
Thursday, June 27, 2024




Aly Mennuti


Contemporary Women's Romance


Elizabeth Sunderland—a forty-three-year-old wife and mother of two teenagers—is the oldest of five children in a blended family that never quite blended. The only thing that has held them together is the iron will of their wealthy parents: Benjamin Sunderland, a venture capitalist, and Kate Bernard, a partner of a hedge fund. Together, Benjamin and Kate create and rule over a Manhattan dynasty of which their children each bear their own unique scars.

Elizabeth has been trying to keep the family together since she was ten years old, hoping to convince everyone they have more in common than just their fortune. This stance will be put to the ultimate test when Kate dies with one final request: that the family travel together to the island of St. John and spread her ashes in the ocean. However, Kate’s plan to fix the family will involve more than just a family trip to the sea.

As the hidden secrets and quiet betrayals built up over thirty years begin to ripple and crash like the ocean surrounding the sinking family, Elizabeth not only faces each of her sibling’s personal inflection points—moments that could lead to reconciliation or ruin—but she has to face her own demons that have laid dormant. What happens next will shock Elizabeth into recognizing a reality she had no idea existed.



“Dad,” I say, tapping him on the shoulder. “I wanted to ask you something while we’re still alone.” 

“What?” he answers, already annoyed before the question passes my lips. 

“Did Kate give you any kind of…reason why she wanted us to come here?” 

“Elizabeth,” he says. “I told you. She wanted her ashes spread.” 

“But I mean…why? Why would she even want to do that? Why wouldn’t she want an actual funeral? Why wouldn’t she want everyone to be there to say goodbye.” 

“I can’t answer that for her,” he says. “But maybe she can.” 

“How?” I say, more lost than before. “Can you for one second stop being cryptic?” 

“She left us all a video to watch together.” He takes his eyes off the path for a second, looks back to see my reaction. “That’s where we’re headed now.”


Aly Mennuti has always had two passions: philanthropy and literature. She satisfied one of those by being an executive at an international nonprofit consulting firm and has helped a diverse range of high-profile clients reach their philanthropic goals. 

However, she's always had a desire to express herself creatively and carve out her own role as a writer in a writing family. Finally, upon turning 40 (and with two children hitting their teens and deciding Mom is really uncool and not needed to hang out with anymore) she had the time and head space, to tell her first story. 

Broken Fortune is her second novel. She lives in Washington, DC with her husband, Nicholas Mennuti, a novelist and screenwriter and their two children, Charlie and Lilly.



Aly Mennuti will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.

Peculiar People and the Pets Who Love Them Virtual Book Tour




Date Published: May 23, 2024

Publisher: BookBaby


"Peculiar People and the Pets Who Love Them"…lovingly written and illustrated by Justin Moroyan, is a darkly-whimsical and addictively-humorous picture book that tells the stories of fantastically weird people and their equally strange and adoring pets

These stories revolve around characters who are gloriously abnormal. They embrace that attribute, and don't shy away from being their unique, spectacular selves. Like Madam Rosette and her poodle, Josette, who only enjoy "bad" smells…or Samurai Megasaki, who is addicted to water but also allergic to it. Each spread welcomes you into wondrous, stunningly detailed, vibrant illustrations, and stories that are guaranteed to capture your imagination and tickle your grey matter. Each time you explore it, you'll discover new secrets and symbolism that delve you deeper into captivating worlds you will inexorably fall in love with.

About the Author

I'm an illustrator and writer, and I've always loved expressing myself on paper...the ability to work within a space where I can make anything happen has always been a form of therapy for me. It's one of the reasons I love the Fantasy and Sci-Fi genres so much.

"That's the wonderful thing about crayons. They can take you to more places than a starship." (Guinan, Star Trek: The Next Generation)

I share an affinity for dark humor with some of my atypical real-life superheroes, like Tim Burton, Charles Addams, Edward Gorey, and Wes Anderson. Of course, I can't leave out the wondrously enchanting worlds created by Dr. Seuss and Disney, which fertilized my drive to invent worlds of my very own growing up, and still, to this day.

