Thursday, February 29, 2024

NBTM Virtual Tour: Our Lives in Between by Billie Kowalewski



by Billie Kowalewski

Do you ever wish you were someone else? Who?

Not really. I love being me.

What did you do on your last birthday?

Published Our Lives In Between and then I had a big party to celebrate it. A band played and there was a ton of food and cake of course. It was a blast! I danced the whole night.

What part of the writing process do you dread?

The synopsis. I hate writing those. Trying to sum up your whole book in this enticing way is next to impossible. Or so it feels. Writers get through it. But not without a lot of whining and crying, and probably a bunch of profanities. No, wait, that’s all me. 

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?

I do occasionally suffer from writer’s block. Sometimes, I like to cook really detailed recipes. Concentrating on something like that often helps me figure out what I need too. Other times, I drive. Sometimes it’s the school bus. Sometimes, it’s my own car. Whatever the case, the faster I am moving the better my mind can focus. 

Tell us about your latest release.

“Our Lives In between” is a soul mate love story that is set in the afterlife.

A barrier put in place at birth is what keeps us from remembering the world we came from. Harmony has discovered a way around it. Harmony believes that if she concentrates hard enough before she goes to Earth, she can manifest anything she wants in her life on Earth. Sadly, her classmates do not believe this is possible. So, one of her classmates named Kaleb offers to help test her theory by trying to find each other once they are on Earth. She accepts the challenge. Problems soon arise though, because each time they attempt this and they find each other on Earth they end up killing each other, ending their lives earlier than planned. Consequences can arise from dying early, they lose progress points and a soul's consciousness can be lost forever.

Young Adult Fantasy

It had been five years since the accident that derailed Veronica’s life, which left her suffering from a strange flu-like illness ever since. Thanks to a barrier set in her mind at birth, she can’t remember her name is Harmony and that this is not her real life. She has no memory of the many lives she had lived before this one and how several of those lives had been cut short. How she must uncover the reason why those lives had ended so early, and how this moment may hold the key, or she risks losing herself and Earth forever.

As Harmony, she wants to uncover the reason why her lives keep ending so soon. As Veronica, she wonders how much longer she has to live like this? What could possibly be left for her? Little did she know, she was about to get her answers...

Buy the book for only $0.99




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My world is your world—only you can’t remember any of it. A barrier exists between what you think is real and what you know to be. It had been put in place during the transition into the world you currently know and will be removed upon your return.

In other words, this is not your real life.

My name is Harmony, and I am going to let you in on a little secret. I am a student at the biggest, most famous school ever known. And so are you! It’s called Earth.

Yep. Earth is a school. Are you shocked? If you are, it’s okay. That is the most common and expected reaction to this news. I will give you a moment to let that sink in…

Just kidding! Based on the fact you’ve chosen to read this; I am going to bet that you’re a lot like me. You’re probably fine, and not shocked by this at all. If you do, however, find this news to be at all surprising, perhaps it would be best if you stopped here. This story may not be for everyone, and I am not looking to upset anyone’s beliefs. Our extreme diversity is an important part of what makes us who we are. So, this may be where we will agree to disagree and possibly part ways. Hopefully as friends.

For everyone else, I will move on.

Yes, life is about learning, and Earth is our school. I’m sure you have heard someone on Earth say this before. I know when I am there, I hear this often. Some people know, but it’s not because they remember it is. They know because people cannot get through a single day there without learning something, somehow. On Earth, learning is unavoidable.

Billie Kowalewski grew up in a small town along the Connecticut shoreline. She’s always had a wild imagination and spent her childhood dreaming up stories. This would often lead her to the library or whatever bookstore where she would be combing the shelves for books that closely resembled what was in her head at the time. A lot of the time she would come close and would be satisfied with what she found. However, there was always this one story she could never find. It was in 2010 that she decided to write it herself. In whatever spare time she has left, she enjoys listening to pretty much anything that rocks, like 80's hair bands, metal, etc. She also has a gift for finding the strangest movies and shows ever (according to her children) and loves spending time with her family.

One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $25 Amazon/ gift card.


  1. What part of book did you enjoy writing the most, and which part was particularly difficult?

    1. One of the parts I enjoyed writing was when Harmony was Rachel Ellis. I have a unique sense of humor and I laughed pretty hard while writing that 😇. The hardest part to write, I must say was the first chapter when she is Veronica Edwards. Writing a one sided conversation like that and make it read well was no easy task.

  2. I enjoyed the excerpt and post. Sounds like a good book.

    1. If you decide to take the chance on reading it, I look forward to hearing what you think about it. 💖

  3. I love the cover art, synopsis and excerpt, Our Lives in Between sounds like a must read for my teen-aged grandchildren and I. Thank you for sharing your interview, bio and the book details and for offering a giveaway

  4. This looks really good. Thanks for sharing.


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