Monday, January 22, 2024

I SURVIVED by Celisha J Virtual Book Tour


by Celisha J



“I Survived” is about my life story from my early childhood to my adolescent days. This book describes my journey of my life through abuse, molestation, rape, near death experience, and more that I lived through and literally survived. It gives a brief of the men in my life and what they all taught me. They subjected me to so much pain that they made me hard, bitter, immune to pain and emotions. Read my book on Kindle or purchase it on Amazon for the full story about my ugly childhood and bitter adolescence.

Today, when I look back and reflect on my life, I realize that I am not alone. There are several little girls and women out there who are subject to similar treatments or worse. They need help. They need emotional support. They need counselling. They need mentoring. My book is for such little girls and women – to give them hope, to give them a chance, to show them a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. They need to know that they are not alone. They need to know that there is someone who can relate to their situation and truly understand them. They need to know that there is someone out there who cares for them and loves them, simply because they are human and deserve to be loved. They can reach out to me for help, love, and care.

For the men or women reading my book who exhibit or display similar behaviours that I have described, they need to know that they need to stop looking at little girls and women from their private areas. They need to know that they need to lift their thinking and start looking at little girls and women from their hearts, brains, minds, and souls. They need to realize and understand that women are much more than physical appearance.

For the people who stood by me through thick and thin, I am ever grateful to them. There are some of my family and friends who saw me through the various phases of my life. My gratitude to them for being there and giving me emotional, physical, financial, and moral support, especially to my children. To get a better sense and understanding of the emotions portrayed in these couple of paragraphs, read my book, “I Survived” Kindle or order your copy on Amazon.



In “I Survived” the author’s journey through a life marked by hardship, pain and resilience. From the devastating loss of a mother at a young age to abusive relationships and a harrowing escape, this gripping memoir unveils the story of survival, redemption, and the enduring strength of the human spirit. With unwavering determination, the author overcomes the shadows of her past to forge a path toward self-discovery, healing, and hope.

I Survived is an inspiring testament to the power of resilience and the unwavering belief that no matter the obstacles, one can triumph over adversity and ultimately thrive.




My name is Celisha J. I have been through a lot, learned, and am better because of it. I am a firm believer that every lesson is a blessing. God has saved me so many times. I know he did this because he has something bigger planned for me.

My prayer for this book is that it helps women and children who have gone through the same or similar situations to know that they don’t have to allow the traumas of their past to keep them from being successful. I believe that God has a plan for our life, but we did something to alter that plan along the way. He did not intend for us to struggle or have a hard life. He allows us to choose the path we want to go on. The good thing is he is that he is Always there to pick us up when we fall. We were born for greatness.

Hold yourself accountable for your mistakes and forgive yourself and those who hurt you. Forgiveness is for you. I want people to know you can be the best you that you allow. No one says it will be easy, but the main thing to remember is that you are responsible for you. I believe that the only person you can truly believe in life, who won’t let you down, is God and yourself. In order for you to crawl out of the slump of being abused, hurt, let down, controlled, and battered is, your faith in God and the belief that he has better for you. He does not want us to live in our past. He intended for us to learn from it and allow our past to help other people gain strength, but if we tell our stories and we have not grown from what happened to us, then who can we really help?

I have done some things in my past that I am not proud of, and this book tells you my story and how I remember it. No, it is not everything, but the book will tell you the things that stood out the most to me. I have learned a lot and grown from my mistakes, and I have decided not to allow the embarrassment, pain, and struggles from my past to hold me back, so I am releasing it in this book.

This is my Ugly Truth!


Born in Michigan now living in Atlanta Celisha J. is an Actress and Author all in one, landing a role in a movie and a lead role on a TV Series.

She currently has a book entitled “I Survived”. It is a chilling story about her life from losing her mom at an early age and all the things that she has endured in her life, that should have broken her but she uses her pain as motivation to continue on her journey to following her dreams of being an actress, author and motivational speaker. She is currently pursuing more roles in acting. 




Amazon Author Page: 

Available on Kindle Unlimited:

YouTube Video:



One randomly drawn winner will win a $25 Amazon/BN gift card.


  1. We appreciate you featuring this book and author today. Thank you!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing!! I am very appreciative of your support ❤️

  3. "I SURVIVED" by Celisha J Can be incredibly powerful and inspiring.

  4. This sounds like a good book. Thanks for sharing.


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