I tend to gravitate towards humorous stories about social ineptitude, mad science, the supernatural, and wonderfully addictive, perfectly imperfect, B-movie-like humor and exaggerated characters. I love diving down the rabbit hole of my mind and exploring strange new worlds.

"All we can do, Scully, is pull the thread and see what it unravels." (Fox Mulder, The X-Files) --This text refers to the paperback edition.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

✱✱Book Review✱✱ Show 'Em How by Jami Davenport


Show ’em How by Jami Davenport is book 2 in the Bang Brothers Hockey series

Meet the Bang Brothers—five hot hockey-playing brothers who are allergic to commitment.
The brothers are about to face off against their newly-retired mother…who suddenly has plenty of time to play matchmaker. Add in their baby sister and some secret dating, a single dad, an accidental pregnancy, a marriage of convenience, and a wrong bed—or two—and these siblings are not going to know what hit them!

I'm a professional hockey player and a single dad with two rambunctious five-year-olds. My boys have driven away every nanny that's stepped foot in our house--except one--the one I don't want to keep, but they do. Tatted and pierced Gardenia Bliss is everything I dislike in a nanny and woman. She's a mouthy whirlwind, an obsessive recycler, a buyer of organic only food, and a lover of loud music. She's disrupted my household and destroyed my comfortable routine with her spontaneity. I want her gone, but I also want her naked, which is all kinds of messed up.

My plans to send her packing are thwarted by a road trip and no other options available. By the time I return, she's completely entrenched herself in my house, my life, and my dirty thoughts. She has to go, but I haven't found a way to extract the boys from her clutches. They adore her.

Then my meddling, matchmaking mom shows up for the holidays and enlists Gardenia to help her find the perfect woman for me. The two of them are forces of nature I'm powerless to combat. They'll never know the truth--I don't want those other women. I want Gardenia, but I can't have her. She's all wrong for my boys and me, but tell that to my stupid heart.

Bang Brothers Hockey Series Titles:
  • 1--6/11/2024– Lace ’em Up by Elise Faber
  • 2--6/25/2024–Show ’em How by Jami Davenport
  • 3--7/9/2024–Hit ’em Hard by Kat Mizera
  • 4--7/23/2024–Lock ’em Down by Gina Azzi
  • 5--8/6/2024–Light ’em Up by Kelly Jamieson
  • 6--8/20/2024–Hook ’em Hard by Cathryn Fox

Momma Says: 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐
Another great couple in the Bang Brothers Hockey series. Jami Davenport brings us Jakob and Gardenia in a nanny romance. The chemistry is so good between them, and they're both easy to like and root for. There's also a set of twins who steal the show quite often.
I love how each book starts with a letter and one momma's determination to see her boys in healthy, happy relationships.  So far, the books have been pretty light-hearted. This one has just a bit of angst for that big aha moment. It's also got lots of tension (the good kind) and plenty of feels (also the good kind).                                                                                    

Let's Run Our Schools Together Virtual Book Tour



Date Published: 01-05-2024



Are you frustrated about the way schools may be run today? Will your child or grandchild be entering school soon?How do we help teachers help students in public schools do their best? And why does it "take a village" to raise a child? Learn about education ideas and helping the future with this book, including if you want to run for school board. Written in a down-to-earth style with answers you need in each chapter.



About the Author

Ms. D. J. Mathews has been the wife of a teacher, taken education classes, and taught logic and writing for several years at Radford University. A mother of 3 sons, her spouse experienced big job issues while teaching in a poorly run school system. This inspired Ms. Mathews to write an informative book, a slim book with a chapter on each member of the education community -- teachers, parents, principals, students, school board members -- and how they can all work better together. She is also a Master naturalist member.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Book Blast: Playtime Clothes by Kim MacLean

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kim MacLean will award a randomly drawn winner a $15 Amazon/BN gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The young boy's room is an undeniable mess. Did he actually clean his room, as he is telling his mom? Or do his clothes come to life and play?! They are, after all, playtime clothes. Is he learning a lesson to tell the truth and be accountable, as we all do in life? Or is it a world of make believe? It is for you to enjoy while you decide.

