
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Truth Teaser Tuesday


Savage Raptors MC, Book 4

A Dixie Reapers Bad Boys Romance


Motorcycle Club Romance

Date Published: July 28, 2023

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Madison -- My parents died and left me with my older brother. At one time, he’d been a nice guy. Then he let drugs and alcohol destroy his life. Now I walk on eggshells every day, and hope for a way out of this nightmare. Growing up, no one wanted to be friends with the deaf girl, much less date her. Now I’m an adult and haven’t been on a single date in my life. I should run from the big biker called Truth… so why does he make me feel so safe?

Truth -- Women are all the same. Can’t trust them. I’ve been screwed over enough times to know better than to fall for the lies that drip from their lips like honey. But Madison doesn’t seem to be the same as all the others. It’s not just because she’s deaf. There’s a sweetness to her, a vulnerability that makes me want to protect her. I never thought I’d get the chance, but once I find out what her brother is up to, I’ll stop at nothing to make sure no one hurts Madison. Whether she knows it or not, she’s mine.


WARNING: Guaranteed happily ever after, no cliffhanger, no cheating. Recommended for readers 18+ due to adult situations, language, and violence.



I stashed my purse and stepped into the bathroom to freshen up. I splashed water on my face, used a wet paper towel to wipe down my arms and the back of my neck, then cleaned my armpits. Thankfully I kept a small bag stashed here with some deodorant and body spray. I used both before smoothing my hair and went to get a cup of coffee. I poured the strong brew and peered at the choices in the glass cabinet.

Mrs. Johnson caught my attention and signed her question. What will it be this morning?

I signed and spoke my answer, even though I knew my voice could be loud and off-putting to some people. “Blueberry.”

She smiled and gave me a nod. Once she’d plated the muffin for me, I took my breakfast to the office and got started on my work. I paused between tasks to nibble on the muffin and take a swallow or two of coffee before getting back to it. I helped with her bookkeeping, inventory, and organized her files. As Mrs. Johnson once said, she loved the people and baking part of her business, but not so much the rest of it.

I couldn’t call the vendors for her, but I did tackle the emails that came through, and I maintained her store website. In fact, I needed to go snap a few pictures for the shop’s social media accounts. I grabbed my phone and peered out into the front of the shop. Only two men stood at the counter, both wearing the black leather vests of the local motorcycle club.

Even though they made me a little nervous, I pasted a smile on my face and stepped out front. Neither one acknowledged me, even though I did feel someone’s eyes watching me as I took a few pictures. If it hadn’t been for Mrs. Johnson’s frantic waving, which I caught from the corner of my eye, the shouted hey would have scared the crap out of me. While it wasn’t as loud to me as it would be for others, I still hadn’t expected to hear someone speaking behind me. And for his voice to come through so clearly, I knew he’d yelled the word.

I paused and turned to face the men. One of them was speaking, but he was talking so fast, I couldn’t catch everything. I had a hearing aid in one ear, which allowed me to hear a small amount. Still, I relied heavily on lip reading and sign language. Except this man’s mouth was covered by a moustache and beard. I couldn’t make out what he was saying. I tried to turn my hearing aid up a little.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you,” I said. The man’s eyebrows rose, and he came closer, moving slowly. Had he not realized I was deaf? I’d thought that was what Mrs. Johnson had been so frantic about.

“Why are you taking pictures?” he asked slowly, making sure to enunciate each word, and speaking loudly.

I showed him my phone, where I’d been in the process of loading a few images to Instagram for the Etta Mae’s account. I turned so he could watch as I typed, added my hashtags, then posted the images. Next, I did the same for Facebook and Twitter. I’d save TikTok for another time, since I’d need to create a video of the items on display. I never liked doing that when people were present.

The other man came over and started signing. He didn’t mean to scare you. We didn’t realize you couldn’t hear.

I signed my response back. It’s okay.

“Can you say that out loud?” the first man asked. “I don’t know how to use sign language.”

“I said it’s okay.” The way Mrs. Johnson winced, I knew my volume had been a little too loud. “Sorry.”

“I’m Truth,” the man said. “And this is Knuckles.”

The one he called Knuckles signed his answer as Truth spoke. So I did the same, both speaking and signing. “I’m Madison.”

Copyright 2023, Harley Wylde




About the Author

Harley Wylde is an International Bestselling Author of MC Romances. When Harley's writing, her motto is the hotter the better -- off-the-charts sex, commanding men, and the women who can't deny them. If you want men who talk dirty, are sexy as hell, and take what they want, then you've come to the right place. She doesn't shy away from the dangers and nastiness in the world, bringing those realities to the pages of her books, but always gives her characters a happily-ever-after and makes sure the bad guys get what they deserve.

Author’s Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook: @harleywylde

Author on Twitter: @HarleyW_Writer


Publisher on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @changelingpress

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