
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Live Ever-Fresh Teaser Tuesday


Self-Help / Spiritual / Counseling and Recovery / Geared for Women

Date Published: 09-11-2023

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Burned out from ministering to people? Living in survival mode?

Are you serving as a pastor, worship leader, counselor, working with teens or children, or ministering regularly to people in some capacity, and often feel like quitting?

Live Ever-Fresh is the fruit of Pastor Kathy Moore's journey in overcoming ministry burnout. She has served in church leadership/ministry for over 32 years and understands the complexity of challenges all types of leaders face.

  - Discover and change the unhealthy mindsets that lead to burnout

  - Develop vital skills that will empower you for healthy communication, boundaries, and maintaining passion as you minister to people

  - Learn to live as "His ever-fresh lily thriving on His love!" Song of Songs 2:1

What might ministry burnout look like?

   Do you have an internal critic telling you that you should be doing more? Do you feel obligated to help?

   Do you struggle with feeling used, taken advantage of, or not appreciated?

   Are you driven by a need to please people and feel guilty when you say "no" to helping?

   Do you find yourself rehashing conversations in your head or preoccupied with peoples problems?

   Do you feel drained from carrying so many responsibilities and wearing so many hats?

   Do you find yourself wanting to avoid the very people you use to love talking to and helping?


If you answered "yes" to 2 or more of these questions, then this book is for you.





Introduction: Elijah’s Cry Was

My Cry Too



“I’ve have had enough, Lord, …take my life,” Elijah cried out in desperation. In 1 Kings 19:4 NIV, Elijah had reached his lowest point and was ready to give up. I thought about Elijah as I spoke those same words to my precious Jesus, “I’ve had enough! I’m done. I quit.” Elijah had experienced some amazing victories and seen God do awesome things, and so had I. Then, his enemy, Jezebel, sought to kill him, and he became afraid. Feeling alone in his battle, he ran for his life. I remember wrestling with the Lord as Elijah did that day. Battle weary, I wanted to quit the ministry and get off the front lines. Yet, my greatest desire was to please Jesus, and He always met me in my place of struggle. One of my most powerful God encounters happened in one of my dark moments of pain.

Every leader I know has gone through seasons of wanting to quit. Sadly, many have. Burnout has led many beautiful, gifted, anointed leaders to leave the ministry. God has called me to share the process He took me through to help others avoid or overcome ministry burnout. Get ready to go on a powerful journey to learn how to live ever-fresh, my friends.


According to a Barna Survey


38% of pastors want to quit.


You will discover and replace key unhealthy mindsets that lead to burn out and develop skills that will lead you from survival mode to enjoying and living powerfully in Christ again. Think about dandelions in the spring. You go out and mow your beautiful, green lawn, and then a week later, one by one, all those dandelions have popped up again. What do you need to do to get rid of a dandelion for good? You must pull it up from the roots to get rid of it. That’s where our journey will begin too. We are going after the roots: the unhealthy mindsets lurking below the surface. We will explore some truths that the enemy had twisted into an unhealthy extreme—in me and others I know—to wear out Father’s compassionate and mercy-filled servants.

With each truth, I will be giving you some action steps to take in each chapter. This is vital, because it’s the application that leads to transformation.

Additionally, I will share some truth statements for you to intentionally speak out loud. Doing this will build strongholds of truth to replace the unhealthy mindsets. I call them freedom statements because it’s the truth you truly know that sets you free (John 8:32)!

Lastly, I have included a prayer in each chapter to make room for Jesus to minister to you. Ready, set, let’s go, beloved ones!

About the Author

Kathy Moore, a native-born Pennsylvanian, grew up with a passion and a heart for serving people from a young age. This passion led her to pursue her master’s degree in counselling from Regents University. Since then, Kathy has served and ministered to people of many different age groups in varied capacities. Over the past 32 years her experience includes: youth leader (teens), children’s ministry leader, home group leader, inner healing ministry, counseling, and teaching in a variety of settings. She is also the co-founder of the ministry “Diapers for Darlings” that provides diapers and essentials for babies and moms in her county. She is now serving as an administrator and is on staff as one of the pastors at Living Word Fellowship in Wellsboro, PA.

After experiencing her own personal burnout and healing from the Lord, it’s become Kathy’s passion to help people recover from survival mode, experience healing, and be equipped to live “Ever-Fresh and Thriving on His Love.” She has a gift for helping people discover and break free from long-standing lies, to receive emotional healing from Jesus, to recover passion, and to offer the tools to live healthy, refreshed lives. Kathy and her husband Dave of 36+ years are blessed to have four children and one grandchild.


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