About the Author: Kim MacLean was inspired to be creative while she and her little girls made their own fun inside their home on long, cold winter days. Her girls sat for hours painting and gluing crafts into works of art on paper. Oh, the rows and rows of finished masterpieces drying on the floor while Kim sat and wrote! And there were the hundreds of books that they read and enjoyed together that further inspired creativity and an adult love of children's books!

Tia Bates is an artist, illustrator, and storyteller from London, Ontario. She is inspired by the beautiful illustrations she grew up looking at in children's books just like Playtime Clothes, the first children's book she has illustrated! Currently pursuing a master's degree in fine art, Tia's personal artwork is all about the stories we tell.

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Blurb Blitz: A Troubled Heart by Tricia McGill


Tricia McGill


Historical Romance


Unsure of his real past or name, Finn O’Connor thinks he was born in Ireland and taken from his mother as a baby by a gypsy woman. As a toddler, an English woman then took him to London. About ten he fled to join a gang of boys who survived by their wits on the streets. Five years later, he was arrested for a minor crime and transported to The Colony of New South Wales for a 10-year term. In 1846 as transporting of criminals neared an end in NSW, he was moved to the infamous penitentiary at Port Arthur in Van Diemen’s Land.

On the day Finn received his papers of freedom an accidental meeting brought him into contact with 20-year-old Esther Blythe. Born in Surrey, England, genteel Esther is kind and caring. As a 4-year-old her parents brought her to Van Diemen’s Land where her Papa, a doctor, took on the task of providing medical aid to the prisoners at the Port Arthur penitentiary and its surrounding area. Sadly, both parents were killed in an accident, leaving Esther with no option but to work as a governess/nursemaid.

For reasons that even she did not comprehend, Esther took ex-convict Finn under her wing when they met outside the penitentiary hospital. Could be she saw a fellow lonely soul who simply wanted someone to have faith in him. Life seems to take a turn for perhaps the better from then on, but will these two lonely people overcome many obstacles to find the happiness they seek together as they face an uncertain future.  



Through a haze he could hear a voice somewhere above him, and although vaguely aware that someone had called his name all else was lost in pain. The sweat on his face began to sizzle with the heat—or so it seemed. As he opened his eyes a fraction of this sweat ran into their corners and began to sting as if boiling his eyeballs to add to the sawdust already there, or perhaps it was blood.

“Hang on Finn, yer silly bugger, they’ve gone to fetch ‘elp.” The speaker then disappeared and Finn tried to move, but he had to grit his teeth as a searing pain shot through his shoulder and down his arm.

Heaven knew, he’d had his share of agony and discomfort since coming to this godawful place, but this topped it for certain. To take his mind off it he tried to think of better moments in his life, but they were sparce, far back and almost all lost in time.

A sudden movement beside him in the sawpit alerted him that someone had jumped into the pit and was now leaning over him in the narrow space. “Well, here’s a fine mess you’ve got yourself into young fellow,” a kindly voice said. “How in heaven did you manage to do this to yourself? They said you was the top man, so how come you ended up down here amid the sawdust and dirt?” Patting Finn on the unhurt shoulder, he added, “I’m what’s the nearest to what can be called a doctor here today, they call me Johnson.”

Finn squinted up to see that this Johnson was not a lot older than himself, and was likely nearing his thirtieth year. His mop of unruly hair drooped over his forehead as he began to use a knife to hack his way through Finn’s shirt sleeve, and Finn gritted his teeth as the pain seemed to worsen. To add to his injury was the knowledge that he’d done this damage by his own foolishness. If he hadn’t been larking about as usual to show how handy he was with his fists, none of this would have come about. Never one to shirk from a fight, when the big oaf they called Bear started to taunt him, of course he could not back down from the inevitable.

