
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Realtionsh*t Virtual Book Tour


A Practical Guide to Stepping Out of Fear, Navigating Big Relationship Change, and Living Your Best Life

Relationships, Self-Help

Date Published: September 2023



All the sh*t you need to know about getting a divorce, packed into one little book.


BONUS: There’s no screaming, fighting, spending days or weeks in a courtroom, or blowing thousands of dollars on attorneys. And spoiler alert: this one has a happy ending.


* The tools you need to get you through the divorce process and beyond.

* How to tell your partner (and your kids), “I want a divorce.”

* How to find an attorney that’s right for you.

* An alternative path to making a divorce happen—without burning down the house!

* How to keep respecting and supporting each other, up to the very end.

* And so much more sh*t . . .

RELATIONSH*T is your guide to the divorce you’ve never heard of. Big change doesn’t have to be so hard. Your courage is the only path to your dreams. So set aside the fear, pick up this book, and walk toward your dream life.

Through years of therapy, a loving support group of girlfriends, and her own intuition, Brooke Box blazed a new trail through the divorce process. After 20 years of marriage, Brooke found the courage to end it. Instead of going the traditional route of divorce, she and her spouse forged a new path. This book is your guide to getting through the divorce process with love and respect—and, if you’re lucky, just one attorney.

This is Brooke’s story of finally releasing the fear and walking toward her best life. Let her story be your own guide to a more exciting, fulfilling life!

Divorce doesn’t have to mean war.

Two people can break up AND divide up their lives amicably.

And YOU have the courage within you to make this major relationship change.

About the Author

Brooke Box is a proud survivor of an amicable divorce. Based on her divorce experience and the advice of many friends, colleagues, and even strangers, she’s written Relationsh*t to assist people going through one of the most difficult life changes. She attributes her divorce success in part to a decades-long love affair with personal growth and development. She is a huge fan of therapy.

Brooke’s approach to life is honest, direct, and straightforward, and this book is no different. Brooke takes her experience and outlines an alternative approach to divorce that will empower and motivate her readers. Brooke believes we all deserve a life of our dreams and that we have the potential to create that life ourselves. That’s why she wrote this book and is dedicated to creating a community where people know they’re not alone, where they can get unstuck, release the fear, and start building the lives they’ve always dreamed of.

Before writing this book, Brooke enjoyed a successful sales career in a variety of industries such as tech, music, fashion, and sports. She loves to travel, is a french fry connoisseur, and will stop anywhere for a margarita. You can find Brooke in Texas, typically surrounded by family and friends.

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