
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Prayer Warrior by Traci Wooden-Carlisle and D. Tina Batten NBtM Virtual Book Tour


The Prayer Warrior

by Traci Wooden-Carlisle and D. Tina Batten



Interview with Ms. V.

The following is an interview with Ms. V., the student – and staff counselor for the Center of Hope Christian Academy. This interview is being conducted by me, Rhyan Fox for KUGO radio broadcasting as a part of our mission to find unsung heroes. Ms. Beatrice Verchachese, endearingly known as Ms. V., isn’t just a counselor, she is a friend, colleague, intercessor and mentor. Unbeknownst to her. We have watched her interactions with students who have stopped her to talk briefly in the halls and faculty who were having a hard time fitting in or getting along with everyone else and we conclude that Ms. V. truly is an unsung heroine. 

Ms Fox: Ms. Vera …ah…um Verach. 

Ms. V.: You may call me Ms. V.

Ms. Fox: We thank you for your selflessness and willingness to give when others give up. This is why we named you the Unsung Hero of January 2024. We would like to ask you a few questions.

Ms. V.: I am honored by this show of appreciation. Hopefully, it will inspire others to pray and give some of their time to those who are hurting, lost or just need a non-judgmental ear. (She claps her hands) Okay. What questions do you have for me?

Ms. Fox: Thank you for your graciousness. I’d like to know what you think makes you different from other student counselors.
Ms. V.: Well, I don’t know a lot of other student counselors but the ones I do know are knowledgeable, wise, compassionate, patient and wonderful listeners. I pray that I have a few of these characteristics. 

Ms. Fox: Those are indeed much needed attributes but what is it about your type of counseling that sets you apart?

Ms. V.: I guess one of the things that sets me apart is that I don’t relegate my counseling to the nature of youth and men. I speak to their souls in my dreams.

Ms. Fox: This is definitely different, and I thank you for allowing us to get to this unique approach directly. How do you address the souls of your students?

Ms. V.: It is not so much me as it is the Holy Spirit. I pray as I have for many years; asking God to give me the discernment to pray in the manner the Holy Spirit would guide me. 

Ms. Fox: Please go on.

Ms. V.: It is different for each child because they are all unique and have different challenges. Since I want to be as effective as possible with my counseling, I ask the Holy Spirit which way I should pray to not only reach the students but also affect change in their lives. It always starts with praise for my Heavenly Father and His desire to use me to do such intimate work on His behalf. 

Ms. Fox: We have also heard that you war in the spirit for your children. Tell us a little about this.

Ms. V.: This is true. There are times when I must stand up against demonic forces working to take advantage and control of the souls of our youth when they are most vulnerable. This is when I dress myself in the Whole Armor of God and wield my sword of the spirit – also known as the Bible – to use the Word of God against the dark forces. 

Ms. Fox: And you literally battle for your students and faculty’s lives?

Ms. V.: I do most of my battling in prayer and my dreams. It seems to be the realm where I can most directly come against dark forces because I don’t fight against flesh and blood but powers and principalities, against rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. I find that if you fight on the level that the enemy attacks you, there is a better chance of conquering Him. Since most of the weapons the Lord has given me are powerful in that realm, I can defeat the plans of the enemy before they bring trouble to youth in the natural realm.

Ms. Fox: This is so intriguing but we have run out of time. May we come back to continue?

Ms. V.: Absolutely!

Ms. Fox: Thank you.

This is Ryhan Fox with KUGO Radio and you have just witnessed our interview with our newest unsung Hero, Ms. V.


Speculative fiction

There is a thin line between the natural and the spiritual realm.
Ms. V., a humble servant of the Lord, has been placed on assignment at Center of Hope Christian Academy.

By day, she serves as a trusted counselor for students, giving them a safe haven to pour out their innermost feelings while providing professional and honest truth wrapped in a firm kindness and love that inevitably draws them closer to Jesus. Not to be outdone, the faculty also bends her ear from time to time.

By night, Ms. V. enters the spiritual realm and takes her place on the battlefield as one of God’s faithful prayer warriors. She wields her whispering sword, slicing through the enemy’s plans to bind the precious hearts under her charge.
Her assignment’s burden on her physical body is taxing, but can she withstand the strain and remain victorious?
Saving souls is her true mission, but at what cost?

Readers are in for a journey of spiritual intrigue and biblical insight as they experience the ramifications of each character’s life-altering decision.



The mist settling over the earth was about five inches high. It nearly obscured the ground in front of her as far as her eyes could see. She was reminded of mud-covered battlefields with little to shield one from enemy fire. 

The clouds hung low, making the whole scene look like something out of an apocalyptic dream. The fallow ground before her was vast. It was a wasteland, offering only the promise that nothing would ever grow there again. The desolation could have gone on forever, except for the demonic presence that lined itself up like a dirty barrier of windows used to dim and conceal what was on the other side.

She felt them, though. She felt each and every one of the children held in bondage on the other side of that transparent demonic force. The thought brought to mind a scripture, and she looked down at the writing on the sword in her hand. She could have spent time thinking about how odd it was that she didn’t remember taking a sword with her, but there were more pressing matters, and she was happy to have the weapon to wield.

She began reading the inscribed scripture out loud, her voice ringing across the barren land slick with mud. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,” 

As the words left her lips, they solidified in the atmosphere, charging toward their mark like a spear. They reached the barrier, causing it to shift and ripple but not tear.


D. “Tina” Batten is a loving mother, wife, sister, daughter and Mima to her grandchildren. She is a gifted visual storyteller who is passionate about bringing encouraging messages of inspiration and hope to the world.

Tina Batten, a writer for over eighteen years of various dramatic works of performing art via stage, and film, encompasses unique ways of creating fascinating story concepts that touch the heart of most who view or read her work. She is both honored and thrilled to have teamed up with long-time friend, sister in the gospel and co-author Tracy on this phenomenal collaborative book project. With such a humble heart and desire to bring people together in love and unity, Tina Batten will continue her work as a visual storyteller spreading the good news of Jesus Christ one project after the other. 

As Always, D. “Tina” Batten gives God All the Glory!

You can find her at the following social media platforms:


Facebook Page:

FB: Tina Batten Profile:



Subscribe to Sister Batten YouTube Channel

Walking in the Spirit Trailer

If Not For The LORD, Where Would I Be? Delicious Episode Trailer

Traci Wooden-Carlisle

Traci Wooden-Carlisle began writing to publish in 2011 and enjoys writing stories that provoke thought and evoke emotions. Her desire is to draw readers into the lives of her characters and share messages of God’s love, His faithfulness and peace. The messages in her books speak to her way before they speak to her readers.

Traci lives in San Diego with her husband, David. When she isn’t writing she does some light traveling or assists people with their physical fitness, creates graphics, designs pretty things for her jewelry business and swag for authors. 

You can find her on the following social media platforms.










Book Video:



Traci Wooden-Carlisle and D. Tina Batten will be awarding $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.