“You’ve lost a small amount of blood from your forehead, but as far as I can see it’s just where you caught the log on your way down.” Turning to rummage about in a small bag he had at his side this Johnson fellow produced a piece of rag and then began to wipe away at the blood. “I fear the problem with your arm could be a lot worse—probably broken.” The searing pain when he moved that arm made Finn flinch and Johnson apologised. “It’s as I expected, we’ll have to get you off to the infirmary.” Patting Finn’s shoulder he said with a small laugh, “This’ll stop you fighting for a while,” then apologised again, adding, “Sorry, my attempt at humour.”

As another shape appeared above him Finn recognised it as his Scottish working mate Spence who then dropped down to stand at his side opposite the man tending him. “We’ll have to haul you up, matey, so grit yer teeth, eh?” Finn’s teeth ached already with the gritting. “How the bloody hell you managed to get yourself in this mess, I can’t work out. It’s not as if you don’t know how to look after yourself. Mucking about never did you any good, and if I told you once I told you a million times, stick to the rules.”

“’Twas that big oaf Bear, if he hadn’t delivered that mighty punch that knocked me sideways and down here, I would have beaten him to next week. Doc here says it’s not that bad—that’s right isn’t it, doc?” Finn grimaced as he tried to push himself up onto his good elbow.

“Well, honestly, I’ve seen many worse. You were unfortunate that you didn’t pick a more suitable spot for your match.”

Someone up above then tossed a rope down, ordering, “Tie it round his shoulders, Spence, and we’ll haul him up.”

Finn had a feeling he might have passed out as he was dragged up out of the pit, only just being squeezed past the huge log that they had been in the process of sawing through when the accident happened. “Guess it could have been worse, matey—if the log had fallen in on top of yer,” one of the haulers said as they lay him down beside the pit. 

This cheerful observation accompanied by a chuckle did nothing to ease the guilt Finn felt. If they had been working on this one for longer and had cut further through it, the log would have fallen onto Spence, and his mate would not now be alive and kicking. He could only offer thanks that they had only started sawing a short time before his silly argument with Bear. Cursing his idiocy for allowing the big idiot to stir him so, he vowed never to be so daft next time.

As Johnson gave orders for Finn to be assisted to the small cart that stood a short distance away, Finn saw Bear standing some distance back laughing his stupid head off and Finn knew his vow would never be kept.


Award winning author Tricia McGill was born in London, England, and moved to Australia many years ago, settling near

Melbourne. Horses and dogs feature largely in her books. She’s had a succession of dogs in her lifetime and a few horses along the way.

The youngest in a large, loving family she was never lonely or alone. Surrounded by avid readers, who encouraged her to read from an early age, is it any wonder she became a writer? The local library was a treasure trove and magical world of discovery through her childhood and growing years. Tricia is a dreamerwho still dreams every night; snippets from those dreams have translated into ideas for her books.

Although her published works cross sub-genres, romance is always at their heart. Tricia finds the research entailed in writing historicals and her other great passion, time-travels, fascinating.

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Tricia McGill will award a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

✱✱Audio Book Review✱✱ Flyball by Lisa Suzanne


Vegas Heat: The Expansion Team, Book 3
By: Lisa Suzanne
Narrated by: Aiden Snow & Stephanie Rose

Fighting against our relationship turns into keeping it a secret… most importantly from her father.

At first, it's fun sneaking around, but then it feels like every time we're close to coming clean, something happens to stop us.

Then, life takes another detour as the reminder that life is short plows into me.

It's moments like these that make me think long and hard about the future. For the first time, the twelve years between us start to have some meaning as I wonder whether I'm robbing her of the future she deserves.

