world travels, deep technical expertise, and unbounded creativity, Mark is a true renaissance man, promising many more exciting stories to come.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

✱✱Book Review✱✱ Shattered Dreams by Abbie Roads


Shattered Dreams
by Abbie Roads
(Beautiful Nightmare, #3)
Publication date: July 11th 2023
Genres: Adult, Dark Romance, Romance

A crooked cop. Corruption. A woman convicted of murder. A man determined to prove her innocence.

When Helena Grayse is released from prison, all she wants is to say a final goodbye to her old life. But when a man finds her trespassing on his property, instead of turning her in, he takes her in. Accepts her. Loves her.

But someone decides to serve Helena with a death sentence.

Shattered Dreams is the third book in Abbie Roads’ Beautiful Nightmare Series of dark romantic thrillers. It features a felon heroine who never thought she deserved love. If you devour true crime and romance novels then you’ll love a series that combines both in a roller-coaster ride of danger, mind games, and swoon worthy love.

Buy this dangerously dark romance today!

Trigger warning: Depictions of SA and violence.

Previously Published under the title Never Let Me Fall.

Abbie Roads is the best-selling author of the Fatal Dreams Series and the Fatal Truth Series. Her novels have been finalists in many prestigious contests including The Golden Heart, The Greater Detroit Booksellers Best, The Oklahoma National Readers’ Choice Award, The Write Touch, The Strut Your Stuff Contest, The Aspen Gold Contest, The Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, The Heart of Excellence Readers’ Choice Award, The Midnight Sun, The Kathryn Hayes Contest, The Chanticleer, The Daphne du Maurier, The National Readers’ Choice Award, The New England Readers’ Choice Contest, The Beverly Award, and The Maggie Award. Her debut novel Race the Darkness was Publishers Weekly Top 10 Pick for Fall and Never Let Me Fall is an Amazon Editor’s Pick.

By day Abbie Roads is a mental health counselor always focusing on the bright side. By night she writes on the dark side, putting her characters through the wringer before she gives them their happily-ever-after. She loves a good inspirational quote and is a fan of true crime.

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Momma Says: 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

It's been a while since I read an Abbie Roads book, and now I'm kicking myself for getting away from her brand of romantic thriller. Shattered Dreams is the kind of book that pulls you right in from the start, and it does not let go - even after the final page has been turned. Helena is such a great character, and I was totally invested in her and Thomas. The story flows so well, and it's the kind that makes you lose all track of time. You know, one of those just one more chapter kind of stories that keeps you up all night, reading frantically to get the answers.
This is the third book in Abbie Roads's Beautiful Nightmare series, but it is a standalone. It's well written and there are some great twists that I didn't see coming. The book is not without some darkness, but I expected that given the genre, and I would advise heeding the trigger warnings before diving in. As for me, this romantic thriller is both dark and gripping, which is right up my alley.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Changing Tide Tour and Giveaway


Dive into this fast-paced, suspenseful Sci-Fi fantasy novel that melds sizzling romance, action, heart-stopping horror, and a high-stakes battle to save humanity.

Changing Tide

by Robert Joncas

Genre: YA SciFi Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, Horror

I had to do it.

I wouldn't let anyone else I love die.

What did I do ...

A wild adventure that takes you on a journey from the California coast to the depths of the Grand Canyon. Dive into this fast-paced, suspenseful Sci-Fi fantasy novel that melds sizzling romance, action, heart-stopping horror, and a high-stakes battle to save humanity.

After her father's tragic death, eighteen-year-old Skye Conner and her mom visit her Nana on the California coast. There, Skye stumbles across a mystical conch shell in the surf. Suddenly her dull, empty life takes on a thrilling and terrifying turn.

Skye has had to endure a despondent mother drowning in grief, living in a private world of darkness. Nana is a feisty, intelligent, take-no-bull grandmother with a flaming sense of pride and heart of gold. Then comes a handsome, mesmerizing alien on a mission to save the Earth. But are his intentions sincere, or does he have another agenda?

Skye has finally found someone to love, but can he be trusted? Changing Tide is a witty, original page-turning thriller that will make you look at First Contact in a whole new way.

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--snippet of a review from

Robert Joncas has crafted a compelling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The pacing is well-balanced, and the author's ability to evoke a wide range of emotions is commendable. Skye's character development is particularly noteworthy, as readers witness her transformation from a grieving and vulnerable girl into a brave and determined young woman.

....Changing Tide is a remarkable book that grabs the reader's attention from the very first page. With its compelling characters, intriguing plot twists, and seamless blending of genres, it is a true page-turner. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment spent reading this book and was genuinely sad when it came to an end. Without a doubt, I highly recommend picking up Changing Tide by Robert Joncas and awarding it a well-deserved 5 out of 5 stars

--snippet of a Review from Literary Titan--

In “Changing Tide,” Robert Joncas masterfully entwines an evocative narrative of a young girl, Skye, wrestling with her personal turmoil while being swept into a journey far beyond her understanding. Haunted by cryptic dreams and grappling with the tragic loss of her father and her mother’s spiraling depression, Skye’s world is painted with a brush of melancholy. However, a glimmer of hope emerges as she rekindles a connection with Paul, an alluring figure from her past, previously known for his childhood mischief.

Robert Joncas showcases an exceptional ability to portray raw emotions and delicate sentiments. His narrative is an intricate tapestry of romance, familial bonds, suspense, and an unmistakably human touch enveloped in a mantle of science fiction. The characters are vividly constructed, each contributing a unique hue to the narrative palette. Nana, Skye’s vivacious and fearless grandmother, was a particular standout, embodying a captivating blend of loyalty and audacious spirit.

The narrative is particularly successful in illustrating Skye’s internal struggle – her battle against emotional turmoil and her hesitant forays into new friendships. The character development of the alien entity is equally commendable, with its adaptation and backstory revealed in a layered, compelling manner.

Changing Tide” is a warmly recommended read, particularly for young adults who yearn for a slice of relatable, yet enchantingly fantastic, reality. This novel embodies the essence of heartfelt storytelling interlaced with an adventurous spirit, ensuring a riveting reading experience.

Robert grew up in Southern California and has worked as a Real Estate Broker in Flagstaff, AZ, for many years. He has a BS in Health Science and graduated with Distinction from the prestigious UCLA Writers' Program, where he studied under Author Lynn Hightower in her Master Novel Classes. He is a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors and the Horror Writers Association.

Website * Amazon

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$50 Amazon – 1 winner,

ebook of Changing Tide – 2 winners!