Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Nephilim's Fate by Eliza Hampstead Virtual Book Tour

 Guest Post

Thank you so much for having me as a guest! I’m excited to share my thoughts on why we need fierce female lead characters.

In today’s world, readers crave characters who are not only relatable but also inspiring. One of the most impactful ways to inspire, especially in genres like fantasy romance, is through creating fierce female lead characters—women who don’t just wait for someone to rescue them but actively shape their own destinies. In my writing, particularly in The Nephilim's Fate, I strive to create strong female characters who serve as role models for readers. These women fight for what they want, face immense challenges, and embrace their vulnerability while refusing to let the world dictate their futures.

Characteristics of Strong Female Characters

  1. Independence: A strong female lead is independent. She doesn’t rely on a man or anyone else to save her. Alissia, the protagonist of The Nephilim’s Fate, embodies this trait. As a scientist and a witch, she faces the challenge of discovering her powers and breaking an ancient rule that forbids her from being with the man she loves. She fights her own battles, both physically and emotionally, and this independence makes her a powerful role model.

  2. Emotional Vulnerability: Strength doesn’t mean emotional invincibility. A well-rounded female character can be vulnerable without being weak. In fact, vulnerability is part of what makes a character strong. Alissia’s emotional journey, including moments of doubt, fear, and sadness, reflects real life. It’s important to show readers that it’s okay to feel vulnerable—what matters is how a character responds to these emotions. Strong women can cry, be scared, or even feel lost at times, but they ultimately find a way to overcome their challenges.

  3. Accountability and Growth: One of the most harmful stereotypes in romance is that the male lead must always chase after the female lead and win her over, even when she’s in the wrong. This trope paints an unhealthy picture of relationships. In reality, everyone makes mistakes, and both parties in a relationship should be accountable for their actions. In my stories, including The Nephilim's Fate, I don’t support the idea that a woman can make a mistake and expect the man to fix everything. If a character does something wrong, she must own up to it, apologize, and grow from the experience. This teaches readers the value of accountability in relationships.

  4. Fighting for What She Wants: The world won’t hand you your dreams on a silver platter, and this is something I want to reflect in my characters. Alissia is a great example of this. She doesn’t sit around waiting for her fate to unfold—she actively pursues what she wants, defying ancient laws and discovering her magic along the way. She is her own hero, and she’s willing to fight for her dreams. This is an important lesson for readers, particularly young women: you are responsible for shaping your future, and the world won’t gift it to you.

Why It’s Important to Have Strong Female Leads

In literature, strong female leads play a crucial role in shaping the mindsets of readers, especially young women. Many stories show women being saved or needing external validation, but I want my readers to walk away from my books knowing they don’t need to wait for a hero—they can be the hero of their own stories. Life is full of challenges, and while it’s okay to lean on others for support, it’s essential to take control of one’s own destiny.

By creating characters like Alissia, I hope to inspire readers to embrace their power, fight for their dreams, and believe in their own strength, while understanding that vulnerability and growth are part of that journey.

In the end, writing strong female characters isn't just about creating women who are physically or mentally tough. It's about showing the complexity of human experience—women who can be strong, flawed, emotional, independent, and capable all at once. That’s the kind of role model I want to create, and the kind of character I hope will inspire readers for years to come.

She will find a way, even if it leads to a war between Heaven and Hell.

In the heart of London, Alissia's ordinary life takes a thrilling turn when she is attacked by bloodthirsty vampires. When Nate, the man she dreamed about for years, swoops in to save her, her reality shatters as she discovers a shocking truth: she's a witch, and he's a Nephilim. But their love is cursed, forbidden by ancient laws that threaten to tear their world apart.

As old rivalries resurface and dark secrets come to light, Alissia and Nate must confront their deepest fears and fight for their love, even if it means igniting a war between Heaven and Hell.

With unforgettable characters, steamy romance, and gripping plot twists, this captivating new fantasy series by award-winning author Eliza Hampstead delves into a world of angels and demons, forbidden love, and the inexorable power of fate.

If you crave the intensity of Shadowhunters with an added dose of spice, don't miss out on this spellbinding series!



Letting the magic come to me in the same way it had begun in the park, I smelled pine needles and mushrooms. At that moment, I wanted to push to get it deeper, but I forced myself to stay relaxed and let it flow through me while I told the plant how terrific it would be outside. Sun, water, and CO2 for photosynthesis, all were waiting for her if she would come out of the soil, and that my magic would help her grow faster, that she doesn’t have to wait any longer. The feeling of earth magic got stronger, and the inner picture before me was bathed in green. I said the words of the spell. After that, I focused again on the plant, imagining how the seed germinated, how the sprouting fought its way to the surface, how the seed leaves opened, sheeting the seed coat, and how the first leaves developed and opened.

Suddenly, I heard clapping. Losing my concentration, I opened my eyes. Umbra stood before me, a broad smile on her face.

“You did it!”

I frowned for a second before I looked down. The seedling stood before me, the seed coat next to it on the soil. Exactly how I had imagined it. I put my hand in front of my mouth, tears welling in my eyes.

“I did it. I did it!” I jumped up and down, clapping my hands. I was a real witch! I could do magic, after all! Full of joy, I embraced Umbra and circled her around while we both laughed.


About the Author

Award winning author Eliza Hampstead, a scientist by training, lives with her family in the UK. When she's not writing, she spends her time as a geek. Playing all sorts of games (board games, video games, RPGs) and being a big fan of medieval history are only a few of the many hobbies she has. Passionate about fantasy, she's always planning her next adventure.

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The author will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.


  1. Thank you for featuring Eliza Hampstead and THE NEPHILIM'S FATE today.

  2. This should be a very interesting novel. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks! I can’t wait for you to uncover the story’s secrets!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! I hope the story captivates you as much as the cover does!

  4. Thank you! I hope you’ll find the story quite engaging!


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