
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Blurb Blitz: Descendants of Atlantis by Courtney Davis



Courtney Davis


Fantasy Romance


Sorcha is a descendant of the Atlantean people, a race of humans who were once the blood slaves of the vampires of Atlantis. She grew up knowing that the vampires were enemies, the werewolves were beasts, and the witches were their friends. When she starts to question the situation her clan has been put into with the witches, a vampire who haunts her erotic dreams comes to the rescue. Samson didn't grow up in Atlantis and didn't choose to become a vampire. He hates what he has to do to survive, and can't imagine ever deserving love. When he finds a Descendant of Atlantis near death and nurses her back to health, he expects her to run at the first opportunity. When she offers him her willing body, he knows he would do anything to keep her, and that means hiding his monstrous side. But you can't love someone if you're hiding part of yourself. One look at Samson and Sorcha knows she erased him from her memory on purpose, but why? What could he have done to make her risk such a dangerous spell? With battle on the horizon and Descendants in trouble, will Sorcha's memories be the end of any chance at Samson's happiness, or will it lead to a new understanding of what these monsters really are?



Ian stood in shadow outside the museum where there were too many people for him to risk getting close. He couldn’t tell what was happening inside, but he watched and waited. Did this have to do with Norgis? What had he done in there and why was she here now? Had something been taken? Had Norgis found something that he could use to further whatever plan he had? Norgis with a plan, that didn’t feel right. Ian worried, not for the first time, that Norgis had help, that he was working as someone else’s dumb muscle. That would make him harder to track and take down. Of all the monsters housed in the bowels of Atlantis, Norgis had one of the simplest minds. Easy to control and powerful, but to come up with this on his own was unlikely. Had one of his men helped the monster escape?   

Ian had so many questions and it irked him to not be in the know, it was a new experience for him.  

The only comfort was that she would not leave without him knowing. It was many hours until sunrise and he doubted she would stay that long; humans were not nocturnal creatures. And when she returned home, he wouldn’t let a locked door keep him from her, that he vowed.  

Excerpt Two:

He was nearly done, washing her other leg when his hands stilled on her upper thigh, his fingers tracing around a small brown mark, it was a circle with a triangle inside and a bolt of lightning crossing both.  

The symbol of Atlantis.  

Ian straightened and backed away, staring down at her in disbelief. He inhaled then with intention, searching through the scent of her blood, past the scent of Norgis, the other vampires who lived here and himself. He found what he was looking for, deeply rooted in the core of what she was, a Descendant of Atlantis. His eyes shot to her face, and he wished more than ever that she would wake, that he could demand answers from her. Why was she here and did she know what she was? 

Beltar must have smelled it on her, Samson too, that is what had given them pause. This changed everything, and yet, nothing. He quickly covered her with a blanket and took the soiled rags and bloody water from the room. She was his and it almost made more sense to him now why he was so inexplicably drawn to her. She was always meant to be his.   

Excerpt Three:

“Don’t worry, I’m the biggest predator in this ocean,” he grinned and flashed his fangs.  

It should have scared her she supposed, but all it did was make her tingle with anticipation. What was wrong with her?  

He pushed the boat back toward land, then pulled her in for a kiss, seeming to have no trouble staying afloat. She felt a rise of panic as the boat drifted away.  

“Katherine, I will always keep you safe,” he promised and took her hand. “Now, follow me, we will swim fast and hard, straight down. The vortex will start to pull and when it does, things will go fast.” 

“You won’t let go of me?” 

“Of course not,” he promised. “Now, take a deep breath.” 

She did, and then they were underwater and against every instinct, she was letting him drag her down toward the bottom. Soon her lungs began to burn, and panic swelled and just when she thought the panic might be too much, she felt a pull all over her body, a push behind her and a sucking in front. She was thrown through the water so fast she couldn’t have stopped it if she’d wanted to. She stopped swimming and clung to Ian’s arm with both hands. Her mind started to fuzz, she was desperate for air, and she was sure he was wrong.


Courtney Davis is an author of urban fantasy/paranormal/supernatural fiction with a little romance and humor thrown in. She loves creating worlds and exploring human, and inhuman, interaction. She lives in North Idaho with her husband and children where she teaches and enjoys time spent relaxing in the summer sun and winters by the fire. She has always had an affinity for reading and writing and a goal to make a career of it. There is no greater joy than to know her words took a reader out of reality for a time and into another world.

















Courtney Davis is awarding a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.


  1. Thank you for being a stop on my tour!

  2. The cover is pretty. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you! I am so in love with the covers on this trilogy too.

  3. Replies
    1. Not including babysitting/nannying I worked at a casino as a Tech