Just like all flyballs, all this is going to come crashing down to the ground.

Flyball is the third book in the Vegas Heat: The Expansion Team series, which must be listened to in order.

Momma Says: 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

And the hits just keep coming! Things may be more dramatic than IRL, but I like that the drama doesn't get a sunshine and rainbows easy fix. That's not to say that I want all this drama for Cooper and Gabby, but if we're gonna have it, I want the characters to work for their HEA - and boy, do these characters have to work for it. That said, I'm not sure my heart can take these cliffies! We're three books in, and you'd think I would learn to expect a whammy, but Lisa Suzanne gets me every time! This author takes the meaning of "cliffhanger" to heart when she pulls the ground from under us.
Aiden Snow and Stephanie Rose continue to do a wonderful job with the narration. They add that little something extra to the story, in my opinion, and the combination of writing and narration is terrific.
Rather than enter spoiler territory, I'll just say that book 3 leaves us holding our breath, waiting to see where things go from here for Gabby and Cooper. 

Beyond the Lies Virtual Book Tour


Date Published: March 26, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media


Dr. D'Andrea has conducted the most comprehensive, multidimensional, mental health, and human development study of the adverse impact of Trumpism, Trump supporters, and the Trump cult that has been done in the mental health professions. This includes research results and theories drawn from the fields of counseling, psychology, social psychology, psychiatry, political science, religious studies, and other related disciplines.

His newest book falls within the liberatory psycho-political perspectives described by many of the luminary giants in our nation's history. This includes but is not limited to the teachings of Dr. Cornel West, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. Eddie S. Glaude Jr., Reverand Dr. William Barber II, Naomi Klein, James Baldwin, Dr. Henry A. Giroux, Howard Zinn, and Dr. Noam Chomsky. Dr. D'Andrea's scholarly accomplishments (over 200 professional publications) and decades of social-political activism have resulted in his being referred to as the Noam Chomsky of the mental health professions in general and the counseling profession in particular.


Ann Cavanaugh-Smith, Member of the Social Justice Creations non-profit organization's Board of Directors

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Book Blast: Dungeon of Horrors by Hawk MacKinney

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. A randomly drawn winner will receive a $20 Amazon/BN GC. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The bank’s newest Trust Officer Terri Stanley prepares the requested department’s internal audit. Finding puzzling inconsistencies and a jumble of misappropriations and unexplained offshore accounts, she follows protocol and immediately punches in the listed number for the Executor-Trustee, Craige Ingram.

Wealthy land owner/parttime PI Craige Ingram reaches the file back to homicide Lt. Grayson MacGerald after finishing a quick read-through of the preliminary forensic report from Coroner Fred Dinkins on the unexpected death of bank President Royce Sedgewicke. Dinkins’ meticulous autopsy findings verify that a massive apparent heart attack was not from natural causes, confirming what these longtime SEAL buddies suspected.

When Ingram gets a call from Terri Stanley, the bank’s attractive, newly-hired Trust Officer, wanting to discuss in confidence possible account irregularities discovered during her audit, he never imagines the twisted world of money and greed that would involve a psychopath’s trail of bloody body parts strewn along Ingram's river property, or that Terri and her son would disappear.

Confronted by a race against time, Ingram fears that Terri might become one more on the list of dead who crossed a twisted mind bent on thrill-kills and retribution.

Read an Excerpt

Death is seldom dignified, even less so if it’s felony murder. There was no such thing, exSEAL-turned private investigator Craige Ingram believed, but he sometimes forgot how personal death could get. This time, however, it blind-sided a lot of people—including him.

For the annual charity event of the Silver Bluff Museum of Southron Art, the master of ceremonies grandious CEO Llewyn Royce Sedgewicke and PI Craige Howelle Graeme Roynane Ingram seldom moved in the same black tie social circle. Chances were slim to none that Royce Sedgewicke would’ve ever been invited to the sprawling riverfront domains that had once been Grannie Ingram’s dogtrot Moccasin Hollow that she left debt-free to her gran’son Craige.

Unlike his collection of mounted big game trophies along the walls of his profligate mancave, portly Royce Sedgewicke’s food-bespattered tuxedoed carcass stretched out like public roadkill amid the crash and smash of food, china, crystal and splayed floral pieces, and very dead. Last-breath gurgles clung around his gagging tongue as smart phones madly clicked, flooding social media before the emergency ambulance arrived. First edition headlines the next morning made big local news and an avid up-tick in morning papers. Purloined forensic photos of his corpse showing Sedgewicke’s swollen tongue and his bare overstuffed derrière grabbed a growing audience for more about his secretive lifestyle, squandering what little decorum he never had. That mess was bad enough. His passing sent more than a few local bigwigs scrambling to cover their backsides—and their offshore accounts.

Complications and felony murder cinched more-snug when Graysen MacGerald, head of Buckingham Parish Metro Law Enforcement, Investigative Support Team, paid an off-the-record visit to his grown-up-together SEAL Commanding Officer Craige `Peadinger’ Ingram. The death certificate said heart attack. It wasn’t.

About the Author

Internationally acclaimed author and public speaker, Hawk MacKinney began writing mysteries for his school newspapers. Following graduation, he served in the US Navy for over 20 years. While serving as a Navy Commander, he also had a career as a full-time faculty member at several major state medical facilities. He earned two postgraduate degrees with studies in languages and history and has taught postgraduate courses in both the United States and Jerusalem, Israel.

In addition to professional articles and texts on fetal and adult anatomy, Hawk has authored several novels that have received national and international recognition. Moccasin Trace, a historical novel, was nominated for the prestigious Michael Shaara Award for Excellence in Civil War Fiction and the Writers Notes Book Award.

Known for his terrifying suspense and unique “Southron” dialog, Hawk has published five novels in the Moccasin Hollow Mysteries: Hidden Chamber of Death, Westobou Gold, Curse of the Ancients, Dead Gold, and Blood of the Dragonfly.

In a change of direction, Hawk has also published three books in The Cairns of Sainctuarie science fiction series: The Bleikovat Event, Volume I; The Missing Planets, Volume II; and The Inanna Phantom, Volume III.

His latest work is a series called the Moccasin Trace Mysteries. Dungeon of Horrors is the first book in the series, and the second book – Blood in the Shadows – is in development.


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Monday, June 24, 2024

Bright Midnights by LS Delorme Virtual Book Tour

Bright Midnights
The Limerent Series 
Book Three
LS Delorme

Genre: Paranormal Romance, YA, Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Limerent Publishing
Date of Publication:  Oct 2023
Number of pages: 301
Word Count: 119000
Cover Artist: Brittany Wilson

Tagline: "In a world where viruses possess and dreams unlock new realms, a young girl must navigate love, danger, and her own dark powers to survive."

Book Description:

Most high school students find life challenging, but 17-year old Amelie has a lot more to contend with than typical teenage angst. Ever since she turned 11, others have been irresistibly, almost chemically, drawn to her-with tragic consequences. Her only escape is at night when she flies to different times and places through her "dreams". Her life begins to change when, on one of her flights, she meets Clovis, an alluring and mysterious young man who hides a secret.

As Amelie finds herself increasingly drawn to him, she learns his story, how it intertwines with her own and finally discovers how to live her life in the real world. Until her own secrets are revealed to the wrong people and that world turns upside down.


 “Everyone, could you pass your weekly journals forward,” Ms. Pryll announced. “And I think, perhaps, today I will pick a few of you to read your entries to the rest of the class. Ms. McCormick, you always have such interesting entries. How about we begin with you?”

Ms. Pryll motioned her forward. Ah, her eye rolling had been noticed. Amelie really wasn’t off to a good start today. On top of her intestinal grumbling, she was feeling the beginnings of a tension headache creeping up the back of her neck.

Just as she was standing up to assume the position at the front of the classroom, someone stumbled through the door. It was Hudson. He was slumping, holding on to the doorframe. Hudson wouldn’t be drawing attention to himself in normal circumstances. Something was wrong. Ms. Pryll was finally pulled from her flirting by the fact that the rest of the class was staring at the doorway. As they watched, Hudson slid down the doorframe into a huddled position.

“Now Mr. Crowe, please come in and sit down,” said Ms. Pryll, with exasperation.
Hudson managed to hold up a small blue object, before slumping forward.

“Dude’s been drinking?” Ryan laughed from the back.

Hudson tried one more time to raise his head and lift the thing in his hands. Everyone in the class just stared at him. The front of Amelie’s forehead suddenly exploded with images, and the lighted words from the cereal box this morning made sense.

Low. Sugar. Bad.

“He’s not drunk,” Amelie snapped. “That’s a glucose meter. He’s diabetic.”

Amelie dropped her notebook and ran to the door, falling to her knees beside Hudson. She had a vague notion that this hurt and she would be bruised later, before she grabbed Hudson’s head. She didn’t know if people in insulin shock had seizures or not, but that didn’t matter. She knew what to do. She had been told by something more reliable than memory. Low blood sugar was bad.

 What to do? Okay, Elodie had her phone. What else? Jack, he always ate breakfast at his desk. Today it was a bottle of orange juice. Thank god.

“Elodie, call 911—now! Jack, throw me your OJ,” Amelie snapped.

Jack just smirked at her, completely disengaged in the fact that another human being was in crisis. A wave of fury replaced the images in Amelie’s head, making everything around her look shiny, sharp, and red. The world began to move in slow motion. She turned, her eyes met Jack’s, and she let her well-constructed shields drop … just… drop. The energy that flowed out of her felt glorious.

“Jack, throw me your OJ, now,” she said, softly this time. She saw the shocked look on Jack’s face, but he immediately grabbed the OJ and tossed it to her. The chemical wave that seemed to be her birthright rolled over him, through him, past him and across the class … person by person, face by face.

About the Author: 

Lexy is the Author of the Limerent novel universe.  The first two books in this universe were Caio and Bright Midnights. They are two of the three foundation books of the Limerent Series, and as such can be read in any order. 

Bright Midnights was picked as an Editor’s Choice by Booklife and received a Golden Wizard award in the UK in the category of YA.  

Lexy has also been a travel writer and author of The Unofficial Guide to Disneyland Hong Kong and An Expat Mom’s Unofficial Guide to Disneyland Paris. She is an ex rock musician, ex science grad, recovering attorney and now an expat writer.  Her love of writing stems from an eclectic life.  As a navy brat, she grew up in various states across the U.S. until her father retired to North Carolina when she was a teenager.   

As an adult, she has continued this tumbleweed life, having since lived in 3 countries, 9 US States, and 21 cities around the world. But, through all this change, her love of writing has been the one constant. Writing the Limerent Series allows her to use her unusual past to help create new worlds.  

Lexy now lives in Paris with her husband and two very cool sons.  
“Writing fiction gives you a place where you can put all the attractions that you probably shouldn’t feel, all the thoughts you are afraid of saying out loud, and all the rage that you can’t vent because you would kill people.  While we live, these moments stay with us, but when we die, they die too. When you put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, you put these things out there in the world where they can be read by others.  This means that they have a life outside of you and outside of your own head, and that’s something that is really compelling to me. I like the idea that these amazing moments that I’ve had in life don’t disappear when I disappear.”  - LS Delorme 
“For me, writing is like therapy…just cheaper.  As most writers are not really individuals but a collection of individuals trying to find a way to live together in one brain, fiction allows them to make a home for all these people who live rent free inside their heads.  It’s also place that you can capture unique moments in life that impact you or that make you feel deeply.”  - LS Delorme